Kids Grassroots Football - The good stuff!

Kids Grassroots Football - The good stuff!



39,690 posts

272 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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Downward said:
..... lots of stuff ....
I would check the league rules that the team are playing in. I'm assuming he's currently playing U10 or U11 (50 minute game). In our league here, the league rules very clearly state:

U10 League Rules said:
A maximum of 3 substitutes may be used at any time with the permission of the Referee. Players may re-enter the game and all players shall play a minimum of 24 minutes per match (game is 4x12 mins)
U11 League Rules said:
A maximum of 3 substitutes may be used at any time with the permission of the Referee. Players may re-enter the game with permission of the Referee and all players shall play a minimum of 30 minutes per match.(game is 4x15 mins)
U12 League Rules said:
A maximum of 3 substitutes may be used at any time with the permission of the Referee. Players may re-enter the game with permission of the Referee and all players shall play a minimum of 30 minutes per match.(game is 2x30 mins)


3,747 posts

106 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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I spoke to the league secretary last year.
He said he would like this to be the case but time played is purely guidance which some clubs choose to ignore.


5,295 posts

232 months

Thursday 16th June 2016
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Move on. Or start your own team with the other disgruntled parents and players. The money is a write off. Chances are your team is well funded but other teams in the overall club aren't eg new u7 sides or the money is used for adults football. Go the club AGM and ask. My club runs as non profit apparently.


1,149 posts

152 months

Thursday 16th June 2016
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The perfect thread for me, I'm after some advice please.

My son (aged nearly 5) has been training with a group of similar aged kids for a couple of years. The guy running it is a decent coach who worked for Swindon town.

I'm not sure if it's important, but this is just a practice session and not a team as such.

Anyway, the coach has had to give it up for a couple of months, so in order to keep the group together, I have stepped in to run it.

Now as I'm not in any way, shape or form qualified, I've moved the group away from the sports hall we previously trained in, and onto a field, where it can be done for free.

I'm just sorting out getting a CRB done, but all the other parents stay to watch anyway.

Here's my questions:

I'm really enjoying it! I'm not to sure the original coach will come back, so if I wanted to continue the group properly, what do I need?

The kids are all aged 3-5, so from what I can see, the first mini leagues start at under 7, so we have another year to go yet, so for the time being it is just fun training.



5,295 posts

232 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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Good luck. 5 is pretty young but a great age to be coaching. It'll be very different to Swindon Town. Loads of advice on the FA coaching pages. Look up the Future Game, a load of sessions that gI've a good base for starting coaching sessions. Check your local council FA site they will have details of coaching events, like doing your coaching badges, should you be inclined. Are you at an FA chartered club? Your club should help you with this.

Be organised, be friendly, be disciplined, most of all keep as many kids playing with a ball at their feet as you can. If you start lining them up to do a practice 1 at a time please think again.

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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Downward said:
Just after a bit of advice.
My sons played for a team for 5 years now. The past 2 years though a couple of players have only got 10 mins out of 50 per game.

There was a meeting set up 2 years ago as parents were miffed about the fact not all kids got equal game time.

Attending was the manager and the actual top chairman of the overall club. Their attitude was if you don't like it leave that's how we run the club (25 teams)

So I was looking around for a club but nothing but this year has been the final straw with a friend of the managers son appearing and getting more game time than the ones who have been at the club a lot longer (All under 11's)

There have been a fair few arguments and there is a divide now in the team between the managers and parents a a lot are disgusted by the behaviour shown towards some kids over others ( the manager and assistant managers preferential treatment)

Anyway I've paid my subs £20 a month for 5 years now and there is a fair amount of money in the bank.

I do feel short changed and don't see why I should have paid same as parent X for 1/5th of the game time.

Question is there doesn't seem to be enough players left for the team to carry on so what happens to the money ?
Are we entitled to money back or does it just sit in the bank until the team disbands and then those left get all the money ?

The kit has always been paid for by sponsors so the only fees are pitch fees and ref fees which they raise from food and drink and raffle sales.

