UFO Thread



17,101 posts

243 months

Wednesday 15th May
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annodomini2 said:
skwdenyer said:
...Even if it had not, the weight of the whole system made the idea hard to justify.
It was more that it would point to some gap in our understanding of physics, the practicality of the device, as it stood, was irrelevant.
There plenty of gaps in our understanding of physics, so I tend not to be as worried as some about that aspect smile


7,829 posts

228 months

Saturday 25th May
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zek said:

"The first point and the most important point is that these mummies are real. These have not been artificially assembled and we can see this when we look at the plain film X-rays and the CAT scans both conventional CAT scans and 3D CAT scans that have been done on several of these mummies."

"What you see here are the articular surfaces of these bones are so perfectly aligned and matched and even you can see the joint capsule are intact. So, you know, there's no way that this is an artificially assembled foot and ankle. This is all natural, all very real."

Worth a watch, considering there is a very good chance this is going to re-write history (in my opinion, of course).

Edited by zek on Tuesday 23 April 14:14
Well this has all gone very quiet.... I take it the DNA samples haven't come back as anything more interesting than "weird" !?... History not re written just yet then I suppose....

Edited by tuscaneer on Saturday 25th May 19:02


130 posts

5 months

Saturday 25th May
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tuscaneer said:
zek said:

"The first point and the most important point is that these mummies are real. These have not been artificially assembled and we can see this when we look at the plain film X-rays and the CAT scans both conventional CAT scans and 3D CAT scans that have been done on several of these mummies."

"What you see here are the articular surfaces of these bones are so perfectly aligned and matched and even you can see the joint capsule are intact. So, you know, there's no way that this is an artificially assembled foot and ankle. This is all natural, all very real."

Worth a watch, considering there is a very good chance this is going to re-write history (in my opinion, of course).

Edited by zek on Tuesday 23 April 14:14
Well this has all gone very quiet.... I take it the DNA samples haven't come back as anything more interesting than "weird" !?... History not re written just yet then I suppose....
As if it's ever going to come back as anything other than 'of terrestrial origin' smile


99 posts

161 months

Sunday 26th May
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tuscaneer said:
Well this has all gone very quiet.... I take it the DNA samples haven't come back as anything more interesting than "weird" !?... History not re written just yet then I suppose....

Edited by tuscaneer on Saturday 25th May 19:02
Here is a recent clip showing Dr. McDowell and team inspecting the hands of one of the later bodies with fluoroscopy and a microscope - both which show them to be completely intact and unmanipulated.


I'm not aware of any further DNA results, but I will keep you updated smile.


7,829 posts

228 months

Sunday 26th May
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That video (cracking picture quality by the way) is just a long drink of water. There's no actual substance to any of it


13,237 posts

168 months

Sunday 26th May
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tuscaneer said:
That video (cracking picture quality by the way) is just a long drink of water. There's no actual substance to any of it
Unfortunately this is the case with every single "proof" video I've watched. They really don't help themselves.


7,829 posts

228 months

Sunday 26th May
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Guvernator said:
tuscaneer said:
That video (cracking picture quality by the way) is just a long drink of water. There's no actual substance to any of it
Unfortunately this is the case with every single "proof" video I've watched. They really don't help themselves.
I genuinely don't understand how anyone can watch that and think " great, this will shut those rotters up in the UFO thread"... Unless this whole thread is some sort of mass trolling exercise by several comedians working as a team.


99 posts

161 months

Sunday 26th May
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tuscaneer said:
That video (cracking picture quality by the way) is just a long drink of water. There's no actual substance to any of it
Haha, yes unfortunately it's a crappy AI translation which has degraded the video quality.

Of course i'm not basing my opinion on a few sketchy videos like this, there is a ton of information available.

Also as a bonus (on the UFO topicsmile


Full interview:



7,829 posts

228 months

Sunday 26th May
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zek said:
tuscaneer said:
That video (cracking picture quality by the way) is just a long drink of water. There's no actual substance to any of it
Haha, yes unfortunately it's a crappy AI translation which has degraded the video quality.

Of course i'm not basing my opinion on a few sketchy videos like this, there is a ton of information available.

Also as a bonus (on the UFO topicsmile


Full interview:

Honestly pal, I've been overly generous with my time over this subject and been left underwhelmed at best with every single proof video that's been posted in this thread.

The AI translation hasn't degraded the quality of the content...which is dire.....

I'll not be watching those latest vids you've posted up but thanks anyway


99 posts

161 months

Monday 27th May
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Fair enough fella, I'm only presenting info as I see it, not forcing anyone to watch.

R.e. the last video it seems unlikely that we would have yet another high ranking military official come forward if there was zero substance to it?


130 posts

5 months

Monday 27th May
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zek said:
Fair enough fella, I'm only presenting info as I see it, not forcing anyone to watch.

R.e. the last video it seems unlikely that we would have yet another high ranking military official come forward if there was zero substance to it?
Please stop this peddling of nonsense on the Internet. I watched that video and turned off when the ex high ranking military official was asked what evidence he has or has seen to make him believe there are non human intelligences at work.

