UFO Thread



2,867 posts

213 months

Monday 1st April
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99 posts

161 months

Saturday 6th April
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Fast and Spurious

1,423 posts

91 months

Saturday 6th April
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99 posts

161 months

Saturday 6th April
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Fast and Spurious said:
Possibly, but fun to follow smile


13,273 posts

168 months

Saturday 6th April
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Sigh, it's stupid crap like this that just muddies the water even more.


99 posts

161 months

Saturday 6th April
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Guvernator said:
Sigh, it's stupid crap like this that just muddies the water even more.
I get that looking at anatomy is beyond most peoples expertise, so I don't expect most to take this seriously, but i'm not sure a team of seemingly highly respected American medical professionals would have any interest at all in flying out to study them (unpaid) if this was the case?


10,885 posts

261 months

Saturday 6th April
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Guvernator said:
Sigh, it's stupid crap like this that just muddies the water even more.
Without proper investigation, it will remain stupid crap that muddies the water.

My take from the articles posted was that journalists and scientists (seemingly of some standing) are both pushing for them to be fully investigated:


marca website said:
During all this time, none of them have specified they believe these bodies are from a distant planet or extraterrestrial in nature. All they have been trying to do is give the alleged Nazca Mummies a proper chance of being investigated.
The bits and pieces posted on the other site look interesting (although the original items look like a sixth form art project someone I know did hehe ):

but I imagine that carbon dating would help confirm actual age of the objects and DNA analysis might yield some interesting results if they are not elaborate fakes.


7,829 posts

228 months

Saturday 6th April
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" Pregnant without egg means the hybrid mated with a full human"

This sort of post on the YouTube video just about sums up the mindset of all the lunatics hoovering this st up


2,867 posts

213 months

Saturday 6th April
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I thought the 1st was over and done for this year?


17,236 posts

243 months

Saturday 6th April
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Guvernator said:
Sigh, it's stupid crap like this that just muddies the water even more.
Scientifically speaking, why do you think this is “stupid crap”?


13,273 posts

168 months

Saturday 6th April
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skwdenyer said:
Scientifically speaking, why do you think this is “stupid crap”?
Because they will turn out to be fake.


10,885 posts

261 months

Saturday 6th April
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Guvernator said:
skwdenyer said:
Scientifically speaking, why do you think this is “stupid crap”?
Because they will turn out to be fake.
What 'should' alien bodies look like?

And what is the answer to the question above based on?


5,504 posts

58 months

Saturday 6th April
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RSTurboPaul said:
Guvernator said:
skwdenyer said:
Scientifically speaking, why do you think this is “stupid crap”?
Because they will turn out to be fake.
What 'should' alien bodies look like?

And what is the answer to the question above based on?
Black shiny beetly things with acid for blood... That mostly come out at night... Mostly.

I don't get the negativity towards this story.

If they're real... How cool and scary to not be alone in the universe.

If they're a fake... I've wasted 30 seconds reading about them. No big loss.


99 posts

161 months

Tuesday 9th April
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This is a brilliant, objective summary of why they are more likely real than not. It covers the common debunking arguments.

(it gets interesting from about 30 mins onwards).


53,387 posts

258 months

Tuesday 9th April
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Is there a summary of the summary?


143 posts

5 months

Tuesday 9th April
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Bill said:
Is there a summary of the summary?
Some of us could summarise it in one word for you I reckon. /


13,273 posts

168 months

Tuesday 9th April
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juliussneezer said:
Bill said:
Is there a summary of the summary?
Some of us could summarise it in one word for you I reckon. /

Edited by Guvernator on Tuesday 9th April 21:46


17,236 posts

243 months

Tuesday 9th April
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Guvernator said:
skwdenyer said:
Scientifically speaking, why do you think this is “stupid crap”?
Because they will turn out to be fake.
Ah, gotcha, what mathematicians call “proof by assumption.” Personally I prefer the scientific method, but I get that pre-Copernican approaches still have their devotees.


143 posts

5 months

Tuesday 9th April
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He's not wrong though.


13,273 posts

168 months

Tuesday 9th April
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skwdenyer said:
Ah, gotcha, what mathematicians call “proof by assumption.” Personally I prefer the scientific method, but I get that pre-Copernican approaches still have their devotees.
Hardly pre-Copernican considering the following.

1. Every single one of these previous so called finds has proven to be a hoax.

2. It seems very suspicious timing that someone has dug up "aliens" just as UFO fever is at it's highest it's been for decades.

3. The person who discovered the "aliens" has previous form for discovering aliens which later turned out to be fake.

Also since you mentioned it, the scientific method also dictates careful observation coupled with rigorous scepticism because cognitive functions can distort interpretation. That last part sounds a lot like what often happens in this thread. People interpret things the way they want because they want them to be true.

I'm an avid sci-fi reader and would love for us to find real aliens so I should be pre-disposed to lap this stuff up, however I'm also detached and sceptical enough to realise that is very very unlikely to actually happen.