TVR Registration


NCE 61

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Monday 5th October 2015
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Has any one imported a modern TVR into Belgium in the last year or so and managed to get it registered without to many problems?

So far we have been to the douane and have the registration application form.

Found an insurance company that will cover the Tuscan.

Obtained a European CoC from TVR.

Appointment booked for the control next week.

I suppose after that if all goes OK , papers to the insurance company and they sort our registration & number plate. Or is it not that straight forward with such cars? I have seen a few topics on other forums where people say they have been waiting for months for the number plate or paperwork being incorrect causing delays.

I was also looking into the amount of BIV that is to be paid on this web site BIV and got a bit of a shock as I know this had changed in the last year or so and is now emissions based but the sliding scale due to vehicle age does not seem to make very much difference any more:-

NCE 61

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Monday 5th October 2015
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Hi Nils one of the problems with later TVR's was that the emissions are on the V5 Registration document as welll,so can't see that I could get away with that, also the inspection needed to see a CoC.Have also not heard of having a second inspection after registration.

NCE 61

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Tuesday 6th October 2015
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Hi Barrie sounds as though yours went very smoothly. I was informed today that the inspection date has been delayed by three weeks and the expensive CoC from TVR is not acceptable, hopefully the new bit of paper that is being produced will have a lower Co2 figure! The old BIV system on FPK/engine size that also reduced with the cars age would have been <20% of the new system emissions based cost.

NCE 61

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Thursday 8th October 2015
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Thanks for sharing the experencies it's useful for me so I can a least try and understand the process. I have seen quiet a lot of the later Speed Six engined TVR's on Belgian plates including Tuscans. Tamoras & Sagaris so I know it's possible, just wish I had started this topic before starting the process to bring the Tuscan in from the UK, could have saved me time & money on the CoC.

The car is with Pascal at Passion Engineering in Moeskroen who has been changing the light's to dip right, changing over the reverse & fog lights and re-fitting the catalytic converters, he is also sorting out the inspection & has been in touch with Marc and he is supplying the gelijkvormigheidsattest, which will hopefully get it through the inspection and hopefully reduce the BIV.

NCE 61

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Friday 9th October 2015
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bluezeeland said:

Sounds as if you are getting somewhere !

The euronorm for yours is 3, I think but the BIV will largely depend on the amount of CO² which has been noted in the PVG n° specs. There is all sorts of strange things going on there, e.i. my 430 is less in BIV then a 400 ??

btw; how are you finding the service at Passion ?

Hi Frank I am sure between Pascal & Marc it will get sorted. The service at Passion has been very good so far.

I also believe the emissions are Euro 3 as there are values of CO & HC/Nox on the registration document which are within the specifications for this, but there is no Co2 figure, so they may well take the PVG n° specs. Having a look at this site the Co2 for Tuscans, Sagaris & Tamoras varies between 247g/km and 259g/km which would seem to be correct for Euro 3. The figure on the CoC from TVR seems very high and if you calculate the figure from their fuel consumption figures it is correct, but the fuel consumption figures are way off real world figures IMO.

NCE 61

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Monday 12th October 2015
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Dutch_Cerbera said:
Perhaps you have to ask yourself the question if you really need to register the Tuscan in Belgium. Perhaps you brother, sister, father or mother like (or dont mind) to have the Tuscan registered on their name (in the UK...). BTW owner and person on who a car is registered is not the same.
Quiet a few people have asked me this question,and I have looked for options,but unfortunately I don't think there are any others for me frown

NCE 61

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Wednesday 28th October 2015
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Well a bit of progress today Pascal took the Tuscan to the control in Deerlijk as I am working away, even spotted it on the web cam:-

Bit of a problem with the Lambda reading, but that is in hand,the papers are on their way to Brussels now so the next wait begins for the registration which is about four weeks hopefully. Then it's back to the control for the normal inspection.

NCE 61

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Thursday 29th October 2015
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TopVpowerRoadste said:
Hi Nick,

I saw your Tuscan S today at Pascal's garage, A real beauty.
The taxes (the tax to put it on the road and yearly raod tax) will cost you an arm and a leg.
Welcome to Belgium.

