Unbelievable display of Muppetry

Unbelievable display of Muppetry



Original Poster:

792 posts

238 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Now, I like football as much as the next person (who likes football at any rate), but....

Last night, a work colleague (mate is not the right word!) was worried about the tonking his team was likely to receive later that evening. Discussion turned to the recent 8-2 Man Utd annihilation of Arsenal and I enquired as to how he would react if his team let in 8 goals.

The response was : "I won't come in work tomorrow."

As it turned out, the game in question was indeed over bar the shouting at half time and his his team were well out of it. There were no more goals in the second half and the anticipated further humping never materialised.

He came in today with a face like a camels arse in a sandstorm and was somewhat reluctant to talk about it, but my words of 'comfort' were : "At least they didn't let in 8. Would you really not have come in if that had happened?"

The reply, as per the previous day was affirmative. (He wouldn't come in).

Now my team are crap, but this to me is just sheer utter muppetry. If I did this every time my sorry lot lost, I would never leave the house.

We started to take the piss by saying things 'If <insert my team here> lose this weekend, is it Ok if I phone in on Monday with hiccups/fractured eyelash/burnt tongue from hot pizza/etc'

"No." He replied. "That is just feeble." (The irony was lost on him)!

What we really want is further ideas to take the piss/humilate the c ock, as none of the rest of us are impressed with the idea of him threatening to throw a sickie next time his team get rogered (we suspect that this would explain a few 'sickdays' in the past as well). We were thinking along the lines of a dummy and baby bib from his club shop, but want to throw open to the floor....away you go....


3,560 posts

179 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Next time he comes into work make sure a football is launched directly into his face at full pelt.

I couldn't think of anything else, sorry.

Sunglasses Ron

540 posts

170 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Smash him in the Solar Plexus with a club hammer!

monkey gland

574 posts

160 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Is he the manager or one of the players? To have that sort of emotional attachment as an idle spectator is somewhat OTT.

Kays vRS

1,985 posts

181 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Find his team's fixtures list, make a list of the dates for the days after they play, put at the top his name and 'Holidays Booked for...' and stick it up on a wall somewhere.


24,741 posts

271 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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It's only a game.


15,175 posts

266 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Be sure to tell him, never mind there is always next year.

That always winds me up when people say it to me after losing.


8,205 posts

203 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Next time he says 'my team' just ask him what position he played on the pitch.


6,295 posts

220 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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A guy from work follows some sport in the US, and for the past couple of years would book days off so he could watch the game live the night before, and not have to get up early. His whole holiday allocation was used up for that.


3,252 posts

189 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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my boss came in to work monday still chuntering over his team losing to 10 men on sat, then this morning he come again with a face like thunder due to his "life long team" losing again in the last minute of extra time,

im sorry but if a "GAME" can have this much effect on your day to day life then you need to get a grip,

i dont follow football as i see them all as over paid premadonnas, little tap and they ve got tears in there eyes rolling round on the floor, (the only thing missing from this is upside down on fire)

and as for supporters crying in the stands when they lose well words fail me.

rant over


25,867 posts

211 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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The guy needs a life/to get his priorities adjusted.

Mind you, if that's his biggest trauma in life, I'll swap with him.


28,748 posts

199 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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GTIR said:
It's only a game.

Say it to him at every opportunity! smile

Life Saab Itch

37,068 posts

193 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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GTIR said:
It's only a game.

He sounds like an emotional spastic.


Original Poster:

792 posts

238 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Zwoelf said:
The guy needs a life/to get his priorities adjusted.

Mind you, if that's his biggest trauma in life, I'll swap with him.
Exactly what we all thought! Someone else in the office had to dash off to the hospital cause his missus is pregnant and was feeling unwell & went for an emergency scan...kinda puts it in perspective.

Liking the fixtures list idea - so the boss can 'plan his sickdays in advance'.


717 posts

191 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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i dont understand this tomfoolery at all
for the handful of times ive been in the pub when a game is on, there is alway at least one person going mad at the tv
shouting at the tv isnt going to change tactics tt
how can anyone get their knickers in such a twist over it all, i can understand someone being passionate but when they are effing and jeffing at the tv and then having a fight with someone over which team they support is just fking retarded

some of these people need to get a grip


12,970 posts

185 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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GTIR said:
It's only a game.
you wont wanna hear that football/life/death quote then?

North West Tom

11,559 posts

182 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Leeds fan? hehe


5,800 posts

167 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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A colleague and I were once winding each other up before the Utd-Chelsea champions league final a few years back. There had been fight talk for weeks 'Utd are gonna batter Chelsea', 'Utd are st' etc.

On the night of the game I was elsewhere in a pub watching it. For those people that don't know what happened, it went to penalties and John Terry (Chelsea captain) steps up to take what could have been the winning penalty, but slips and hits the post. Utd went on to win. I loved it!! I seem to remember texting him 'hahaha', or something to that effect (ok, maybe 'hahahaha fk off Chelsea').

The following work day I got into the office earlier than my mate, and stuck this to his monitor-

He came in, but I was facing away from his desk and was on the phone when he did, and ripped it off his monitor, screwed it up, muttered a few swear words (so other colleagues told me) and then stormed off home. We didn't see him again for 3 WEEKS!!!

Now that is taking it too seriously.

monkey gland

574 posts

160 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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STW2010 said:
He came in, but I was facing away from his desk and was on the phone when he did, and ripped it off his monitor, screwed it up, muttered a few swear words (so other colleagues told me) and then stormed off home. We didn't see him again for 3 WEEKS!!!
Explain how that works in reality, boss's son?

Kaiser Soze

235 posts

230 months

Wednesday 21st September 2011
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Mojooo said:
GTIR said:
It's only a game.
you wont wanna hear that football/life/death quote then?
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.”

Bill Shankly bow