The Official Everton thread - Vol 2

The Official Everton thread - Vol 2



Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Tuesday 17th September 2019
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This thread will last longer than me.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Tuesday 17th September 2019
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hilly10 said:
TTmonkey said:
This thread will last longer than me.
I am 64 so if it last’s as long as Vol 1 I will more then likely be pushing up the daises
Everton depress me so much I too will be.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Saturday 28th September 2019
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FN2TypeR said:
How're all you Man City fans feeling tonight? jester
No lose situation.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Saturday 28th September 2019
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Managed to contain City well for the first 7 minutes or so......



Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Monday 7th October 2019
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Moyes could get us back up to ‘dissapointing’ Within a season.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Tuesday 29th October 2019
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Adam B said:
Who hates Everton?

Decent club with loyal supporters
Some guy called......


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Sunday 3rd November 2019
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I don’t think it was even worthy of a yellow really, he seems to ride it, then his foot seemed to get caught awkwardly and he went over, then the second spurs player came in, I think his ancle was probably already broken. It was an accident at best.

Red should be overturned.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Sunday 3rd November 2019
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General Price said:
Last 90 secs would have driven me mad.

One side of the pitch to the other then lost the ball before they could get it into the box.
It’s was utterly infuriating. Get the fekin ball intonthe box, just bang it in. Nope, lose it twice on the right wing in last two minutes. Without putting in a cross despite lots of space and time.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Sunday 24th November 2019
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Moyes will take us down.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Sunday 24th November 2019
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December looks like a perfect storm for either a manager under pressure or a anew guy.

May as well stick with what we have for now.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Sunday 1st December 2019
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hilly10 said:
I wonder if the players will turn up with passion or just roll over, if they do I can see Leicester giving us a drubbing.
I hope Leicester win today. And go on to win and win and win, as Liverpool throw it away.... in their usual Jan\Feb disaster months.

But it’s never going to happen like that though, nailed on champions this season.

Had to happen eventually, and I like Klopp so I care so much less than normally.....!!!!


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Sunday 1st December 2019
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Harsh finish.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Sunday 1st December 2019
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If we lose the next 4 games we are going down.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2019
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m3sye said:
I thought a few of you may relate to this atm

I’m very close. I turned the Leicester /Everton match on late, and immediately thought... wow, the blues are turning it on. I knew they were Leicester, because only we could play in pink, but I just thought, you know, would it be that bad to support Leicester.... a team that really has inspired over the last few years.... I could.... I could..... and they were brilliant. Even when not clicking they were good to watch.....

But no. We keep on pouring the oil onto the depression.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Friday 6th December 2019
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Sue, when you lift the PL in May, what do you think Klopp will do? Stay with you or find a new challenge.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Friday 6th December 2019
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m3sye said:
TTmonkey said:
Sue, when you lift the PL in May, what do you think Klopp will do? Stay with you or find a new challenge.
Deffo stay he will not beak a contract like that - he is also building a massive legacy for himself atm at Liverpool and I am sure he knows he can do more
The PL would be a worst place without him.

Would he look at managing Germany as a career goal I wonder?


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Friday 6th December 2019
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m3sye said:
TTmonkey said:
The PL would be a worst place without him.

Would he look at managing Germany as a career goal I wonder?
Can deffo seeing him doing that one day
Ok, quick scenario. You win the PL (job done) perhaps another big cup in May. Good run on CL.

We have the Euros.

Germany get knocked out in group stage (France and Portugal).

Germany sack their manager......

Klopp, on a high, takes the job.

Why wait to be branded a failure at Liverpool, when you fail to ratain your crown next year.... go out on a high, lead your country to World Cup glory....

Job done..... career goals.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Saturday 7th December 2019
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hilly10 said:
Just shows what passion and work rate can do
Just shows what being st scared of big Dunc can do for motivation.... hehe


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Saturday 7th December 2019
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tdm34 said:
TTmonkey said:
hilly10 said:
Just shows what passion and work rate can do
Just shows what being st scared of big Dunc can do for motivation.... hehe
Did you clock his eyes towards the end of the game, talk about intensity, Man Utd next at their place, another stiff test...
Couldn’t watch today. Look forward to MOTD for about the first time this season....


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 11th December 2019
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Blue62 said:
BadBull said:
I'm Liverpool mate.

No-one was being condescending. You're just being touchy.
I know you’re a red sunshine, bit of irony going right over your Norwegian bonce there!

I really don’t mind having you here and having an exchange, though I can’t quite see the interest, maybe winning every week is boring? As you’re here, how long before Klopp gets induced by Barca or RM do you think?

Edited by Blue62 on Wednesday 11th December 20:26
Or the German national team wink