The Official Ipswich Town Thread

The Official Ipswich Town Thread



1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Nooooo, you must keep him. He just needs time. Once you get one win you'll get loads.
Roy Keane is a football genius.

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Dale, how cheap are tickets for League 2 games?


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Wouldn't know.
You'll find out how much they are for league 1 next season though.

Our 4-0 victory last night was made that little bit sweeter on hearing scum had p*ssed away a 3-1 lead to draw.

Glad you got a point though. A loss and you might have sacked mad Roy....and that would never do. His work has only just begun!

Sucks having a manager who isn't one doesn't it?

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
You'll find out how much they are for league 1 next season though.
why, are Chelsea going to get relegated 2 divisions?


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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sleep envy said:
Disco_Dale said:
You'll find out how much they are for league 1 next season though.
why, are Chelsea going to get relegated 2 divisions?
If the finances of your club ever get investigated and there's any justice in the world...perhaps.
They were an average 2nd division side back in the day, I'm sure their time will come again.

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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oh the glory days, like your carrot chomping two FA cup wins?

how you can take the piss being a Norwich fan is beyond anyone


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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How a Norwich fan can take the p*ss out of Ipswich is beyond you?

You've not been following football very long have you?

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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I know enough that Ipswich were pissing themselves at you getting relegated last season

bring back Glen Roeder!!


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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sleep envy said:
I know enough that Ipswich were pissing themselves at you getting relegated last season
Now the boot is on the other foot and we're having our little laugh.

Your football knowledge is a little lacking though. You seem to be getting your leagues mixed up (L1/L2) and have kindly credited us with 2 FA cups we've never won...thanks for that!

I'm betting you'd never watched a game 'till Baddiel and Skinner made it trendy for middle class clueless numpties.

sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
Your football knowledge is a little lacking though. You seem to be getting your leagues mixed up (L1/L2) and have kindly credited us with 2 FA cups we've never won...thanks for that!

I'm betting you'd never watched a game 'till Baddiel and Skinner made it trendy for middle class clueless numpties.
the lower leagues for teams of grey mediocracy don't interest me that much so apologies, I'll down rank that achievement to two league cups - you must be so proud

do you still have your matchday programme? is it on the wall with your ticket? I bet they're quite rare

I won't return the personal insults, it belittles the argument if you've got nothing other to say about football


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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sleep envy said:
the lower leagues for teams of grey mediocracy don't interest me that much so apologies
All the more reason not to comment on things which you know little about.

sleep envy said:
I won't return the personal insults, it belittles the argument if you've got nothing other to say about football
I'm sorry if it hurt your feelings tongue out
Just have to chalk you down as another fan of a "big team" who constantly belittles everyone else. Your lot are becoming dangerously close to Man U and Liverpool fans in terms of odiousness. And at least those 2 earned their success, not bought it.

dirty boy

14,727 posts

212 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Lap it up Dale, we're still in the division above you, we've not been relegated yet.

I see you're not in the play off zone either?


sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
All the more reason not to comment on things which you know little about.
it's not a case of having little knowledge, it's having to remember that far back when Norwich won anying other than promotion into a higher league

admit it, you're still proud of those two cups aren't you?

Disco_Dale said:
Your lot are becoming dangerously close to Man U and Liverpool fans in terms of odiousness. And at least those 2 earned their success, not bought it.
is the list of people you do like any shorter that those you don't?

ah yes, the old bought success chesnut - how throroughly original and usually trotted out by those with nothing else to say considering they easily forget OTHER TEAMS BUY PLAYERS TOO

any chance you could stick to the insults, at least you have to think of them rather than having to resort to boring cliches first trotted out 5 seasons ago?


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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dirty boy said:
Lap it up Dale, we're still in the division above you, we've not been relegated yet.

I see you're not in the play off zone either?

Not yet. We are playing football for the first time in about 5 seasons though. That alone is reason to be cheerful.
Especially as it coincides with your lot forgetting how to.


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Strong rumours round these here parts that Keane has walked...

Say it ain't so!

dirty boy

14,727 posts

212 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
Strong rumours round these here parts that Keane has walked...

Say it ain't so!


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Flase alarm. The press conference was the dreaded vote of confidence.
So a couple more games for mad Roy then. Shame, was good while it lasted.


3,213 posts

221 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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I see the little bugs who were very quiet until now have crawled out from under their yellow and green rock.

Strange how they get a couple of results under their belts and all of a sudden they feel like they can preach.

However, preaching from a 3rd teir league doesn't really hold much credibility does it? Nah!

Yes, we are having a bad run, but no, were are not buried yet. We'll get it together before it's too late.

Unlike some teams, who it is already too late for rofl

But then I can almost understand your must provide a welcome distraction from having to put your cock into your sister.

Edited by Cara Van Man on Wednesday 30th September 17:29


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 30th September 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
I see the little bugs who were very quiet until now have crawled out from under their yellow and green rock.
I've never been quiet. I told anyone who'd listen that Keane would be a disaster as soon as appointment was announced, but you lot were all wrapped up in your little fairytale where Keane's scum walk the league and tear up the Premiership.

I'ts just a delight to be able to say I told you so.

Cara Van Man said:
Yes, we are having a bad run, but no, were are not buried yet. We'll get it together before it's too late.
What, when you sack Keane or (more likely) he runs away?
Well you might. But then you might make another poor appointment...and another. I speak from experience when I tell you it *can* happen. wink

Cara Van Man said:
But then I can almost understand your must provide a welcome distraction from having to put your cock into your sister.
I prefer your mum tbh. Very experienced mature lady.