He said he had data.

He then said that the "data" was that other high ranking officials had come out and said the same thing as he is saying.


So no data at all then.

From 4:15 on that video if anyone wants to waste their time.

Sometimes I despair at the lack of critical thinking shown by people who are essentially conspiracy theorists.


99 posts

161 months

Monday 27th May
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I'm sorry if you think he would come to this conclusion without hard data and evidence (that's obviously classified etc) you are the one that lacks critical thinking.


7,829 posts

228 months

Monday 27th May
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Oh god....so I've gone and watched it now.... another attention we who's word we have to take because of his military credentials.....what a load of guff and hot air...again...


13,237 posts

168 months

Monday 27th May
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As you've said these videos are either someone trolling and having a good old laugh or someone using them to obfuscate some other truth.

There is no way anyone with even an ounce of critical thinking can watch them and think yes, at last, THIS is the proof that will change the world!

That in a nutshell is the crux of the whole matter. If there was one shred of actual solid proof, I'd be ALL over it. I WANT aliens to exist as I think it would be a fascinating development for the human race.

Unfortunately there is no real evidence and wishful thinking or flights of fancy won't magically will aliens into existence.

Stan the Bat

9,036 posts

215 months

Monday 27th May
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I dont bother watching any of these videos as I don't believe any aliens have ever visited Earth.


17,101 posts

243 months

Monday 27th May
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juliussneezer said:
zek said:
Fair enough fella, I'm only presenting info as I see it, not forcing anyone to watch.

R.e. the last video it seems unlikely that we would have yet another high ranking military official come forward if there was zero substance to it?
Please stop this peddling of nonsense on the Internet. I watched that video and turned off when the ex high ranking military official was asked what evidence he has or has seen to make him believe there are non human intelligences at work.

He said he had data.

He then said that the "data" was that other high ranking officials had come out and said the same thing as he is saying.


So no data at all then.

From 4:15 on that video if anyone wants to waste their time.

Sometimes I despair at the lack of critical thinking shown by people who are essentially conspiracy theorists.
Having watched the videos, it is important to note carefully his words, rather than the interviewer's words (or the words you hope he said).

amongst the things he does not say:

- we have been visited by aliens (he talks about models of physics that might make it possible);
- we are interacting with a higher intelligence (the interviewer repeatedly says higher; the speaker says non-human);
- we are interacting with an alien intelligence (he doesn't say it is a species or race, only a non-human intelligence);
- we have alien craft, or that we're reverse-engineering them.

In fact he's very careful to talk in terms of hypotheticals. The interviewer is awful in this and other regards - the speaker is simply not properly pinned-down on anything. It is a platform for him to speak, not an interview in any meaningful sense.

I've no doubt he's a well-credentialed man who believes what he's saying. But those with long memories might recall that Eric Laithwaite was convinced gyroscopes broke the laws of physics...

Fast and Spurious

1,406 posts

91 months

Monday 27th May
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130 posts

5 months

Tuesday 28th May
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zek said:
I'm sorry if you think he would come to this conclusion without hard data and evidence (that's obviously classified etc) you are the one that lacks critical thinking.
Do you understand what the word Data means?

Here, let me help you.

Can you show me the data that he says he has in that video clip?

Did him simply saying he had data convince you that he did actually have some - regardless of the facr that it was simply hearsay?

If I told you that I have pixies at the end of my garden and as evidence for that my neighbour says he too has them would you believe me?

Goodness me the Internet has a lot to answer for.

The OG Jester

185 posts

17 months

Tuesday 28th May
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I've been listening to the Weaponized podcast recently and it's actually made me believe less in UFO's. I'm pretty convinced now we've never been visited by an alien life form. 95% + of all sightings, reports, etc all from the USA? Surely we're all worth watching and not just the Americans?

Same for recovered craft and bodies, I'm just not buying it anymore.


15,998 posts

222 months

Tuesday 28th May
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The OG Jester said:
I've been listening to the Weaponized podcast recently and it's actually made me believe less in UFO's. I'm pretty convinced now we've never been visited by an alien life form. 95% + of all sightings, reports, etc all from the USA? Surely we're all worth watching and not just the Americans?

Same for recovered craft and bodies, I'm just not buying it anymore.
I've also watched some of those Weaponized podcasts, and they seem to talk mostly about stuff reported through US military as that's where their contacts are, as well as the well publicised US Congress hearings. It's mostly American shows producing UFO content, and American media, and Americans in general, are incredibly US-focussed. This always comes across when they talk about the UFO threat being one of 'national security', not global security. If aliens did invade we would all be in the st, not just Americans. There are plenty of reports out there from other countries, but they just don't get the same media coverage.

The other thing is that if you look at patterns of reports they often seem to be focussed around military and nuclear infrastructure, in which the US is the most prolific in the world so would attract the most attention if that's what they are looking for. The other biggest potential nations of interest, if you wanted to observe our military and nuclear capabilities, would be Russia and China, and they are very much more secretive about pretty much everything, so they are not going to publicise any UFO or alien stuff happening to them, if it is happening at all.