The joey barton thread

The joey barton thread



31,608 posts

256 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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rohrl said:
A colleague and I read a lot about Barton out of boredom and curiosity when he was being tried in court for a nasty assault a couple of years back.

From reading all sorts of accounts we came to the unprofessional diagnosis that he's a total fking psycho, or most likely a sociopath.

Barton is intelligent. His teachers at school said so. By the standards of professional football he's very bright indeed. He seems however to be missing insight into his own character and empathy for the suffering of others. He obviously has issues with assessing his own behaviour and has a tendency towards grandiosity.

If he weren't a wealthy footballer who can afford big-time legal representation I suspect he'd either be a successful though criminal businessman or serving a very long prison sentence.
I agree. He's not stupid, he's rash. He isn't unreflective, but he's incredibly impulsive and short-tempered. I think he often feels hard-done-by, frustrated and angst-ridden.

Whilst opposing players will dread his energy and tenacity, I imagine they know he'll be very easy to wind-up, and whilst they might get a kicking, they could easily spark him into getting himself booked or sent off.

I think many managers have seen the good and bad sides, and flatter themselves into thinking they can harness him. A true challenge of their managerial skills. Except, in many cases I think he's brighter than they are, and he doesn't respect them.

He's like Hannibal Lecter in shorts.


43,865 posts

153 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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wormburner said:
class act.
I am struggling to comprehend how those 2 words have turned up within a million miles of any discussion about Joey Barton.

Staggering..... Completely speechless, I'll go now!


4,905 posts

257 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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AshVX220 said:
It also annoys me the amount he's probably paid with his record (but that's just jealousy when he acts the way he does).
Rumour has it 55k/wk@Newcastle and 70k/wk@QPR. Feel better now? smile


Original Poster:

21,429 posts

199 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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wormburner said:
He's like Hannibal Lecter in shorts.
I quite like that thumbup

10 Pence Short

32,880 posts

220 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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wormburner said:
rohrl said:
A colleague and I read a lot about Barton out of boredom and curiosity when he was being tried in court for a nasty assault a couple of years back.

From reading all sorts of accounts we came to the unprofessional diagnosis that he's a total fking psycho, or most likely a sociopath.

Barton is intelligent. His teachers at school said so. By the standards of professional football he's very bright indeed. He seems however to be missing insight into his own character and empathy for the suffering of others. He obviously has issues with assessing his own behaviour and has a tendency towards grandiosity.

If he weren't a wealthy footballer who can afford big-time legal representation I suspect he'd either be a successful though criminal businessman or serving a very long prison sentence.
I agree. He's not stupid, he's rash. He isn't unreflective, but he's incredibly impulsive and short-tempered. I think he often feels hard-done-by, frustrated and angst-ridden.

Whilst opposing players will dread his energy and tenacity, I imagine they know he'll be very easy to wind-up, and whilst they might get a kicking, they could easily spark him into getting himself booked or sent off.

I think many managers have seen the good and bad sides, and flatter themselves into thinking they can harness him. A true challenge of their managerial skills. Except, in many cases I think he's brighter than they are, and he doesn't respect them.

He's like Hannibal Lecter in shorts.
He's also a .

Deva Link

26,934 posts

248 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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LaurasOtherHalf said:
Countdown said:
So, Joey Barton, A Scouser who used to play for Man City, hands his former team-mates a massive advantage by getting sent off resulting in his former team winning the EPL (on goal difference).

Nothing strange about that at all.... scratchchin
hehe I actually never thought of that
Barton will surely be pretty pissed that he might have helped City.

But what would the reaction have been if QPR had gone down? They needed to win really but in the end were only saved by two very dodgy decisions at Stoke.


31,608 posts

256 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
wormburner said:
class act.
I am struggling to comprehend how those 2 words have turned up within a million miles of any discussion about Joey Barton.

Staggering..... Completely speechless, I'll go now!
I know exactly what you mean, and I'm not saying I want to go for a beer with him, but when it comes to winning football matches having a player like Barton on your side is much preferable to the opposition having him on theirs. He's great to watch for the impartial, too.


43,865 posts

153 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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wormburner said:
He's great to watch for the impartial, too.
Ahh, that's where we differ. I'm not impartial...I like football.


