Evolution - is it real?

Evolution - is it real?



6,709 posts

221 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Ayahuasca said:
If human natural selection by attraction is a thing, how come there are still ugly people?
Ugly breeds with ugly. Attractive breeds with attractive. That's how you end up with Morlocks and Eloi.


9,631 posts

258 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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M5-911 said:
Castrol for a knave said:
M5-911 said:
Interesting talk over by M.J.Behe (Darwin devolve):

The only interesting thing about Behe is his massive cognitive dissonance.
Explain. Bare in mind that you have posted 25minutes after my post. His talk last around 1hour.

Facinating to know how you have form such a strong opinion without even listening.
Wikipedia said:
Michael J. Behe is an American biochemist, author, and advocate of the pseudoscientific principle of intelligent design.
Behe's claims about the irreducible complexity of essential cellular structures have been rejected by the vast majority of the scientific community, and his own biology department at Lehigh University published a statement repudiating Behe's views and intelligent design.
'Nuff said.


43,986 posts

153 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Ayahuasca said:
If human natural selection by attraction is a thing, how come there are still ugly people?
Because human sexual attraction is complicated. A lioness couldn't care less is a lion is empathetic, or kind, or good with cubs. She want's the biggest strongest lion, who will pass his big strong genes on to her cubs, to give them the best chance of survival.

Human females are no doubt attracted by a six pack and a strong jaw line, but she wants a man who can help bring up a child for 18 years or more. So is he kind, is he well qualified, have a good job, ambitious? A woman might find an ugly bloke who volunteers as the same famine relief charity as she does more attractive than a good looking guy who runs past her on the way to the gym.


27,428 posts

282 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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LimaDelta said:
Ayahuasca said:
If human natural selection by attraction is a thing, how come there are still ugly people?
Ugly breeds with ugly. Attractive breeds with attractive. That's how you end up with Morlocks and Eloi.
I have a hypothesis that the human race was getting steadily better looking, but then someone invented beer.


57,290 posts

207 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Terminator X said:
simonrockman said:
It's not evolution which is the theory. The full title is "The Theory of Evolution by natural selection". So Evolution is a given it's the natural selection bit which was Darwin's theory, and that's been pretty conclusively proved.

but, perhaps we've stopped evolving. Given that we can medically support all kinds of conditions that would have died out through natural selection the evolution may have slowed or even stopped.
People seem to be getting taller each generation? Is that evolution?

Over that timescale, probably not, and more likely to be due to better nutrition and lower disease burden. Changes in average height correlate with increases in national wealth.

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

264 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Are racehorses still getting faster or have we reached some kind of limit which selective breeding is simply maintaining?


6,876 posts

258 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I'd recommend this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/100-Year-Life-Living-Work...

It looks at the social consequences of us all living longer and essentially suggests three careers.


43,986 posts

153 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Dr Jekyll said:
Are racehorses still getting faster
Not the ones I back.


3,030 posts

124 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
Partly. Better nutrition combined with sexual selection. Most people think being tall is an attractive feature. Although of course some men prefer petite women, but not many women prefer short men. They may well have children with a short man, because other aspects of his looks or personality make up for it. Tom Cruise probably does ok for partners. But all things being equal, I would guess that more short men die childless than tall men. So the tall gene is passed on more frequently.

(This is just me postulating, I don't have any figures to back it up, before anyone asks)
Think it is almost all nutrition. You see it much more dramatically in Japan with the 'macdonalds generation'. Anecdote - my father grew some crazy amount (5 inches ISTR) during National Service, as it was the first time he got properly fed


43,986 posts

153 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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wisbech said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
Partly. Better nutrition combined with sexual selection. Most people think being tall is an attractive feature. Although of course some men prefer petite women, but not many women prefer short men. They may well have children with a short man, because other aspects of his looks or personality make up for it. Tom Cruise probably does ok for partners. But all things being equal, I would guess that more short men die childless than tall men. So the tall gene is passed on more frequently.

