TVR Registration


NCE 61

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2,398 posts

284 months

Sunday 13th December 2015
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Hi Geoffrey

All approved by Brussels, there some papers to come back from the technical control at Deerlijk, then the regular MOT has to be carried out and hopefully then it's number plate time smile


1,965 posts

162 months

Sunday 13th December 2015
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211 posts

120 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2015
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Hi Nick,

I went to the DIV in Brussels last Friday to get the registration documents sorted. I arrived at 10H30 and got out of their offices at 14H10. A 3H40 wait.
I received the registration plate last Monday.
What about your registration?

Best regards,


NCE 61

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2,398 posts

284 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2015
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No such luck with mine after speaking to Pascal yesterday the two to three week wait is now two to three months! I don't know why something to do with the DIV in Brussels,I am not to concerned as I have insured the car on it's chassis number so can drive it on it's English plates for the time being.

Am pleased to hear your registration went a lot smoother, did you just have the one inspection and is it classed as an oldtimer?

The only negative point about not completing this by the end of the year is the tax (BIV and road tax) go up on 1/1/16 and not just by a few Euros!


518 posts

152 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2015
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It a year now with my T350,madmadmad


1,965 posts

162 months

Wednesday 23rd December 2015
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tunepipe911 said:
It a year now with my T350,madmadmad
Its 15 months and counting......

NCE 61

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2,398 posts

284 months

Thursday 24th December 2015
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bluezeeland said:
tunepipe911 said:
It a year now with my T350,madmadmad
Its 15 months and counting......
Un-believable I bet when it's sorted out they will send you the tax and BIV invoice a lot quicker than that. Rudy do you have the Keuringsbewijs for the T350?


211 posts

120 months

Thursday 24th December 2015
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NCE 61 said:
No such luck with mine after speaking to Pascal yesterday the two to three week wait is now two to three months! I don't know why something to do with the DIV in Brussels,I am not to concerned as I have insured the car on it's chassis number so can drive it on it's English plates for the time being.

Am pleased to hear your registration went a lot smoother, did you just have the one inspection and is it classed as an oldtimer?

The only negative point about not completing this by the end of the year is the tax (BIV and road tax) go up on 1/1/16 and not just by a few Euros!
Hi Nick

I registered it as an oldtimer (it is 25 years old), so I should pay a 36 euros roadtax for the coming year. The following year, it will be the normal road tax which is around 770€ a year. As form 01/01/2016, a car needs to be 30 years old to benefit from the oldtimer status.

I can't understand why it takes so long to register your Tuscan, it is not the first Tuscan to be registered in Belgium.

Merry Christmas.



1,965 posts

162 months

Thursday 24th December 2015
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TopVpowerRoadste said:
NCE 61 said:
No such luck with mine after speaking to Pascal yesterday the two to three week wait is now two to three months! I don't know why something to do with the DIV in Brussels,I am not to concerned as I have insured the car on it's chassis number so can drive it on it's English plates for the time being.

Am pleased to hear your registration went a lot smoother, did you just have the one inspection and is it classed as an oldtimer?

The only negative point about not completing this by the end of the year is the tax (BIV and road tax) go up on 1/1/16 and not just by a few Euros!
Hi Nick

I registered it as an oldtimer (it is 25 years old), so I should pay a 36 euros roadtax for the coming year. The following year, it will be the normal road tax which is around 770€ a year. As form 01/01/2016, a car needs to be 30 years old to benefit from the oldtimer status.

I can't understand why it takes so long to register your Tuscan, it is not the first Tuscan to be registered in Belgium.

Merry Christmas.

Geoffrey, I think you are wrong, if you pay 36something now, you pay that for the remainder (i.e. lucky you..) + 63something in BIV...




211 posts

120 months

Thursday 24th December 2015
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Hi Franck,

That's what I meant, 36 euros as from December 2015 till December 2016 and then unfortunately the full road tax which is about 770€.

Merry Christmas


1,965 posts

162 months

Thursday 24th December 2015
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TopVpowerRoadste said:
Hi Franck,

That's what I meant, 36 euros as from December 2015 till December 2016 and then unfortunately the full road tax which is about 770€.

Merry Christmas
Nope, once you're in, you're in........

NCE 61

Original Poster:

2,398 posts

284 months

Friday 25th December 2015
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TopVpowerRoadste said:
Hi Nick

I registered it as an oldtimer (it is 25 years old), so I should pay a 36 euros roadtax for the coming year. The following year, it will be the normal road tax which is around 770€ a year. As form 01/01/2016, a car needs to be 30 years old to benefit from the oldtimer status.

I can't understand why it takes so long to register your Tuscan, it is not the first Tuscan to be registered in Belgium.

Merry Christmas.

Hi Geoffrey appears you did your registration just in time for your car to qualify for old-timer status as that can't be changed now it has been given and next year your road tax will still be 36 Euros:-

I don't think any one can understand why it takes so long to register the Tuscan, but I believe that all the TVR that were brought into Belgium via the official importer were all registered at TVR Blackpool and came in with English plates, then they had to go through the process mine is going through which would take two to three months.

Merry Xmas Nick


1,965 posts

162 months

Friday 25th December 2015
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Nick is correct .....

Merry Xmas to you all, hope to see you all out and about in the coming year !

NCE 61

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2,398 posts

284 months

Tuesday 16th February 2016
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tumbleweed Still waiting !! I will be catching up with Rudy soon smile


1,965 posts

162 months

Tuesday 16th February 2016
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Fl*pping heck ! what is it with these public 'servants' ?

NCE 61

Original Poster:

2,398 posts

284 months

Tuesday 16th February 2016
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I use to think the DVLA in the UK were a bit slow, but I think they could teach the DIV a thing or two about efficiency smile


518 posts

152 months

Tuesday 16th February 2016
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Paperwork arrived after nearly 8 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is slow?
Will clean up the cobbwebbs and start her up,it was about bloody time!


NCE 61

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2,398 posts

284 months

Tuesday 16th February 2016
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tunepipe911 said:
Paperwork arrived after nearly 8 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is slow?
Will clean up the cobbwebbs and start her up,it was about bloody time!

There is hope yet then smile Pleased you got sorted eventually! Talking to someone via e-mail the other week his 2005 Tuscan took 5 months so 8 months is a new record so I wonder how long mine will be?


389 posts

120 months

Wednesday 17th February 2016
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Took mine back to the UK.
Registered, MOT'd, taxed and serviced in 2 weeks.
What a breeze smile


1,965 posts

162 months

Wednesday 17th February 2016
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tunepipe911 said:
Paperwork arrived after nearly 8 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is slow?
Will clean up the cobbwebbs and start her up,it was about bloody time!

Good news, Rudy !