Kids Grassroots Football - The good stuff!

Kids Grassroots Football - The good stuff!



11,979 posts

218 months

Thursday 28th April 2016
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Great stuff, Kinky... beer

Our last training session of the season last night. Been a long season and we've lost four players in the last three months (all valid reasons, nothing the team is doing wrong) so have been wondering what next year brings. A lift in our spirits last night though as four new players turned up for a training game, three of which are top notch players.

Almost wish we had six games left now to blend them in. Instead, we will use them in tournaments this summer then see how they are in pre-season.


Original Poster:

4,061 posts

220 months

Thursday 28th April 2016
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We've still got 3 games left, the lads are still trying but I can tell they're ready for a rest. I know I am!

Development this season has been good, i'd say all of the lads are better players now to varying degrees than they were at the beginning, not just because they're bigger and stronger but also more skilful. I'm quite proud that many teams in our league have commented that despite results, they think we are the best team they have played this season. I think if I had played the strongest team every week we could have easily won, as things stand we sitting 4th out of 12 and are unlikely to move from there.

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Friday 29th April 2016
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Crap team lost 10-1 last night in the driving rain,

my lad is quite hapyp to jack it in now,
but for the sake of free training over the summer we will keep him there and hand the kit back come the start of next season

scored 7 goals in 20 games and conceded 218

good teams got 7 games left, going great guns


39,685 posts

272 months

Sunday 1st May 2016
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Following on from my last post above, we had our last game of the season yesterday, with the top of the table 'winner takes all' clash.

Our opposition had to win, whereas a win or draw for us would be enough to win.

For the 1st half we were basically camped in our half of the field. They had many chances to score, but luck did not seem to be on their side. They eventually scored about 2 minutes before half-time - a scrappy pin-ball type affair in the penalty area from a corner.

Our manager changed things around, and the balance of the game turned in our favour for the 2nd half. We started having chances to score; and our defense were starting to rile their attackers. 20 mins into the 2nd half we got the equaliser! bounce

And thats how it remained. So we WON the league. From a team who have always been absolute bottom of the league. An awesome birthday weekend for Kinky Junior ... turns 15, wins the league and The Mighty Dons secure a league 1 play-off place bounce

Here's how our final table looked. I've removed the team names:

And here's the team afterwards:

To say I'm chuffed is a pretty serious understatement. This is simply a bunch of schoolmates who just want to play football, with hugely varying levels of skills and abilities. But overall it's worked this season biggrin

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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Tough one last night, so tough he didnt get a run out, :-(

it wasnt a rough tackling one so much just a very fast pace one
its understandable i suppose hes only been signed on since the new year and played 10 already.

the team below us cannot catch us so hes been promoted already, which is fantastic,

we won 2-1 last night, joint top of the league, with three games in hand and getting 4 points from the next three games will ensure we have won the league.
im really pleased for him

so hes going to have to pull his socks up next season, but its very pleasing to win the league

his crap one, still not won a game in two years.


Original Poster:

4,061 posts

220 months

Friday 13th May 2016
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j4ckos mate said:
Tough one last night, so tough he didnt get a run out, :-(

it wasnt a rough tackling one so much just a very fast pace one
its understandable i suppose hes only been signed on since the new year and played 10 already.
You paying the same subs as everyone else? If you turn up to a game, you should play at least half the game, i'd be fuming!

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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Cracking game today 5-1 winners we need 1 point from two games to win the league
He played first half. Did excellent. Even the top striker was surprised to see him subbed

Really pleased should get two pieces of silverware this season

His old crap one got beat 7-3


2,026 posts

212 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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Great to see a grassroots thread.

I've been coaching my lads year group since they were in reception with 2 other dads. I must say whilst at times it can be frustrating, it is such a rewarding experience to see them develop and enjoy themselves.

We will be entering them into the local under 7's league next season and we will be the first group from our club to do so. Previous years have waited until U8 or U9 before joining a league.

We decided to go for it as we have a really good group who although are of different standards, all have some kind of grasp on what they should be doing. And more importantly have been asking when they can play matches. We were going to organise some friendlies anyway.

