Events Belgian PH' go to/been to

Events Belgian PH' go to/been to



Original Poster:

1,965 posts

162 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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Instead of using the cafe at the track, is anyone interested to go and have lunch nearby ? Bolderberg over the church was nice !


Original Poster:

1,965 posts

162 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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Toppie said:
bluezeeland said:
June 24th will see TVR Continental track-day at Zolder ! Go on, you know you want to !
I will be there, full program!


Original Poster:

1,965 posts

162 months

Sunday 5th June 2016
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Excellent, Rudy ! that is what the're for !

Must have a tour urgently.....


Original Poster:

1,965 posts

162 months

Thursday 7th July 2016
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tunepipe911 said:
Anyone going to Lille(France)this Sunday?
2th and 4 th Sunday off the month,meeting for all kinds off cars (aprox 500 cars)
see facebook esplanade meeting lille

GVD ee !

Sunday; guest plus got new rear tyres and hence need an adjustment on the geo (booked in for next Tuesday..)

Next time matey !


Original Poster:

1,965 posts

162 months

Friday 8th July 2016
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driven too fast at Zolder.......(grained...) biggrin


Original Poster:

1,965 posts

162 months

Tuesday 12th July 2016
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You've comforted the frenchies after their defeat, with a good looking car ! clap


Original Poster:

1,965 posts

162 months

Tuesday 11th October 2016
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The new Facebook group TVR Car Club Belgium is now online, herewith invite everybody with a passion for TVR' to join !!
