Will VAR Change Football for the Better?

Will VAR Change Football for the Better?



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Tuesday 6th September 2022
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I'm struggling with the interpretation of 'clear and obvious' as to me it's subjective. No doubt someone will quote what PGMOL says it is, but what is CAO to one may not be to another when you consider how much acting and faking goes on. Consistency is a debate of its own and club/player/referee personalities/reputations are also factors.

Martinelli's goal was chalked off for an alleged foul which the referee confirmed after a review. There are countless comparisons which support both sides of 'clear and obvious'. Some given, others not.


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Sunday 12th February 2023
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Blib said:
Can we get rid of it now?


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Monday 13th February 2023
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Friday 10th March 2023
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I was getting ready to take my lad training when it happened so didn't see the replays properly; Lisbon v Arsenal last night. Martinelli was shown a yellow card for impeding the goalkeeper but it looked harsh. I heard the commentators mention Xhaka looking more the guilty party if anything.

As this conversation was taking place, the referee tuned into VAR and reached for his yellow card and starts to draw the invisible screen. It looked like he was about to reverse his decision but instead, he fumbled the card back in and quickly signaled for the game to restart.

I'd love to hear what the conversation there was.


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218 months

Sunday 9th April 2023
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LF5335 said:
That decision has possibly ended their chances of CL football.
'Sorry our mistake has denied you at least 15 million quid'.

Brighton should sue if that happens.


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218 months

Monday 10th April 2023
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There are quite a few names of past and present directors (and secretaries) of PGMOL to look up.


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218 months

Monday 10th April 2023
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LF5335 said:
I’m not digging because I’m making the same point that you and three other Spurs supporters refuse to see, because we’re discussing Kane.

Kane got tapped in the face. His reaction was delayed and massively exaggerated so that he knew that if the ref, or linesman didn’t see it that there would be a VAR review. In this case the ref saw it and dealt with it, but he still massively overreacted precisely because VAR is there. If overreacting and trying to ensure an opponent gets sent off isn’t cheating, then it’s pretty damn close to it. Exactly the same as when Fernandes gets tackled and hits the floor, squealing and rolling around like a pussy.

Players are playing up the the VAR cameras to try to get red cards for opponents. VAR is happy to get involved and hold the game up while they trawl the video frame by frame. All tackles look worse in slow motion, many will have a frame that doesn’t look good when taken out of context.

Anyway, I’m done, one of you can claim I’ve stopped digging or whatever, but I’m not wasting time on this. I know where my opinion on VAR sits.

VAR continues to not make the game better.
Kane also went down holding the opposite side of his face.

The game - or the game rules - have just shown a bunch of players how to push the boundaries to their benefit. 'Oh, head injury, you say?' Down goes a player in the box, holding his head to relive the under siege pressure and take the sting out of the game. The referee cannot roll the dice on these incidents but VAR can see what's going on. A quick buzz on the ref's watch and ask him to look at the blatant simulation on the big screen (so everyone in the stadium can see it) and then push for a five-minute sin bin for the player to get over his injury.

It really doesn't have to be difficult.


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218 months

Monday 1st May 2023
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Blib said:
LotusOmega375D said:
Skipp played the ball first though, hence no red card I guess.
Left a bit on.


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218 months

Monday 1st May 2023
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I think the idea of VAR in the context of football is - was - potentially a great idea to analyse, monitor and highlight what the referee might have missed. Bearing in mind, he/she still has two assistants.

The problem is, they can't get it right. What they are trying is farcical (let's not forget the chap in the Europa Cup whose job was stand on the edge of the box). Broadly speaking they're getting it wrong. I think the rules they are trying to interpret to us aren't being applied on the pitch. There's also one thing they aren't considering, and that is most football players are cheats. The whole idea of the game is to beat your opponent and if you are both equal to it, the only way to do that is to deceive him. Now that there are extra rules, quite nuanced rules, it's given the deception element another dimension. Such as, 'the referee must stop the game if there is a head injury'. Cue the acting. The slightest nudge and the player goes down clutching his head. This is where VAR needs to act. If it's that obvious, call it, but they're afraid of getting it wrong (ironic) in which case, if there is a head injury, the player should come off for a fixed period of time to be assessed, or the Stockley Park mince pies should be 'having a closer look' and pointing out that it's clear simulation. There's so much cheating going on it's unruly.

