The Official Scottish Football Thread (Vol. 2)

The Official Scottish Football Thread (Vol. 2)



1,877 posts

139 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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The reaction every fan was looking for today, hammered hearts from the first minute to the last.

Combative,committed and controlled performance.
Jack making such a difference in midfield, Alfredo just making everything click and special mention to lundstram who gave rangers the bit of dig they needed.

The bar is set and that should be the standard from now on

Ramsay looked good when he came on and I think he will be really top notch when he gets up to match sharpness.

The whole Boyd comments thing is embarrassing. Every advantage should be exploited and if that means planting one on Celtics/rangers captain then so be it. The anger is because he is former rangers and takes the piss at every opportunity.


4,508 posts

129 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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dalzo said:
The reaction every fan was looking for today, hammered hearts from the first minute to the last.

Combative,committed and controlled performance.
Jack making such a difference in midfield, Alfredo just making everything click and special mention to lundstram who gave rangers the bit of dig they needed.

The bar is set and that should be the standard from now on

Ramsay looked good when he came on and I think he will be really top notch when he gets up to match sharpness.

The whole Boyd comments thing is embarrassing. Every advantage should be exploited and if that means planting one on Celtics/rangers captain then so be it. The anger is because he is former rangers and takes the piss at every opportunity.
Someone is limping, yes you go by him. You constantly go down that wing. That is taking advantage.

Boyd wanting someone to "test" a mask? Head butting a boy with a double cheek fracture? Thats just vile. Now if he was saying, throw high balls into the area he defends? Yes that's fine, thats taking advantage. To insinuate to cause damage to someone's face, no you can't defend that. If you honestly think otherwise, then your blinded by the fact he played for rangers and can do no wrong.

As your comment "putting one on" well I'd fully expect that in any circumstances in football to be a straight red card. Did you never learn head butting is illegal?


14,376 posts

124 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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dalzo said:
The whole Boyd comments thing is embarrassing. Every advantage should be exploited and if that means planting one on Celtics/rangers captain then so be it. The anger is because he is former ?rangers and takes the piss at every opportunity.
Your post is embarrassing.

To specifically say to target someone's face that is struggling with a broken cheekbone and set out to seriously injure them is scummy behaviour. To defend and justify that is scummy behaviour. To suggest it's only because he's a former Rangers player is laughable.

To actively promote for other players to cause harm to another person or player is not acceptable in any way. It's not the first time he's done it either.

Let's not forget when Leigh Grittiths was known to be having serious mental health issues and suicidal thoughts his advice was for fans to get on his back. Boyd has his own mental health charity.

You could see by the level of crawling Boyd was doing yesterday he knows he's in trouble. It was embarrassing watching him arse licking. He should have saved faced by resigning and not licking arse trying to hope it blows over.

He's hateful vermin that goes way beyond banter and rival fan wind ups. If anyone feels the need to excuse his behaviour, then they need to look at themselves.

Edited by Driver101 on Monday 7th February 10:36


1,877 posts

139 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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hotchy said:
Someone is limping, yes you go by him. You constantly go down that wing. That is taking advantage.

Boyd wanting someone to "test" a mask? Head butting a boy with a double cheek fracture? Thats just vile. Now if he was saying, throw high balls into the area he defends? Yes that's fine, thats taking advantage. To insinuate to cause damage to someone's face, no you can't defend that. If you honestly think otherwise, then your blinded by the fact he played for rangers and can do no wrong.

As your comment "putting one on" well I'd fully expect that in any circumstances in football to be a straight red card. Did you never learn head butting is illegal?
I never said head butt I said putting one on him either a fly elbow, shoulder barge or whatever it takes. It may be illegal but it’s the dark arts of the game and it happens in every single game. Your previous captain was a master of it

If he has a double cheek bone fracture then he’s putting himself in danger in a contact sport. There’s a championship on the line and while it’s not right to hurt someone , if you can take your biggest rivals leader out the game then it happens.


14,376 posts

124 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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dalzo said:
I never said head butt I said putting one on him either a fly elbow, shoulder barge or whatever it takes. It may be illegal but it’s the dark arts of the game and it happens in every single game. Your previous captain was a master of it

If he has a double cheek bone fracture then he’s putting himself in danger in a contact sport. There’s a championship on the line and while it’s not right to hurt someone , if you can take your biggest rivals leader out the game then it happens.
You're on here going mental at the hint of a bad foul against Rangers. Demanding referees are never near a Rangers game again if they don't give decisions that suit you.

But you're ok with efforts to intentionally and dangerously physically harm someone?

Something is seriously clouding your judgement.


