UFO Thread



5,477 posts

58 months

Wednesday 19th May 2021
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Scabutz said:
I'm very cynical about this disclosure that is coming. It was attached as a rider to the covid relief bill, and they were given months to prepare what they had. Or months to shred/dispose of what they don't want to disclose. I'm not talking about little green men, but you know if the CIA had happened to hack the Chinese military and got the plans to the secret drones they won't want to be releasing that.

It will be a bunch of " we don't know", here's some grainy videos that may or may not show something.
Good cover though if one bit of the military has inadvertently caught another bit of it testing some of its new toys... Or there's a funding shortfall so some extra cash is needed to fight off LGM.


15,078 posts

172 months

Thursday 20th May 2021
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Is there an estimate of the “tic tac ufo” size?

I doubt the June release of info will be anything interesting. It’s not like we’ll know they’re actually releasing anything truthful hehe


3,687 posts

135 months

Thursday 20th May 2021
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What I find interesting is the Pentagon still has what is effectively a UFO investigation department... the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

What I find astounding is this department has a budget of $22m!!

Given that probably 99 percent of reported UFO siting's will be dismissed and disregarded immediately how can it possibly cost $22m to look in to the few that might just be credible enough to warrant further investigation?


27,428 posts

282 months

Thursday 20th May 2021
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mike74 said:
What I find interesting is the Pentagon still has what is effectively a UFO investigation department... the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

What I find astounding is this department has a budget of $22m!!

Given that probably 99 percent of reported UFO siting's will be dismissed and disregarded immediately how can it possibly cost $22m to look in to the few that might just be credible enough to warrant further investigation?
I imagine they are more concerned with identifying new technology from say Russia or China than from outer space.


24,459 posts

116 months

Thursday 20th May 2021
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mike74 said:
What I find astounding is this department has a budget of $22m!!
That's a teeeeeeeny amount of money when the Pentagon budget is around $715 billion.


12,300 posts

275 months

Thursday 20th May 2021
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44th president seems to be convinced...



3,687 posts

135 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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Ayahuasca said:
I imagine they are more concerned with identifying new technology from say Russia or China than from outer space.
I would have expected the Pentagon's budget for identifying and evaluating new tech from Russia, China and any other potential enemy states to actually be far higher than $22m?... I suspect this department really is only concerned with investigating ''UFO's''

Hugo Stiglitz

37,491 posts

214 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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You'd think their budget would be higher than pushing round yet another old world metal ship that can be sunk by ground to air, air to air, etc etc


4,158 posts

210 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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mike74 said:
Ayahuasca said:
I imagine they are more concerned with identifying new technology from say Russia or China than from outer space.
I would have expected the Pentagon's budget for identifying and evaluating new tech from Russia, China and any other potential enemy states to actually be far higher than $22m?... I suspect this department really is only concerned with investigating ''UFO's''
I agree.

They really need to work on getting better footage of the blasted things as well.

If sightings are happening as frequently as the head of the AATIP and several fighter pilots suggest they are, then surely expediting the installation of high tech cameras on navy/army jets should be priority??


7,878 posts

83 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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daveco said:
mike74 said:
Ayahuasca said:
I imagine they are more concerned with identifying new technology from say Russia or China than from outer space.
I would have expected the Pentagon's budget for identifying and evaluating new tech from Russia, China and any other potential enemy states to actually be far higher than $22m?... I suspect this department really is only concerned with investigating ''UFO's''
I agree.

They really need to work on getting better footage of the blasted things as well.

If sightings are happening as frequently as the head of the AATIP and several fighter pilots suggest they are, then surely expediting the installation of high tech cameras on navy/army jets should be priority??
Which is possibly why they have released the stty videos. Look at these, arent they odd. Hiding the 4k HD footage they also now have


3,990 posts

260 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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Yet another report today, this time in the New York Times.

"A large conference room at the event was filled with academics, interested members of the public and, yes, a few oddballs. I was very impressed with the academics, who spoke of unidentified aerial phenomena in the language of science, discussing the issue in terms of technological advancement and national security."



3,990 posts

260 months

Saturday 22nd May 2021
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And a big article in The Telegraph this morning. The subject is no longer “woo woo” and for cranks only.

It’s a good read, but is behind a paywall.


Edited by RegMolehusband on Saturday 22 May 08:15


13,938 posts

287 months

Saturday 22nd May 2021
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RegMolehusband said:
And a big article in The Telegraph this morning. The subject is no longer “woo woo” and for cranks only.

It’s a good read, but is behind a paywall.


Edited by RegMolehusband on Saturday 22 May 08:15
The reason the enthwoosiasts are getting their knickers in a twist at the moment is because Trump (remember him? - not a nut-job at all, honest) mandated full disclosure of the US military's unidentified sightings by June 2021 in exchange for signing off the coronoavirus relief bill - quite how screwed in the head you would have to be to conflate those two concepts...but well, that's Trump.

As for the "Director of the AATIP" - there has been doubt stretching back for years that he was anything of the sort.