(This is just me postulating, I don't have any figures to back it up, before anyone asks)
Think it is almost all nutrition. You see it much more dramatically in Japan with the 'macdonalds generation'. Anecdote - my father grew some crazy amount (5 inches ISTR) during National Service, as it was the first time he got properly fed
Yes, you're probably right. I think the average Japanese man is 8" taller than the average Japanese man was in 1945. That's a ridiculous increase in under a century. However, they are still not that tall. When I was out there (6'1) with my son (6'3), we still stood out. In a crowd, my lad was like the lookout meerkat!

Castrol for a knave

4,946 posts

94 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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M5-911 said:
Castrol for a knave said:
M5-911 said:
Interesting talk over by M.J.Behe (Darwin devolve):

The only interesting thing about Behe is his massive cognitive dissonance.
Explain. Bare in mind that you have posted 25minutes after my post. His talk last around 1hour.

Facinating to know how you have form such a strong opinion without even listening.
Maybe, just maybe, I am already familiar with Behe and I've seen that video before.


57,290 posts

207 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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I don't need to watch an "Intelligent Design" video to know that it's a load of utter cobblers.


43,986 posts

153 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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otolith said:
I don't need to watch an "Intelligent Design" video to know that it's a load of utter cobblers.
Indeed, it's a given. I've never been to the South Pole, but I know it's fking cold.

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

264 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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otolith said:
I don't need to watch an "Intelligent Design" video to know that it's a load of utter cobblers.
+1 You don't need to watch Star Wars to know Darth Vader is fictitious.

Castrol for a knave

4,946 posts

94 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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otolith said:
Terminator X said:
simonrockman said:
It's not evolution which is the theory. The full title is "The Theory of Evolution by natural selection". So Evolution is a given it's the natural selection bit which was Darwin's theory, and that's been pretty conclusively proved.

but, perhaps we've stopped evolving. Given that we can medically support all kinds of conditions that would have died out through natural selection the evolution may have slowed or even stopped.
People seem to be getting taller each generation? Is that evolution?

Over that timescale, probably not, and more likely to be due to better nutrition and lower disease burden. Changes in average height correlate with increases in national wealth.
There is a number of papers which have identified the Hunger Winter as having an impact on height (and birth weight) in the Dutch population - it seems to be most measurable in the 0 to 2 years (at the time of event). This suggests that prenatal and early years diet impacts inter alia upon height.


3,603 posts

108 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
67Dino said:
For example, if you accept evolution occurs then you have to accept all living things look like they do by chance rather than design,
It's not really chance. Chance or accident isn't the best way of describing evolution. It isn't chance that the water in the puddle is exactly the same shape as the dip it sits in. The water has moulded itself to fit the available space. Evolution is a process that has driven different plants and animals to fit their particular niche. So it isn't chance that a specific species of bee fits perfectly into a particular type of flower that's unique to where that bee lives.
Good point, nicely made. What I meant would perhaps be more accurately stated as the design being the result of a chaotic (ie highly complex system) process, rather than designed or pre-destined. In other words, there’s never been any guarantee that an animal would exist with four legs, floppy ears, and go woof, yet that’s what we now have due to a myriad adaptations of dog and environment to each other over time.

Interestingly, where chance does of course play a key part is in the individual mutations that underly natural selection. But that wasn’t what I meant the first time. I’m just saying that to claw back a modicum of self esteem.


36,889 posts

227 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Just remembered my daughters first comment when I told her about this thread.

zoologist daughter said:
Just look in a fking mirror


6,876 posts

258 months

Thursday 7th January 2021
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There is an article in the New Scientist Christmas issue asking why evolution hasn't happened in certain ways: No flying plants, it's never created the wheel and no vegetarian snakes (even though there are some non-meat-eating lizards).


24,683 posts

116 months

Thursday 7th January 2021
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simonrockman said:
There is an article in the New Scientist Christmas issue asking why evolution hasn't happened in certain ways: No flying plants, it's never created the wheel and no vegetarian snakes (even though there are some non-meat-eating lizards).
What are the article's concusions?

Eric Mc

122,435 posts

268 months

Thursday 7th January 2021
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simonrockman said:
There is an article in the New Scientist Christmas issue asking why evolution hasn't happened in certain ways: No flying plants, it's never created the wheel and no vegetarian snakes (even though there are some non-meat-eating lizards).
Many plants make use of airborne transport.