14,376 posts

124 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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I don't believe many players are scummy enough to target players to intentionally injure them. I can't think of any incidents in recent times.

One thing I have never heard in modern football is a pundit, professional or player actually encouraging trying to seriously injure someone else.

Dalzo is just showing his colours again and one of the few that can't see how seriously wrong Boyd's behaviour is.

I couldn't see someone watching the Liverpool game yesterday point out that Elliot was just back from a serious leg break. Someone should have tried his leg.....

Edited by Driver101 on Monday 7th February 12:56


1,206 posts

147 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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The clutching of straws and defending the indefensible is a certain posters modus operandi. He is an utter embarrassment and the very essence of what is wrong in Scottish football.


1,877 posts

139 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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Driver101 said:
Your post is embarrassing.

To specifically say to target someone's face that is struggling with a broken cheekbone and set out to seriously injure them is scummy behaviour. To defend and justify that is scummy behaviour. To suggest it's only because he's a former Rangers player is laughable.

To actively promote for other players to cause harm to another person or player is not acceptable in any way. It's not the first time he's done it either.

Let's not forget when Leigh Grittiths was known to be having serious mental health issues and suicidal thoughts his advice was for fans to get on his back. Boyd has his own mental health charity.

You could see by the level of crawling Boyd was doing yesterday he knows he's in trouble. It was embarrassing watching him arse licking. He should have saved faced by resigning and not licking arse trying to hope it blows over.

He's hateful vermin that goes way beyond banter and rival fan wind ups. If anyone feels the need to excuse his behaviour, then they need to look at themselves.

Edited by Driver101 on Monday 7th February 10:36
Spare me the moral high ground act, it’s happened in football for years, star players getting heavy knocks to take them out the game, people targeting areas where players have been injured. Happens all the time.

Leigh Griffiths deserved everything he got, he took every opportunity to wind up and provoke that he could and when the shoe was on the other foot he was to get off lightly? Add in he messaged a 15 year old girl for nudes then he’s absolutely fair game.

While your on the subject of mental health, where was the outrage when Celtic fans hung the effigy’s of rangers fans and an Orangeman, iirc that was mental health week and close to the anniversary of Boyd’s brothers death.

If someone smiling at you on the telly warrants being called hateful vermin then you need to calm down and re-evaluate your life.


14,376 posts

124 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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dalzo said:
Spare me the moral high ground act, it’s happened in football for years, star players getting heavy knocks to take them out the game, people targeting areas where players have been injured. Happens all the time.

Leigh Griffiths deserved everything he got, he took every opportunity to wind up and provoke that he could and when the shoe was on the other foot he was to get off lightly? Add in he messaged a 15 year old girl for nudes then he’s absolutely fair game.

If someone smiling at you on the telly warrants being called hateful vermin then you need to calm down and re-evaluate your life.
Show me one example of a professional footballer promoting serious injury to another player?

When do you see players throwing elbows in the face trying to break someone's face? What sport are you watching?

When Boyd was telling fans to attack Grittiths it was before the incident with the 15 year old. Knowing someone is suicidal and telling people to harass and bully him is below lowlife. Boyd has his own mental health charity and should set a far better example.

You're now saying someone that is suicidal deserves to be pushed over the edge as they wound you up?

Nobody is complaining about him smiling on the TV. The complaints are very specific and merited.

Scottish football needs rid of people like Boyd. There is actually no bottom to the levels of scumbag behaviour you'll defend when it comes to Rangers.

It is frightening reading how poisonous you are. Even more scary is you think you make sense.

Edited by Driver101 on Monday 7th February 14:48


1,877 posts

139 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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Driver101 said:
dalzo said:
I never said head butt I said putting one on him either a fly elbow, shoulder barge or whatever it takes. It may be illegal but it’s the dark arts of the game and it happens in every single game. Your previous captain was a master of it

If he has a double cheek bone fracture then he’s putting himself in danger in a contact sport. There’s a championship on the line and while it’s not right to hurt someone , if you can take your biggest rivals leader out the game then it happens.
You're on here going mental at the hint of a bad foul against Rangers. Demanding referees are never near a Rangers game again if they don't give decisions that suit you.

But you're ok with efforts to intentionally and dangerously physically harm someone?

Something is seriously clouding your judgement.
You and the rest of your Celtic supporting cronies have been crying about Masonic ref’s for the past year(and beyond). As I said it’s the dark arts and it’s hugely frustrating when it’s against you, the referee catching you is the risk you take.
So rather than try and attack me why don’t you pull your big boy pants on and realise that while it’s not nice. It is what happens, especially in Scottish football.