Around £3k per annum is getting filtered into the team and there is no way £3k is being spend
if it were me, (and it was me) id be off to another team, he will make friends,
youl regret it in a year or two, but best ask your son what he wants to do thats all that matters

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Friday 17th June 2016
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We had an amusing situation at the rubbish ones training last week,
a new kids turns up who most of the parents and all of the kids know is a good keeper from a rival team.

I overheard him squirming as he had to explain why he wasnt going to get a run out in nett because thats his sons spot, even though he let in 230 a season for three season.


2,029 posts

212 months

Tuesday 5th July 2016
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Gargamel said:
Thing is though, in two years time. when you play seven a side, you may want them

ask the league to allow you to register 12 and rotate.

seems a stupid rule.

Our league don,t care how many you have, just as long as it a max of ten for the match. check you aren't confusing squad for a game with squad for the club,,
Just a bit of an update to this.

There was a proposed rule change at the mini leagues AGM last week to remove the maximum player cap (2x team size)

This wasn't too popular so a compromise of a maximum of 12 players at U7 and U8 was reached and voted unanimously in favour of.


j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Tuesday 5th July 2016
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We had a presentation for the bad team at weekend,

not signing on for them again, sounding out a few dads over a pint, four are going,
and bearing in mind we had 22 at one point and we had 13 at our annual presentation shows you that its going down the nick


14,589 posts

241 months

Thursday 7th July 2016
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Sadly two of the this seasons squad are missing from this "end of season presentation" picture. Two of these boys pictured holding trophies will next season be moving into a team that plays in a higher division and the rest are staying with me for next year, alongside the 2 that are missing from the picture and some others that have come up into the team.

We've been a squad of 9 this year playing 7v7, next year at U11 we're a squad of 13 playing 9v9 and for the last few weeks we've been playing tournaments and friendlies aimed at the transition for next year. The kids all get to play in different positions and for pretty much the same length of time as their team mates, often my substitutions are worked out the night before, it's impossible to give them all the same game time but I try to redress any imbalance the week after. Whilst we've not won any team trophies this season the kids have all enjoyed themselves and are all looking forward to next season. The 3 at the front have individual awards also. From L-R, Most Improved Player, Players Player (the one they all value the most), Managers Player.

It's been a pleasure this season but I'm ready for a break if I'm honest.

I'll enjoy this that the kids and their parents bought for me.

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Sunday 17th July 2016
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He told his crap team he didn't want to play anymore.
his manager looked gutted.
Which I'm pleased about as well as sad,
Ideally he will let him train with them still because his mates are there,
And although he's excellent one on one and I can't walk around the house without getting meted
he's got no pace.
So it'll do him good to play an extra day.

and I told him who knows he's only three years off open age and if things pick up he will come back


5,295 posts

232 months

Tuesday 19th July 2016
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Jackosmate, I can kind of see where you're coming from but the language you use to describe football may not be the best for your son going forward. Referring to entire teams as "rubbish" "crap" etc.

Dunno just strikes a chord with me. Sounds like a group of lads paying football in a team, losing, but playing and training week in week out. No one goes out to lose a game.

You seem to take delight that boys will leave the club and fact they're going down the pan. Apologies if I've misunderstood.

I would recommend you take a look at "Behavioural Management" on the FA site.

Conversely, I've seen plenty of weaker players hide in good teams.

Anyway, this is supposed to be a thread about grassroots the good stuff.

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Tuesday 19th July 2016
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I call them that to distinguish it from the good one It'll be a shame if if it folds.
The facilities are fantastic.
No it's the summer it's all good fun but come the start of the season it'll be repeated
Hope it carries on but I can't see it myself


1,149 posts

152 months

Wednesday 20th July 2016
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An update on my little'uns. Training has been really good. The kids are positive each week, and go home happy.

The original coach is coming back in a couple of weeks, so we will be running the team together. We have joined ourselves into a local club, who don't have a team at our level. We have also entered ourselves into the unders 7s league for next season. We know we'll get hammered most weeks, but it's a bonus year as we'll be able to play at that level for 2 years due to the age of the kids (most will be 5, approaching 6 next season).