The only problem we have is that we have 12 players and are only allowed a squad of 10. So 2 are going to be disappointed. How the hell do you pick 2 kids out and tell them they can not be part of a team with the rest of their mates after they have played together every Saturday morning for 2 years?

As coaches we won't take it too seriously and will use the next year as development and hope the kids enjoy themselves and develop their skills as they go.

So if anyone has some pearls of wisdom they would like to share I'm willing to listen.


Edited by 48Valves on Sunday 15th May 19:23


Original Poster:

4,061 posts

220 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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48Valves said:
The only problem we have is that we have 12 players and are only allowed a squad of 10. So 2 are going to be disappointed.
You could try to add another 3 or 4 players and enter two teams, or ask the players to continue to train with you and arrange friendlies on the inbetween weeks to give them some game time.


2,026 posts

212 months

Sunday 15th May 2016
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WildCards said:
48Valves said:
The only problem we have is that we have 12 players and are only allowed a squad of 10. So 2 are going to be disappointed.
You could try to add another 3 or 4 players and enter two teams, or ask the players to continue to train with you and arrange friendlies on the inbetween weeks to give them some game time.
We were planning on going for the second option. I can see the parents been more bothered about it than the kids though.

We don't really have the options for adding more players as we live in a smallish village and there just isn't the number of kids available to do it. Running 2 teams with only 7 or 8 players would be a nightmare as FA rules state that they can't swap between 2 teams in the same club and I can imagine that some weeks both teams would struggle for numbers. It happens with one of our older groups. It only takes one birthday party and most of the team are unavailable .

When I ran an adults Sunday league club with 2 teams. We had the maximum number signed on for the club (32) There were weeks back then when we struggled to put 11 players out for each team and wee could swap players. I don't fancy that hassle again with the kids.


j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Monday 16th May 2016
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WildCards said:
j4ckos mate said:
Tough one last night, so tough he didnt get a run out, :-(

it wasn't a rough tackling one so much just a very fast pace one
its understandable i suppose hes only been signed on since the new year and played 10 already.
You paying the same subs as everyone else? If you turn up to a game, you should play at least half the game, i'd be fuming!
Fair point.
it depends how the stall is set out,

his old one will let all and sundry play, regardless of ability, so they get hammered year in year out.

the keeper, is like one of those end of the season calamity videos,
with just him in it, every time he gets near the ball.

his new one, will pick the team according to the game they have to play.

Some games he wont get much of a run out, he accepts that, i do, he got his bib on got a ball and practiced with the other subs without complaining.

hes been training with them since October on the quiet and his first game was end of Jan
His old team haven't won a game in two years, at the time of writing the goal diff is -211 scored seven goals since September, and the previous season was even worse.

ive just calculated 3800 minutes without a draw never mind a win.
even as adult it takes balls to get up and face that every sunday.

Hes nailed on starter with his old team, and probably in the top five in terms of ability, he was totally committed for two seasons but this one, its just taken its toll on him and on our family Sundays.

Some of the kids arent bothered and have been coming for years,
he just wanted to get a couple

with his new one its the first time hes had to and hes played in 11 games, so i dont mind so much, and that win guaranteed us promotion, so he would have been dead upset if he would have caused a mistake that lead to us getting beat,
hes prorbably one of the weaker ones and certainly not pacey, but he enjoys winning and seems to be trusted with the ball

All in all i hope the old one doesn't fold, and itll give 15 kids an opportunity to improve,
its helped my lad out definitely and im grateful to his manager and his family.

The final nail in the coffin was goin upto to the peak district and getting hammered 24-0 in driving rain on an awful pitch and he was filling up on the long drive home so we thought sod this.
looked for another team and hes sorted


15,083 posts

264 months

Monday 16th May 2016
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Thing is though, in two years time. when you play seven a side, you may want them

ask the league to allow you to register 12 and rotate.

seems a stupid rule.

Our league don,t care how many you have, just as long as it a max of ten for the match. check you aren't confusing squad for a game with squad for the club,,


39,685 posts

272 months

Monday 16th May 2016
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Our league are extremely strict on this topic. Players can only register and play for 1 team. They can of course transfer between teams/club, but there are limits on transfers, and usually takes a week or so to process via the league.