Shambler said:
The clutching of straws and defending the indefensible is a certain posters modus operandi. He is an utter embarrassment and the very essence of what is wrong in Scottish football.

What’s an utter embarrassment is your conduct on this thread , zero input other than attacking other posters.

Honestly the double standards from you two is comical, couldn’t mark you necks with a blow torch


4,508 posts

129 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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dalzo said:
hotchy said:
Someone is limping, yes you go by him. You constantly go down that wing. That is taking advantage.

Boyd wanting someone to "test" a mask? Head butting a boy with a double cheek fracture? Thats just vile. Now if he was saying, throw high balls into the area he defends? Yes that's fine, thats taking advantage. To insinuate to cause damage to someone's face, no you can't defend that. If you honestly think otherwise, then your blinded by the fact he played for rangers and can do no wrong.

As your comment "putting one on" well I'd fully expect that in any circumstances in football to be a straight red card. Did you never learn head butting is illegal?
I never said head butt I said putting one on him either a fly elbow, shoulder barge or whatever it takes. It may be illegal but it’s the dark arts of the game and it happens in every single game. Your previous captain was a master of it

If he has a double cheek bone fracture then he’s putting himself in danger in a contact sport. There’s a championship on the line and while it’s not right to hurt someone , if you can take your biggest rivals leader out the game then it happens.
Shoulder barge. How does that work? You can't shoulder barge a face. Being rough I have nothing against. If he's legally shoulder barging thats fine. Illegal face hitting? I'd say scummy and a certain red. Lucky your players never went down that route as I can bet you that would have been the only player protected fully by the ref. Imagine how many we would have scored if you had 10 men? Oft. Double figures I'd say.


14,376 posts

124 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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Rangers should have been down to 10 yesterday. Did you see Bassey's dive? laugh Should have been his second yellow.

I was disappointed in Hearts yesterday. They weren't up for it in the first half. Second half they started well and Rangers were rocking. They missed a few really good chances including a sitter when Bassey messed up again. It would have been interesting if Hearts scored.

Rangers scored a second and Hearts collapsed. A couple of good goals in there.


1,877 posts

139 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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Driver101 said:
Show me one example of a professional footballer promoting serious injury to another player?

When do you see players throwing elbows in the face trying to break someone's face? What sport are you watching?

When Boyd was telling fans to attack Grittiths it was before the incident with the 15 year old. Knowing someone is suicidal and telling people to harass and bully him is below lowlife. Boyd has his own mental health charity and should set a far better example.

You're now saying something that is suicidal deserves to be pushed over the edge?

Nobody is complaining about him smiling on the TV. The complaints are very specific and merited.

Scottish football needs rid of people like Boyd. There is actually no bottom to the levels of scumbag behaviour you'll defend when it comes to Rangers.

It is frightening reading how poisonous you are. Even more scary is you think you make sense.

Edited by Driver101 on Monday 7th February 14:38
Didn’t Roy aitken speak about souness before a game. Essentially letting him know he was getting done only for souness to absolutely destroy him first tackle?

Very little are going to come out and say it publicly as it’s frowned upon but your extremely naive to think in the changing rooms it’s not talked about.
Look at Ronaldo and messi they are booted everywhere they go.
Cast you mind back to the Thompson vs Keane tackle, Thompson destroyed him the first 10 minutes and absolutely rattled him.
Look at what most teams do to Alfredo, a wee nip, studs down the leg to wind him up and get him off.

Where did Boyd say this and what exactly did he say?

So Leigh Griffiths was only a racist at that point and not a sexual predator, your right poor him.

I’m not saying anything like that at all and your a disgrace even suggesting that. You really need to wind your neck in you’ve went from a comment from Boyd to suggesting that I’m happy to send someone over the edge, and your saying I’m going mental. laugh


8,721 posts

109 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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Meanwhile there is a highly competitive league race, and as usual this thread is consumed by twits like Boyd.


14,376 posts

124 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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dalzo said:
Didn’t Roy aitken speak about souness before a game. Essentially letting him know he was getting done only for souness to absolutely destroy him first tackle?

Very little are going to come out and say it publicly as it’s frowned upon but your extremely naive to think in the changing rooms it’s not talked about.
Look at Ronaldo and messi they are booted everywhere they go.
Cast you mind back to the Thompson vs Keane tackle, Thompson destroyed him the first 10 minutes and absolutely rattled him.
Look at what most teams do to Alfredo, a wee nip, studs down the leg to wind him up and get him off.

Where did Boyd say this and what exactly did he say?

