UFO Thread



Original Poster:

187 posts

94 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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One of the most thought-provoking aspects of life on Earth is the possibility of life on other planets - amazing to think what could be happening right now on another planet 10 times the size of earth with a civilisation millions of years more advanced - the possibilities are infinite.

IMO it seems much more likely that there is life throughout the universe than not. Over the past couple of years, the US authorities have acknowledged that they have captured UFO footage, the most recent being a swarm of pyramid-shaped UFOs flying over a warship:


This was a great podcast of a US navy pilot who encountered a UFO when out on a training mission:


Although the biggest bombshell is that the US authorities have “off-world vehicles not made on this earth” as covered in the NY Times:


Anyone else find this fascinating?


3,987 posts

260 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Eric will be very cross about this being moved into here. smile But yes, I find it fascinating.

BT Summers

702 posts

64 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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I hope that this thread doesn't deteriorate into the farce that we saw with the Ghosts and various religion based threads where people discuss an experience that they cannot explain and jerks come along and shout their mouths off.

I can think of one objectionable individual in particular who bullied an elderly and long term member.


8,135 posts

283 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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BT Summers said:
I hope that this thread doesn't deteriorate into the farce that we saw with the Ghosts and various religion based threads where people discuss an experience that they cannot explain and jerks come along and shout their mouths off.

I can think of one objectionable individual in particular who bullied an elderly and long term member.
Of course it will BT they can’t help themselves which is why although I have some interesting events I could discuss I will be staying well clear...


4,508 posts

129 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Iv seen lights what looked like a plain in the air, yet it moved in a way it was impossible to be a plain. Typically I never had a phone with a camera back then. I do have an airbase around 30 mins drive though so I suppose it could be explained as some aircraft iv never seen... or a secret drone etc. Actually a drones a good shout..


24,374 posts

116 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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BT Summers said:
I hope that this thread doesn't deteriorate into the farce that we saw with the Ghosts and various religion based threads where people discuss an experience that they cannot explain and jerks come along and shout their mouths off.

I can think of one objectionable individual in particular who bullied an elderly and long term member.
Mmm, it was more about one member being caught telling an obvious fib.


4,503 posts

215 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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I'd like to see aliens land on the respective front lawns of all religions and say "STOP IT, or we'll get the lasers out!".

That is if they are nice benevolent aliens, chances are they might land and say "Stop worshipping false gods, we are your gods now, you will work for us as slaves, or we'll get the lasers out".

Of course, they may already be among us and David Ike has been right all along about the lizard people.


13,871 posts

287 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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paulguitar said:
BT Summers said:
I hope that this thread doesn't deteriorate into the farce that we saw with the Ghosts and various religion based threads where people discuss an experience that they cannot explain and jerks come along and shout their mouths off.

I can think of one objectionable individual in particular who bullied an elderly and long term member.
Mmm, it was more about one member being caught telling an obvious fib.
Would that be an Unreliable Fibbing Oldie? hehe

If Mr Summers had been around a bit longer he might have also remembered our mutual friend coming out with a different version of the same rubbish the previous time. If our Unreliable Fibbing Oldie has any alien abduction stories to tell, perhaps he'll remember whether or not he was actually there this time.

UFOs at least provoke some semblance of scientific debate when considering the physical processes, and possibly human technology, which underlie these observations. Also interesting to consider the statistical probability of advanced technological life arising in both our galaxy and others (a reasonably high probability) vs the chances of humanity ever interacting with it (vanishlngly impossibly small).

I like the idea of Oumuamua actually being some form of alien artefact, as it demonstrates the inhuman timescales needed to explore even local parts of our galaxy, and as advanced as these aliens might have been, if they had some form of FTL travel they wouldn't have been dicking about sending probes that take millions of years to travel between solar systems.

At the more bizarre end of the spectrum, the whole topic just descends into the same fanciful woo as belief in the supernatural, and attracts the same sort of fanciful woo addicts (and fibbers).