Best regards,

Hi Geoffrey thanks for the comment on the car, it's the best TVR I have ever owned. Yes the 'TAX' that is not going to be cheap we are looking at 2K Euro per year and the BIV well I hope they use the CO2 figure they have used on other Speed 6 models or I will be selling some body parts to pay for it.

NCE 61

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Wednesday 4th November 2015
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bluezeeland said:
Yes, and rumour has it the 'oldtimer' regime will go from 25 to 30 years..........

particularly annoying on the Griff, 23 years old
I was informed yesterday that this would commence on the 1st January 2016 in Wallonia, but it is still un-known in the West Flanders.

Have the 'Green' paper from the control as the high lambda was 1.034 (1.03 limit) now 1.017 with all exhaust joints re-sealed! Although they did try and add a couple of other i.e. no high level break light (it's been there for the last 9 years) & speedometer not in KPH on dial, although digital KPH very clear on wavy dash Tuscan and previously accepted, chief of the control finally passed it off!

NCE 61

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Monday 16th November 2015
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TopVpowerRoadste said:

You have a PM.
Geoffrey I have not received it.

NCE 61

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Sunday 29th November 2015
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Geoffrey no news yet, hoping for some this week.

NCE 61

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Sunday 13th December 2015
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Hi Geoffrey

All approved by Brussels, there some papers to come back from the technical control at Deerlijk, then the regular MOT has to be carried out and hopefully then it's number plate time smile

NCE 61

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Wednesday 23rd December 2015
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No such luck with mine after speaking to Pascal yesterday the two to three week wait is now two to three months! I don't know why something to do with the DIV in Brussels,I am not to concerned as I have insured the car on it's chassis number so can drive it on it's English plates for the time being.

Am pleased to hear your registration went a lot smoother, did you just have the one inspection and is it classed as an oldtimer?

The only negative point about not completing this by the end of the year is the tax (BIV and road tax) go up on 1/1/16 and not just by a few Euros!

NCE 61

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Thursday 24th December 2015
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bluezeeland said:
tunepipe911 said:
It a year now with my T350,madmadmad
Its 15 months and counting......
Un-believable I bet when it's sorted out they will send you the tax and BIV invoice a lot quicker than that. Rudy do you have the Keuringsbewijs for the T350?

NCE 61

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Friday 25th December 2015
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TopVpowerRoadste said:
Hi Nick

I registered it as an oldtimer (it is 25 years old), so I should pay a 36 euros roadtax for the coming year. The following year, it will be the normal road tax which is around 770€ a year. As form 01/01/2016, a car needs to be 30 years old to benefit from the oldtimer status.

I can't understand why it takes so long to register your Tuscan, it is not the first Tuscan to be registered in Belgium.

Merry Christmas.

Hi Geoffrey appears you did your registration just in time for your car to qualify for old-timer status as that can't be changed now it has been given and next year your road tax will still be 36 Euros:-

I don't think any one can understand why it takes so long to register the Tuscan, but I believe that all the TVR that were brought into Belgium via the official importer were all registered at TVR Blackpool and came in with English plates, then they had to go through the process mine is going through which would take two to three months.

Merry Xmas Nick

NCE 61

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Tuesday 16th February 2016
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tumbleweed Still waiting !! I will be catching up with Rudy soon smile

NCE 61

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Tuesday 16th February 2016
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I use to think the DVLA in the UK were a bit slow, but I think they could teach the DIV a thing or two about efficiency smile

NCE 61

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Tuesday 16th February 2016
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tunepipe911 said:
Paperwork arrived after nearly 8 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is slow?
Will clean up the cobbwebbs and start her up,it was about bloody time!

There is hope yet then smile Pleased you got sorted eventually! Talking to someone via e-mail the other week his 2005 Tuscan took 5 months so 8 months is a new record so I wonder how long mine will be?

NCE 61

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Thursday 3rd March 2016
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tunepipe911 said:
Car passed MOT with no issues!
Belgian plates on there way!driving
thumbup meanwhile in another part of West Flanders tumbleweed still waiting, but I suppose going by the time yours took it will be around June before I hear anything smile

NCE 61

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Thursday 7th April 2016
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Very nice it looks too:-

Thanks for the contact numbers Rudy hopefully I will have some news soon.