5,931 posts

193 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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yajeed said:
AshVX220 said:
It also annoys me the amount he's probably paid with his record (but that's just jealousy when he acts the way he does).
Rumour has it 55k/wk@Newcastle and 70k/wk@QPR. Feel better now? smile
Actually makes me feel worse, I'd have thought it would be less than that, like £35-40k/wk. frown


697 posts

198 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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I saw his attempt at a massacre on alan shearer on twitter this morning on the guardian website.....




This guy is literally bezerk. He has well and truly reaffirmed to everyone, and i mean, EVERYONE, how much of a horrible scum bag he really is!


3,678 posts

186 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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wormburner said:
Professional, time-served, first-class managers keep signing him...

So why do these experienced managers sign him instead of the other players you refer to above? Because when his head is in the right place, he's a class act. Still a nightmare, probably, but a class act.
Nope, he's average at best. I can't fathom what so many 'experienced managers' see in him. He falls into the same bucket as Heskey...

The difference is, Barton is a massive ballbag.


8,771 posts

148 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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2seas said:
Nope, he's average at best. I can't fathom what so many 'experienced managers' see in him. He falls into the same bucket as Heskey...

The difference is, Barton is a massive ballbag.
Heskey may be a donkey with all the precision of a trainee NHS orthopaedic surgeon but to bracket him with Barton is just cruel. I've never seen any malice in Emile Heskey.


3,678 posts

186 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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rohrl said:
2seas said:
Nope, he's average at best. I can't fathom what so many 'experienced managers' see in him. He falls into the same bucket as Heskey...

The difference is, Barton is a massive ballbag.
Heskey may be a donkey with all the precision of a trainee NHS orthopaedic surgeon but to bracket him with Barton is just cruel. I've never seen any malice in Emile Heskey.


31,608 posts

256 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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2seas said:
wormburner said:
Professional, time-served, first-class managers keep signing him...

So why do these experienced managers sign him instead of the other players you refer to above? Because when his head is in the right place, he's a class act. Still a nightmare, probably, but a class act.
Nope, he's average at best. I can't fathom what so many 'experienced managers' see in him. He falls into the same bucket as Heskey...

The difference is, Barton is a massive ballbag.
Yet the guys who are paid the big bucks to run football teams keep hiring him (on huge wages).


3,678 posts

186 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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wormburner said:
2seas said:
wormburner said:
Professional, time-served, first-class managers keep signing him...

So why do these experienced managers sign him instead of the other players you refer to above? Because when his head is in the right place, he's a class act. Still a nightmare, probably, but a class act.
Nope, he's average at best. I can't fathom what so many 'experienced managers' see in him. He falls into the same bucket as Heskey...

The difference is, Barton is a massive ballbag.
Yet the guys who are paid the big bucks to run football teams keep hiring him (on huge wages).
Well then they must be right!


8,672 posts

195 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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Its not that long ago when I thought he was our (Man Citys) best player.
Maybe not the most talented but he was the only one who seemed to care and try.
Luckily we (and I) got wise to him and I was glad to see him go.
It was noticeable how Shaun and Nedum got big cheers but Barton was roundly booed when his name was read out on Sunday.

Thoroughly unpleasant character IMO.

dirty boy

14,727 posts

212 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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Top class player, anyone who thinks otherwise knows naff all about football. He's certainly comparable to the likes of Carrick and Barry and Parker. He's very good at breaking up play, and does pop up with the odd goal and assist too.

I think his downside is that he doesn't tend to do the simple passes like the aforementioned, there is a definite tendency to look 'further' for a pass than necessary, and I think that lets him down with his team's ability to retain possession.

Would I have him? Depends on my current squad, and careful thoughts as to whether he'd 'fit in'. If so, he can do the job he's paid to do.

On a personal level, what a tit. It's such a shame he loses his professionalism on the pitch with monotonous regularity.

ray von

2,920 posts

255 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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wormburner said:
I think he often feels hard-done-by, frustrated and angst-ridden.
Nothing to do with where he's from then getmecoat


8,672 posts

195 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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dirty boy said:
He's certainly comparable to the likes of Carrick and Barry and Parker.
is this a joke?
Having seen Barton and Barry play a lot of times I can say he's not in the same league.
I've only seen Carrick and Parker afew times in the flesh but they strike me as much better.

There again, I know naff all laugh


4,905 posts

257 months

Tuesday 15th May 2012
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dirty boy said:
Top class player, anyone who thinks otherwise knows naff all about football.
Seems like lots of us (even those who used to watch him play every week) know naff all then.