Also, why spend so much time measuring where the hang of the elbow is against the last 'heel' of defence to assess off-sides? A player isn't going to score with his elbow; an attacking player doesn't gain any kind of advantage by being 1.01cm of a toe behind a defender's crooked knee. It's pathetic.

It's also pathetic that they get involved to great lengths to chalk off goals or even award penalties when they don't buzz the ref to tell him that the goalkick he has just awarded was in fact a corner, or that the ball came off the other player and the throw-in is for the other side.

The role of the VAR isn't fit for purpose if they are not assisting. There should be clear sanctions for any backchat to the referee; sin bins for those who persistently berrate the referee for his decisions. Let the game flow and let the referee officiate. If he misses anything (and not just off-sides and penalty decisions) stop play and get it on the big screen. Let's hear what's being said. Let there be an open discussion for all to hear.

Also, if we can lipread so can the VARs. If they (officials) want better respect, tighter rules are needed. Dissent: "you all know the rules. Any hint of it and it'll be a five-minute sin bin". Look at Klopp when they pinched the winner yesterday. There needs to be a sanction for that as the whole idea of respect needs to be consistent and from the top.

Edited by Glassman on Monday 1st May 16:35


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218 months

Friday 12th May 2023
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johnboy1975 said:
Hadn't heard about this until today, the Premier league are giving up behind the scenes footage / audio surrounding controversial decisions


The conversations behind the major decisions of the weekend will not be broadcast live, as clips will be played and discussed as part of a pilot show from Premier League Productions on Monday, May 15.
If it's not hosted by Helen Chamberlain, Tim Lovejoy, Matt Lucas and Ellis James it won't be worth watching.


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218 months

Monday 15th May 2023
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In the Leeds v Newcastle game, a penalty was awarded for handball. In all the replays, the player's hand was up there 'to' the ball, however the spin on the ball was not affected, neither did the trajectory appear to change. The attacker got his header off but it was way off target.

What was the decision on that, handball or intent?


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218 months

Friday 25th August 2023
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Wonderman said:
Apologies if already posted but lessons are being learned...oh or not:

"Sacked referee reinstated by PGMOL despite huge blunder in Arsenal game

Lee Mason, the referee who was sacked after making a horrific blunder in an Arsenal match last season, has been reinstated by the PGMOL.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Mason has been rehired by the referees’ body to help train up new officials."

There are no words.


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218 months

Sunday 17th September 2023
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Why isn't VAR getting involved in other wrongly awarded decisions?

How many times have we seen a corner or throw-in awarded to the attacking team when it clearly came off their player?

Also, when everyone can see the player that went down holding his head was clearly faking it, that player should be taken off for a mandatory period of time, 'for his own safety', before he can continue. Not enough is being done to combat cheating yet we are being subject to minutes of someone rolling a VT back and forth to see if one cm of a knee was offside.


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218 months

Monday 18th September 2023
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
Glassman said:
Why isn't VAR getting involved in other wrongly awarded decisions?

How many times have we seen a corner or throw-in awarded to the attacking team when it clearly came off their player?

Christ, we waste too much time with the VAR crap already. And you want it expanded to cover even more decisions?? Ffs, you cannot be a football fan. You just can't.
I'd rather not have VAR for its inconsistencies.

Am I allowed to be a fan now?


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218 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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The VAR replay shown to the referee only showed one angle.


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Tuesday 3rd October 2023
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Referees Cook and England, 'stood down'.

Cook however, will be the VAR at Goodison Park on Saturday when Everton host Bournemouth.


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218 months

Friday 5th January
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Driver101 said:
The other pundit was Jobi McAnuff. He has retired, but the in the last 10 years he was playing for Leyton Orient and Stevanage between league 2 and the National League.
There must be something else...


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218 months

Thursday 9th May
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Interesting moment in the RM v BM game last night.

The Bayern goal looked onside, yet was ruled to be off. Was it not awarded because the whistle had blown between the flag going up and the shot?


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218 months

Thursday 9th May
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I'm not advocating more VAR checks, but surely if you can chalk a goal off after minutes of drawing lines etc, surely the opposite should allow VAR to intervene and look at a goal that was not offside instead of waving play on?


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218 months

Thursday 9th May
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Bluevanman said:
The "disallowed" Bayern goal wasn't because of VAR but because of human error.
The Real winner was because VAR worked.
How many games/cups/titles have been lost due to human error!

If VAR can get the referee to have a look at the pitch-side monitor and review his on-field decision, are they saying a lino can make a wrong call but it's play on due it being a human error?