The Official Arsenal - 14 x Cup Winners Thread (Vol 5)

The Official Arsenal - 14 x Cup Winners Thread (Vol 5)



3,226 posts

148 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Willo777 said:
juliussneezer said:
Willo777 said:
martinbiz said:
No not happy or celebrating that we lost a game, but happy that now you will probably not win the league, big difference, don’t you get it?

And every Arsenal fan and I know a few, that I’ve spoken to over the last few days said they would be exactly the same if it was the other way round
Arsenal only have themselves to blame losing at home to villa & parking the bus against city last time out , thought Spurs gave it a good go tonight against a very good team that haven't lost in over five months ,
They actually thought that Spurs were going to get a result against the best team in the world, delusional laugh
Spurs I felt gave it a real good go & I still don't think the penalty was a penalty, not sure why the Arsenal fans are so upset with the spurs fans , if the roles were reversed they'd be exactly the same
Because they were relying on us doing their job for them


16,674 posts

274 months

Tuesday 14th May
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aeropilot said:
ChocolateFrog said:
That's that then.
It was a foregone conclusion really, or forlorn hope.....

Loosing to Villa twice was probably the small difference...especially the home loss.
Losing away to Fulham having been a goal up was the difference - but it doesn’t come down to one match …

Wacky Racer

38,479 posts

250 months

Tuesday 14th May
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ChocolateFrog said:
That's that then.

Enjoy losing the league to a bunch of cheats by a point or 2.
Grow up. Trumped up charges, which will be thrown in the bin where they belong.


1,993 posts

114 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Whether it’s arsenal, liverpool or even spurs, surely a competitive league and one with different champions is good??


551 posts

2 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Wacky Racer said:
Grow up. Trumped up charges, which will be thrown in the bin where they belong.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of FFP rules, these charges are definitely not "Trumped up"


6,451 posts

24 months

Tuesday 14th May
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extraT said:
Spurs fans really are disgraceful… imagine being happy your own team lost… beggars belief.
You should look at the games you threw away instead of crying about Spurs fans enjoying the fact you bottled the league wink I’m sure you’d have loved it if the roles were reversed rofl

Wacky Racer

38,479 posts

250 months

Tuesday 14th May
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TownIdiot said:
Wacky Racer said:
Grow up. Trumped up charges, which will be thrown in the bin where they belong.
Whatever the rights and wrongs of FFP rules, these charges are definitely not "Trumped up"
Of course they are, any City fan knows that,



26,472 posts

176 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Wacky Racer said:
ChocolateFrog said:
That's that then.

Enjoy losing the league to a bunch of cheats by a point or 2.
Grow up. Trumped up charges, which will be thrown in the bin where they belong.
I deliberately avoided your thread but knew you'd come crawling out.

Trumped up, that's a good one.


22,687 posts

218 months

Wednesday 15th May
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365 posts

15 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Overall a decent season, I’m glad we don’t ‘owe’ Spuds anything.

Let’s get the final game out of the way and recharge for next season, in Arteta we trust.


12,500 posts

265 months

Wednesday 15th May
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RacingPete said:
But no, rather celebrate getting 5th. I hope city draw on last day of the season and this spurs celebrated loss is egg on their face as Arsenal win the league.
Richarlison is a meme for their club this season, high hopes but a bit crap with a small dose of 'the mentals'.


2,335 posts

198 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Ours and Citeh matches have been chosen for TV (TNT and Sky bets respectively) on the final day. So we top the league of TV selections at leastwoohoo 28 games this season just think of the £££.

The sanctions against Citeh have been confirmed, in the spirit of fair play and transparency they will be docked 1 penalty kick award v West Ham via VAR whilst hosting their Dubai refs awards at the same time- the suspended docking can only be invoked after Citeh are 4 up. The EPL says that they'll call that quits for the 115 charges and we should all stop going on about it.


