The universe as a sentient being

The universe as a sentient being



Original Poster:

482 posts

9 months

Sunday 23rd June
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''Consciousness can not simply be reduced to neural activity alone, researchers say. A novel study reports the dynamics of consciousness may be understood by a newly developed conceptual and mathematical framework.''

''As strange as it sounds, the conscious experience in our brain, cannot be found or reduced to some neural activity.''

''As a result, we can’t reduce the conscious experience of what we sense, feel and think to any brain activity. We can just find correlations to these experiences.''

''This mystery is known as the hard problem of consciousness. It is such a difficult problem that until a couple of decades ago only philosophers discussed it and even today, although we have made huge progress in our understanding of the neuroscientific basis of consciousness, still there is no adequate theory that explains what consciousness is and how to solve this hard problem.''


Original Poster:

482 posts

9 months

Sunday 23rd June
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DanL said:
Life didn’t come from rocks - what are you talking about? You keep bringing that up as if it means something.

I’m struggling to believe you’ve studied any science or STEM since whatever you were forced to do at school, given the nonsense written above. biggrin
''Researchers on the origin of life now conclude that rocks and minerals must have played key roles in virtually every phase of life’s emergence—they catalyzed the synthesis of key biomolecules; they selected, protected, and concentrated those molecules; they jump-started metabolism; and they may even have acted as life’s first genetic system.''

''Life and Rocks May Have Co-Evolved on Earth A Carnegie geologist makes the case that minerals have evolved over time and may have helped spark life''


Original Poster:

482 posts

9 months

Sunday 23rd June
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No I demonstrating the fact all you people who think you are intellectuals are basing your arguments on theories, deciding which theory is best and suits your own thinking.

I've never said I'm a intellectual, I obviously think differently to others, which I'm happy about.

Maybe this thread isn't for you if it makes you so upset thinking differently?


Original Poster:

482 posts

9 months

Monday 24th June
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Ken_Code said:
Nothing you have written is a scientific theory.

Learning what a theory is in science would be a decent use of your time.
All my theories have been taken from publications from scientists lol that was the whole point which seemed to have been missed by you and others

Newtonian mechanics is an accepted theory but doesn't actually work across all conditions.

Loads of scientific theories have been chucked on the rubbish dump,when found to be lacking or just false.

Edited by mickythefish on Monday 24th June 06:01


Original Poster:

482 posts

9 months

Monday 24th June
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otolith said:
How would you know that your will was free, and why does it matter?
We think we have free will, but in reality we are a modular system. The brain is competing between each modulars in decisions.

Some based on the chimp brain, some on reasoning and some on unreasoning. The image of ourselves, is in reality, a figment of imagination you create in your mind.