3,514 posts

276 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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I've been a pilot for 36 years, the last 22 of those flying full-time professionally, a chunk of it at night. I suppose I spend more time looking up than a lot of people. I've seen a few things that had me genuinely baffled at the time but on further investigation had an explanation. A couple of times over the North Sea at night where we had positive sighting of lights moving well above us. We were already at 40000 feet so asked Air Traffic if they had any primary or secondary radar contacts in our area which they didn't. After doing a bit of research, one was almost certainly a tumbling polar orbit spacecraft/booster and the other was what I now know to be an Iridium satellite flare. Had me going at the time though. Haven't seen anything that I'd still consider a UFO looking back.

Some of the released footage from US fast-jet electro-optical systems is fascinating. I reckon the US military may genuinely have no idea what it is, hence the public release. I reckon it would be naive to think there wasn't life elsewhere in the universe. I don't think it's flying around here on a regular basis though.

BT Summers

702 posts

64 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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paulguitar said:
BT Summers said:
I hope that this thread doesn't deteriorate into the farce that we saw with the Ghosts and various religion based threads where people discuss an experience that they cannot explain and jerks come along and shout their mouths off.

I can think of one objectionable individual in particular who bullied an elderly and long term member.
Mmm, it was more about one member being caught telling an obvious fib.
I disagree

You said, about a post from a 78 year old man who was recalling an incident about 60 years ago, and I quote

'Again, there will be a logical explanation here, and it won't be a clergyman spreading some special water around'

You called him a liar and have done so again.

All it was that his parents home had one permanently ice cold room that was sorted out after a local vicar came to say some prayers.

You didn't offer an explanation but said that his recollection of the event was wrong and that there was another expalantion besides a visit from the vicar, even though you had no knowledge of the event yourself.

I have been in touch with Rob Johnson, he is a bit frail but will not be coming back.

All I am saying is that I hope that people will read this UFO thread without any prejudice.

Eric Mc

122,382 posts

268 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Speculating on UFOs is just that, speculation, and it is debatable if it warrants being in the Science Forum - unless one wants to discuss the psychological and sociological aspects of such a topic.

Speculating and discussing the probability of life on other worlds IS interesting and I have even attended public discussions on such topics.

ASSUMING that UFOs are related to alien life is just silly and definitely belongs in a more "non-scientific" discussion forum.


52,545 posts

213 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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I read this the other day.


Bit long but interesting.

The truth is out there hehe


24,374 posts

116 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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BT Summers said:
I disagree

You said, about a post from a 78 year old man who was recalling an incident about 60 years ago, and I quote

'Again, there will be a logical explanation here, and it won't be a clergyman spreading some special water around'

You called him a liar and have done so again.

All it was that his parents home had one permanently ice cold room that was sorted out after a local vicar came to say some prayers.

You didn't offer an explanation but said that his recollection of the event was wrong and that there was another expalantion besides a visit from the vicar, even though you had no knowledge of the event yourself.

I have been in touch with Rob Johnson, he is a bit frail but will not be coming back.

All I am saying is that I hope that people will read this UFO thread without any prejudice.
You quoted me correctly, but have otherwise mixed this up I think? The person who was caught fibbing told the story about the girl in the pub, which he told in two quite different versions, and was called out for doing so.

As to suggesting the cold room probably hadn't actually been solved by a man in a frock with some water, and that there was likely a logical explanation, well, that's hardly unreasonable, and it is not me calling anyone a liar, is it?


82 posts

131 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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I saw UFO's last at tea time,

The mrs served up -

Unidentified Fried Offerings

Lols :-)

BT Summers

702 posts

64 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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paulguitar said:
BT Summers said:
I disagree

You said, about a post from a 78 year old man who was recalling an incident about 60 years ago, and I quote

'Again, there will be a logical explanation here, and it won't be a clergyman spreading some special water around'

You called him a liar and have done so again.

All it was that his parents home had one permanently ice cold room that was sorted out after a local vicar came to say some prayers.

