6th mass extinction event

6th mass extinction event



11,133 posts

209 months

Tuesday 28th November 2023
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carlo996 said:
You really are a bunch of loons. You talk about the earth as if it's something we understand at all, not to mention it's history. Long after we are dead it'll be happily orbiting as it has done for millions and millions of years, and you, my little tin foil hat brigade will not only be dead, but irrelevant biggrin
We are not really concerned with our lives or discussing that - we are talking about Man as a species. I expect we may die out at some point and I believe the world will continue...which is what the mass extinction means. I don't think this has anything to do with tin foil hats....maybe you have confused what the thread is about?


10,973 posts

193 months

Tuesday 28th November 2023
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Can’t believe this thread is still going. I thought we’re all supposed to be dead by now.


26,370 posts

196 months

Tuesday 28th November 2023
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Gary C said:
hidetheelephants said:
Do you know where your towel is?
Are you a hoopy frood ?
It's time for the pub. Muscle relaxant.

Mr Whippy

29,202 posts

244 months

Tuesday 28th November 2023
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Caddyshack said:
kerplunk said:
Mr. Potato Head said:
Kawasicki said:
It's clear that a considerable, and growing, number of people see mankind as a plague on earth.
It's an insincere platitude. If they truly believed it they would and should kill themselves.
hmm I'm sensing some 'wishfulness' in your logic
Or maybe just decide not to breed as a less extreme route? I felt 1 child was the max I should have.
Don’t be so sensible.

That’s not what any of the powerful or elites want because their entire system is built upon growth of everything.

Thus the goal is to add more consumers and consumption but have everyone live to more stringent conditions in more controlled environments.

Think free range chicken on grandparents old farm >> big corporate battery hen industrial unit.