So things are going well, and we are going to play a couple of freindlies over the summer.

I'll keep you updated.


249 posts

99 months

Thursday 21st July 2016
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Andyjc86 said:
An update on my little'uns. Training has been really good. The kids are positive each week, and go home happy.

The original coach is coming back in a couple of weeks, so we will be running the team together. We have joined ourselves into a local club, who don't have a team at our level. We have also entered ourselves into the unders 7s league for next season. We know we'll get hammered most weeks, but it's a bonus year as we'll be able to play at that level for 2 years due to the age of the kids (most will be 5, approaching 6 next season).

So things are going well, and we are going to play a couple of freindlies over the summer.

I'll keep you updated.
Be careful playing 5 year olds against 7 years old as it could really put the younger kids off playing, best concentrating on technical aspects of the game in a fun way at that young age and keeping them with the same age group.

I have a professional football background, good luck.

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Tuesday 30th August 2016
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Well the summer took an unexpected turn!

In order to stay bright and fit, hes been jogging at night and he carried on training with his old team(the one that's not won in three years)
and broke his fifth metatarsal!
so no footy till October at the earliest


2,029 posts

212 months

Saturday 3rd September 2016
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Starting to get excited about the season now.

Got first lot of fixtures. First game in 2 weeks.
Just picked the kit up.
Had our second training this morning and the kids played some really good football.

We have some really good setups in our league with a much bigger pool of kids to pick from, so I'm sure it will be difficult.

But it will be good to learn from them. Both in terms of coaching and the kids playing.

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Sunday 4th September 2016
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Lovely day today
We started nice day. Good teams and parents.

Despite the cast we dropped by his new team to watch them play the opener
They got beat 4-1. But it later transpires that they put some unregistered players out just so they could get a game on
They told the ref straight away, which is to be applauded
So a game happened and although the standard was a bit scary/eye opener.
Everyone enjoyed the game, except my son and his broken foot, although he would have played if I'd let him.

His old team started as they left with a 16-0 defeat.
Which is a shame


63 posts

118 months

Monday 3rd October 2016
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Thought I would give this a bump !!

So 'lost' 5 players at the end of last season ... but gained 7 new boys to make a bigger squad of 16 (at 11 a side). Also now have a waiting list of 3 or 4 players !!

So far three league matches and a cup match ...

First match .... played against a team who had knocked us out the cup 2 years ago and we won 5-2
Second match - local derby (playing against one of our leavers) - very good match and won 7 - 3
Cup match playing a very weak lower league opposition and won 16 - 1 despite moving lots of players around and setting conditions to try to learn something from the game and to spare the oppositions blushes.
Third league match - Lost 2 - 1 this last weekend.

This last match was a bit a disappointment as we gifted the opposition at least one of the goals, probably both with silly mistakes .... but hey they're kids !!

What was most disturbing though was that although I had 4 subs, every one of my boys got at least half a game on pitch ... even though at half time it was very tight and the score was 1 - 1. Unfortunately, the opposition manager obviously doesn't share my same views and left two of his players on the bench all game. So, they made the effort to get up, get to the match (with their parents) only to stand around in the rain for 2 hours ....

Even though we lost and they won, I still feel that I made 100% the right choice. Longer term, my squad will develop as they continue to play, rather than the other team just chasing the win with their 'best' players. I know its not my problem as such, but it just saddens me that this stuff goes on.


11,980 posts

218 months

Monday 3rd October 2016
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Don't like that, two kids not getting a game at that age is poor form (are you at under-11 or under-12? )

I'm in my last year of youth football now, under-16's. I have twin sons who are in the team and one of them only got 20 minutes in last week's team, that's the nearest anyone has got to not playing at all. To be honest, I'll be glad to finish off this season as the kids (and parents) are a nightmare these days. Don't read the newsletters I hand out, don't read the website, half of them didn't pay their subs in September and one or two are still as "needy" as the kids we had at under-7's.

I'll be glad to get out of it. Looking forward to playing golf next season instead.