So Leigh Griffiths was only a racist at that point and not a sexual predator, your right poor him.

I’m not saying anything like that at all and your a disgrace even suggesting that. You really need to wind your neck in you’ve went from a comment from Boyd to suggesting that I’m happy to send someone over the edge, and your saying I’m going mental. laugh
Roy Aitken retired about 30 years ago.

It's honestly baffles me that you are willing to defend someone that openly and actively encourages physical and mental harm on rival players. It's not normal, it's not acceptable.

End of..

Edited by Driver101 on Monday 7th February 17:46


1,877 posts

139 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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Driver101 said:
Roy Aitken retired about 30 years ago.

It's honestly baffles me that you are willing to defend someone that openly and actively encourages physical and mental harm on rival players. It's not normal, it's not acceptable.

End of..

Edited by Driver101 on Monday 7th February 17:46
You asked for an example and I gave you one. If that didn’t suffice then how about Irvine Welsh saying Morelos should be chopped up with machetes on hibs tv.

Physical and mental harmlaugh grow up and drop the moral crusader act we’ve all seen your mask slip before.

I do wonder if you’ve actually played football. Dirty tackles are part and parcel of the game as is targeting certain players. Mountain out of a molehill that someone has actually come out and said it.


1,877 posts

139 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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hotchy said:
Shoulder barge. How does that work? You can't shoulder barge a face. Being rough I have nothing against. If he's legally shoulder barging thats fine. Illegal face hitting? I'd say scummy and a certain red. Lucky your players never went down that route as I can bet you that would have been the only player protected fully by the ref. Imagine how many we would have scored if you had 10 men? Oft. Double figures I'd say.
This may be a shock, but players are different heights and players jump and also are off balance at times during a game.


14,376 posts

124 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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dalzo said:
You asked for an example and I gave you one. If that didn’t suffice then how about Irvine Welsh saying Morelos should be chopped up with machetes on hibs tv.

Physical and mental harmlaugh grow up and drop the moral crusader act we’ve all seen your mask slip before.

I do wonder if you’ve actually played football. Dirty tackles are part and parcel of the game as is targeting certain players. Mountain out of a molehill that someone has actually come out and said it.
I don't think anyone else needs it explained the game is nothing like it was 30-40 years.

Irvine Welsh isn't a football pundit. He's not a professional expert that should set a good example within the sport. Nobody would take his comments literally. Boyd meant it.

Yes physical and mental harm. Promoting players to target someone's serious injury is physical injury. Attacking someone you know is having mental health issues is causing mental harm.

My mask slipped? You're attacking other people saying they are getting personal with you. You're continuously throwing st.

There is a reason nobody comes out and actively encourage players to set about and harm other players. Mostly because it's scummy and unacceptable conduct.

I would bet my house if one of the English pundits spoke out and said Cardiff players should test Harvey Elliott's leg they wouldn't be near a panel again. Luckily for English football the standard of pundit and experts they appoint shames Scottish football.

Edited by Driver101 on Monday 7th February 19:29


1,877 posts

139 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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Driver101 said:
I don't think anyone else needs it explained the game is nothing like it was 30-40 years.

Irvine Welsh isn't a football pundit. He's not a professional expert that should set a good example within the sport. Nobody would take his comments literally. Boyd meant it.

Yes physical and mental harm. Promoting players to target someone's serious injury is physical injury. Attacking someone you know is having mental health issues is causing mental harm.

My mask slipped? You're attacking other people saying they are getting personal with you. You're continuously throwing st.

There is a reason nobody comes out and actively encourage players to set about and harm other players. Mostly because it's scummy and unacceptable conduct.

I would bet my house if one of the English pundits spoke out and said Cardiff players should test Harvey Elliott's leg they wouldn't be near a panel again. Luckily for English football the standard of pundit and experts they appoint shames Scottish football.

Edited by Driver101 on Monday 7th February 19:29
I gave other examples too, was the Thompson Keane not good enough either? Strange that despite giving examples there’s always an excuse.

Welsh was a pundit on hibs tv that day so the exact same job as boyd albeit boyd was a former professional, they are both held to the same standards.

You’ve still not told me what boyd said? Atleast point me in the right direction regarding going for Griffiths mental state.

Again if someone has a serious injury it’s not down to the opposing team to go easy or look after him. He shouldnt be on the pitch or atleast accept that he could take a knock to it.


1,085 posts

181 months

Monday 7th February 2022
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It’s not hard actually to find out what Boyd said about McGregor re. the mask (and his snivelling comments in mitigation), or about Griffiths. His own mask doesn’t have to slip, put it that way.