The US military has an understandable dislike of surprises, so cases where their assets have apparently observed something they can't identify it's completely reasonable to investigate them. But if you think it's aliens, then there is a distinct likelihood that you also think Trump won the election, because if you've got a taste for it, there is no such thing as too much woo.


7,878 posts

83 months

Saturday 22nd May 2021
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It wasn't Trump at all. It was a rider attached to the covid bill which included funding for the intelligence services. The comment was added by the senate intelligence Committee. Yes Trump signs the bill, but so does the House and the Senate.

It's very common for random riders to be attached to bills in the US as a quid pro quo for getting support the main bill.

Beati Dogu

8,996 posts

142 months

Saturday 22nd May 2021
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The very essence of pork barrel politics. And the president of the day has to sign it all, or nothing. Thanks to the ridiculous Supreme Court decision in 1998 to overturn the line item veto.

Beati Dogu

8,996 posts

142 months


2,085 posts

57 months

Friday 28th May 2021
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When the topic of UFO's comes up I presume people are inferring extra-terrestrial intelligence visiting Earth?

Otherwise a UFO is just that, something appearing to fly for which the observer has not been able to identify. Which is extremely common, given the number of people on the planet who have the ability to look up, see something in the sky, and not know what it is.

The unknown can easily create the mind to wander around for explanation and the mind is fantastic at creating a solution to it.

I would happily bet my house and all my possessions on the fact that extra-terrestrial life is not visiting Earth and never has.
The probability of any intelligent life in our local area of the Milkyway is near to zero, the probability that IF there were any intelligence that it would have developed to a point where they can live long enough for the 100,000's, even 100,000,000's of years that it would take to travel through space to get to Earth in the first place.....and the whole point of the exercise given that Earth has been pumping out radio/TV signals at the speed of light over the past few decades for which any extra-terrestrial intelligence (within the light-year distance these signals have travelled) could simply sit back in their armchair and consume Earth's daily activities via the news reports, science documentaries, etc., sort of makes the whole notion of the idea extremely benign.


3,990 posts

260 months

Friday 28th May 2021
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GroundZero said:
When the topic of UFO's comes up I presume people are inferring extra-terrestrial intelligence visiting Earth?
Senior military and government people in the USA in particular are simply saying "We don't know what they are".


2,085 posts

57 months

Friday 28th May 2021
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RegMolehusband said:
GroundZero said:
When the topic of UFO's comes up I presume people are inferring extra-terrestrial intelligence visiting Earth?
Senior military and government people in the USA in particular are simply saying "We don't know what they are".
So anything from birds, aircraft (military or civilian), drones, debris caught in the wind, camera (video or DSLR) sensor/mirror faults, reflections, fabricated/software edited videos, weather events, and so on, ....but equally I don't think they would have much evidence to create the huge leap required to arrive at "Mr E.T." being the answer.

Not aiming this at you in anyway, but there are people who make that incredibly huge jump (a complete leap of faith), to state that Mr E.T. must be the answer if they are not able to conclusively find any of the above possible reasons, and likely hundreds more possible reasons for which I didn't list, being the reason they accept.

Interesting subject to look in to what it would take for intelligent life to make it to Earth. Most don't really appreciate the distance and time it would require to get here from other solar systems. Given that light speed is not really a practical 'thing' for bodies of mass.


6,700 posts

106 months

Saturday 29th May 2021
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GroundZero said:
So anything from birds, aircraft (military or civilian), drones, debris caught in the wind, camera (video or DSLR) sensor/mirror faults, reflections, fabricated/software edited videos, weather events, and so on, ....but equally I don't think they would have much evidence to create the huge leap required to arrive at "Mr E.T." being the answer.

Not aiming this at you in anyway, but there are people who make that incredibly huge jump (a complete leap of faith), to state that Mr E.T. must be the answer if they are not able to conclusively find any of the above possible reasons, and likely hundreds more possible reasons for which I didn't list, being the reason they accept.

Interesting subject to look in to what it would take for intelligent life to make it to Earth. Most don't really appreciate the distance and time it would require to get here from other solar systems. Given that light speed is not really a practical 'thing' for bodies of mass.
And most people leaping to the ET conclusion don’t think it through. You have a species that presumably is incredibly advanced. They’ve either got a better model of physics than we have, and have worked out FTL travel, or have built a generation ship that has been travelling for thousands of years - and then neatly hidden it somewhere.

Then they decide to have a poke around Earth. Despite being super intelligent, they leave the landing lights on when they depart their hidden mothership. They apparently come and observe really big things like US aircraft carriers, that they could perfectly well observe from space. They appear to move at Mach 50+ in the lower atmosphere, which would produce a fireball and explosion of epic proportions. Ah, say the believers, they have technology to move the atmosphere out of the way .... so why are they being observed at all?

Like mining manganese nodules, I suspect the hand of the CIA in this. They want everyone to believe that someone has incredible tech out there, and have a budget submission to go and “find” it.