You didn't offer an explanation but said that his recollection of the event was wrong and that there was another expalantion besides a visit from the vicar, even though you had no knowledge of the event yourself.

I have been in touch with Rob Johnson, he is a bit frail but will not be coming back.

All I am saying is that I hope that people will read this UFO thread without any prejudice.
You quoted me correctly, but have otherwise mixed this up I think? The person who was caught fibbing told the story about the girl in the pub, which he told in two quite different versions, and was called out for doing so.

As to suggesting the cold room probably hadn't actually been solved by a man in a frock with some water, and that there was likely a logical explanation, well, that's hardly unreasonable, and it is not me calling anyone a liar, is it?

Again I disagree with you, Your assertion that a situation on which you have no knowledge whatsoever has a logical explanation is quite unreasonable when someone is telling you that they had first hand knowledge and experience.

You are an example of the worst of PH, you deny something that is known to another simply because it is outside your own experience.

Your words were

'Mmm, it was more about one member being caught telling an obvious fib'

You initiated an afront to Rob when suggesting that his childhood memory of a cold room in his house was a lie and that there was another explanation to a cold room (which became warm after prayers had been said.

There was no confusion, Rob made a reference to a visit to a Derbyshire pub in the 1980s whena relative of his had an experience that could not be easily explained and another PHer made insulting remarks because in relating the account some 4 years prior Rob had mistaken whether it was his sister or sister in law. Hardly a big deal

Enough time has been spent on this matter on this unrelated thread,


24,374 posts

116 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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BT Summers said:
You are an example of the worst of PH
Thanks for that, that's really made my Saturday. frown

BT Summers said:
Your words were

'Mmm, it was more about one member being caught telling an obvious fib'

You initiated an afront to Rob when suggesting that his childhood memory of a cold room in his house was a lie and that there was another explanation to a cold room (which became warm after prayers had been said.

There was no confusion, Rob made a reference to a visit to a Derbyshire pub in the 1980s whena relative of his had an experience that could not be easily explained and another PHer made insulting remarks because in relating the account some 4 years prior Rob had mistaken whether it was his sister or sister in law. Hardly a big deal
You've just mixed up the fib regarding the pub girl 'ghost'. which is a well-known urban myth which was told in two different versions, and the cold room. I suggested there was likely to be an explanation for the room warming up which was not related to a vicar and water, which quite obviously there will be. I mean, for goodness sake!
BT Summers said:
Enough time has been spent on this matter on this unrelated thread,
I agree, so back to the flying saucers.


3,687 posts

135 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Recently saw my first ever ''ufo''... a single, solid white light with no tail, the same size and brightness and travelling at the same speed as a regular meteor, but unlike every other meteor I've seen previously which normally only last a spilt second before burning up, I watched this travel right across the sky from horizon to horizon, still only took about 2-3 seconds to do that so definitely wasn't a plane or satellite.

Edited by mike74 on Saturday 17th April 16:44


6,146 posts

195 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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mike74 said:
Recently saw my first ever ''ufo''... a single, solid white light with no tail, the same size and brightness and travelling at the same speed as a regular meteor, but unlike every other meteor I've seen previously which normally only last a spilt second before burning up, I watched this travel right across the sky from horizon to horizon, still only took about 2-3 seconds to do that so definitely wasn't a plane or satellite.

Edited by mike74 on Saturday 17th April 16:44
Is that what would happen if it skimmed the atmosphere at a shallow angle?


3,687 posts

135 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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SpudLink said:
Is that what would happen if it skimmed the atmosphere at a shallow angle?
That was the only possible explanation I could think of, although the lack of a tail was notable, every other meteor I've ever seen previously seemed to have a slight tail even when only lasting for a split second

Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

247 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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BT Summers said:
Your assertion that a situation on which you have no knowledge whatsoever has a logical explanation is quite unreasonable
And assuming that any situation, ever, doesn't have a logical explanation is somehow entirely rational and preferable to healthy scepticism; ooooookaaaayy.