43,900 posts

153 months

Wednesday 15th May
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extraT said:
Spurs fans really are disgraceful… imagine being happy your own team lost… beggars belief.
There's nothing wrong with hoping your own team loses in certain circumstances. I was happy when England lost to Belgium in the last match of the 2018 WC group stages, because finishing 2nd gave us a much easier route thru the competition. We made the semis, Belgium didn't.


27,524 posts

257 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Puzzles said:
Whether it’s arsenal, liverpool or even spurs, surely a competitive league and one with different champions is good??
Exactly, well done to Arteta and the team for pushing City to the last day, somone needs to challenge the FFP cheats to keep it interesting.

Spurs put a decent shift in last night, I am sure most of their supporters (every team has a minority of idiots) wanted them to win but, having lost, consider it a consolation that it reduced your chances. Nothing odd about that IMO.

Thought Ange handled it well


551 posts

2 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Adam. said:
Exactly, well done to Arteta and the team for pushing City to the last day, somone needs to challenge the FFP cheats to keep it interesting.

Spurs put a decent shift in last night, I am sure most of their supporters (every team has a minority of idiots) wanted them to win but, having lost, consider it a consolation that it reduced your chances. Nothing odd about that IMO.

Thought Ange handled it well
Exactly my thoughts


3,226 posts

148 months

Wednesday 15th May
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TownIdiot said:
Adam. said:
Exactly, well done to Arteta and the team for pushing City to the last day, somone needs to challenge the FFP cheats to keep it interesting.

Spurs put a decent shift in last night, I am sure most of their supporters (every team has a minority of idiots) wanted them to win but, having lost, consider it a consolation that it reduced your chances. Nothing odd about that IMO.

Thought Ange handled it well
Exactly my thoughts
Yes the most sensible post on here for 24hrs.

As I said on here last night

"No not happy or celebrating that we lost a game, but happy with the bonus that now you will probably not win the league, there is a big difference, don’t you get it?

And every Arsenal fan and I know a few, that I’ve spoken to over the last few days said they would be exactly the same if it was the other way round"


551 posts

2 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Celebrating your rival's misfortune is all part of it, surely?

Just like any other English team playing in Europe.
An early and ignominious exit please, preferably on a long trip to some eastern European place you've never heard of.
fk uefa coefficients


5,527 posts

144 months

Wednesday 15th May
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martinbiz said:
TownIdiot said:
Adam. said:
Exactly, well done to Arteta and the team for pushing City to the last day, somone needs to challenge the FFP cheats to keep it interesting.

Spurs put a decent shift in last night, I am sure most of their supporters (every team has a minority of idiots) wanted them to win but, having lost, consider it a consolation that it reduced your chances. Nothing odd about that IMO.

Thought Ange handled it well
Exactly my thoughts
Yes the most sensible post on here for 24hrs.

As I said on here last night

"No not happy or celebrating that we lost a game, but happy with the bonus that now you will probably not win the league, there is a big difference, don’t you get it?

And every Arsenal fan and I know a few, that I’ve spoken to over the last few days said they would be exactly the same if it was the other way round"
Agreement from an Arsenal fan here. I’m not a huge fan of when some banter becomes petty and childish. Yes, it would have been great if Spurs had done us a favour but they played bloody well, and even then we should have done ourselves a favour with that home game against Villa.

Losing the title by a couple of points to an all time great PL team is no shame.

Yes, true there are the 115 charges against them, but it’s not all about money. If it was, Chelsea would be way up there and Man U wouldn’t be in a mess at the moment. City are a phenomenal team with money spent wisely, even if there most likely was an overspend, and a very very good manager.


2,335 posts

198 months

Wednesday 15th May
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Grab those "home" games whilst you can...

"Football's world governing body Fifa is to set to establish a working group to look at the impact of playing competitive domestic matches overseas.

A legal settlement agreed between Fifa and match promoter Relevant Sports in the USA has, in the words of Premier League chief executive Richard Masters, "left the door ajar" for league games to be played in different countries."


4,997 posts

181 months

Wednesday 15th May
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It ain't over till it's over.

West Ham are a stubborn lot and unlike the spuds they know how to win something smile