15,083 posts

264 months

Tuesday 17th May 2016
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Kinky said:
Our league are extremely strict on this topic. Players can only register and play for 1 team. They can of course transfer between teams/club, but there are limits on transfers, and usually takes a week or so to process via the league.
Yes I am sure, at U15's

This is Under Sevens, no one is even keeping score for another five years !

I suspect what has happening is the Squad size is a match day thing

The actual number of players you have at the club is probably irrelevant at this level.

I have 32 registered at U7's and we have four teams, playing five a side.... even if we take seven per game, I still have a few " on rotation. (or more likely not available that particular weekend.


Original Poster:

4,061 posts

220 months

Tuesday 17th May 2016
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In our U7s league every player has their own player card, they can only play for the team they're registered to play under, even if we have 3 teams, the players can't play for the other two. Our league also stipulates a max squad size of 10 players, the reasoning is to ensure all children get equal playing time.

Like I said above though, at 5 a-side, teams could get away with 6 players so i'd be going down that route in your shoes and look to bolster both squads over the summer with a few additional players.


39,685 posts

272 months

Tuesday 17th May 2016
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WildCards said:
In our U7s league every player has their own player card, they can only play for the team they're registered to play under, even if we have 3 teams, the players can't play for the other two. Our league also stipulates a max squad size of 10 players, the reasoning is to ensure all children get equal playing time.
Same in my league. It costs £10 to transfer to another club, or £6 to transfer to another team within the same club; both of which take a week to process, and limited to playing 1 game per day (although that rule applies to all age groups).

j4ckos mate

3,034 posts

173 months

Tuesday 17th May 2016
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League won with a game in hand.

A happy house, although first half we were shocking against 9 men
Eventually we win 0-2


Original Poster:

4,061 posts

220 months

Tuesday 17th May 2016
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Kinky said:
Same in my league. It costs £10 to transfer to another club, or £6 to transfer to another team within the same club; both of which take a week to process, and limited to playing 1 game per day (although that rule applies to all age groups).
While I agree that players should be registered and they should limit teams to 10 to help promote more playing time, I don't agree with charging clubs to transfer players. Other than the affiliation fee, I don't think leagues should charge or fine a club for anything once a season is underway, it's counter-productive for a club to be raising money for the benefit of youth football to then give it all to leagues so their committee can buy new ties.

We have Leagues here who's bank balances put some small companies to shame come AGM season, which is imminent.


3,742 posts

106 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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Just after a bit of advice.
My sons played for a team for 5 years now. The past 2 years though a couple of players have only got 10 mins out of 50 per game.

There was a meeting set up 2 years ago as parents were miffed about the fact not all kids got equal game time.

Attending was the manager and the actual top chairman of the overall club. Their attitude was if you don't like it leave that's how we run the club (25 teams)

So I was looking around for a club but nothing but this year has been the final straw with a friend of the managers son appearing and getting more game time than the ones who have been at the club a lot longer (All under 11's)

There have been a fair few arguments and there is a divide now in the team between the managers and parents a a lot are disgusted by the behaviour shown towards some kids over others ( the manager and assistant managers preferential treatment)

Anyway I've paid my subs £20 a month for 5 years now and there is a fair amount of money in the bank.

I do feel short changed and don't see why I should have paid same as parent X for 1/5th of the game time.

Question is there doesn't seem to be enough players left for the team to carry on so what happens to the money ?
Are we entitled to money back or does it just sit in the bank until the team disbands and then those left get all the money ?

The kit has always been paid for by sponsors so the only fees are pitch fees and ref fees which they raise from food and drink and raffle sales.

Around £3k per annum is getting filtered into the team and there is no way £3k is being spend


249 posts

99 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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In my experience if your son plays the same position as the managers son it's time to move on.

If my son was only playing 10 mins a game it's also time to move on, as for subs it's probably best to put it down to experience unless the team disbands.

Edited by Silvernoble883 on Sunday 12th June 17:27