The joey barton thread

The joey barton thread



3,569 posts

118 months

Monday 6th December 2021
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He's a c@ck


31,608 posts

256 months

Monday 6th December 2021
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towser44 said:
He's a c@ck
That too. smile


43,915 posts

153 months

Tuesday 7th December 2021
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GloverMart said:
; mentioned that some of his players have a "holocaust" when talking about having shockers which wasn't the best choice of words.
Ffs. Thick as mince.


26,524 posts

176 months

Tuesday 7th December 2021
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A thug who will definitely one day pick on a bigger boy, I can't wait.


7,194 posts

147 months

Tuesday 7th December 2021
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ChocolateFrog said:
A thug who will definitely one day pick on a bigger boy, I can't wait.
Exactly that. Funny that when he was playing you never saw him try to get physical with, say, a Patrick Vieira type, who would have swatted him into the middle of next week.


1,145 posts

108 months

Tuesday 7th December 2021
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As has been said, a very unlikeable chap indeed, a proper scrote. However, I read a lot of biographies especially sports ones and after reading all the greats that have been including Best, Marsh, Merson (which is one of the best IMO and a must holiday read) along with many more, Bartons was really one I just couldn't put down. A proper eye opener into the life that the guy has lived through, dull it has definitely not been !! All said he's still a right shyster and I don't feel good about donating my hard earned to him but we all like a good drama and the books full of it. Give it a go, you still won't like the bloke but it's an interesting read.


7,194 posts

147 months

Friday 18th March 2022
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In court again, where this time he definitely hasn't assaulted his wife:

Lemme guess ... she refuses to give evidence against him in this assault that never happened? punch


3,227 posts

148 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2022
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He's just a grade A c**t who needs a big slap


190 posts

11 months

Saturday 6th January
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I don't really know who Joey Barton is but it's impossible not to notice his outbursts on social media over the last few days.

Does he have a history of mental health issues?

Is he having a mental breakdown of some kind?

He needs urgent medical help IMO.

It's very very disappointing to see how much support he appears to have on social media.

I think he might be facing several libel cases very soon. I'm not going to link or repeat any of his content as he makes some allegedly wild accusations and some rather distasteful misogynistic comments.


52,720 posts

213 months

Saturday 6th January
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I do wonder whether there's something going on in his personal life.

You'd have thought and hoped that st would make him toxic so far as being employable in football or anywhere reputable.

Reminds me a bit of Laurence Fox setting his career on fire.


1,153 posts

221 months

Saturday 6th January
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He’s one of those people who seem to think their view is the correct one and those who disagree must be idiots.

No or very little sense of nuance it seems to me.


190 posts

11 months

Saturday 6th January
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He will struggle to get any work in football now surely, who would employ him? Maybe a spot on GBEntertaiment beckons.

I've just had a bit of a read up of his history, both on & off the field...... Wow, what a very damaged individual!

The Hypno-Toad

12,488 posts

208 months

Saturday 6th January
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LRDefender said:
I don't really know who Joey Barton is but it's impossible not to notice his outbursts on social media over the last few days.

Does he have a history of mental health issues?

Is he having a mental breakdown of some kind?

He needs urgent medical help IMO.

It's very very disappointing to see how much support he appears to have on social media.

I think he might be facing several libel cases very soon. I'm not going to link or repeat any of his content as he makes some allegedly wild accusations and some rather distasteful misogynistic comments.
I would now agree with this. This latest outburst is so over the top that I would suggest there is either an addiction or metal health issue at play here. He either needs to seek help or friends & family need to step in and find it for him.

No one says stuff like that without a serious broken set of filters.


52,720 posts

213 months

Saturday 6th January
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Oh I thought this was about the Aluko and women commentators stuff.

Just checked Twitter.



1,147 posts

61 months

Saturday 6th January
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Trouble is he initially started this off with an albeit rather harsh, but credible take on some of the recent additional to punditry. He's not the only person to think this, but he is the first famous person to call it out.

Now he's just gone insane. He clearly needs help. How on earth could he have any female support is beyond me, particularly from friends and family. Unless he's just on a windup because he's bored...

Women have every right to be pundits. Eni Eluko however, doesn't. Some of the crackers she comes out with are brilliant. There are men who also aren't fit to be pundits. He should maybe attack those as well.


43,915 posts

153 months

Saturday 6th January
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I think he's spotted a niche as the Andrew Tate of punditry. With Twitter or X or whatever now paying out for content providers in a similar fashion to Youtube, posting inflammatory crap and generation thousands of replies is probably earning him a living.


3,977 posts

33 months

Saturday 6th January
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He was a fking idiot as a player. A fking idiot as a manager. And is unsurprisingly still a fking idiot.

If he hadn’t been good at football he would be scraping minimum wage somewhere.

President Merkin

3,877 posts

22 months

Saturday 6th January
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
I think he's spotted a niche as the Andrew Tate of punditry. With Twitter or X or whatever now paying out for content providers in a similar fashion to Youtube, posting inflammatory crap and generation thousands of replies is probably earning him a living.
Maybe but he's never not been a knobhead though. Far back as an apprentice at Man City he was stirring st up. I tried to add up the fines he paid over his career & gave up at £200,000.


4,438 posts

82 months

Saturday 6th January
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I gather from this thread he has slated female pundits , anything else that can be posted ?


52,720 posts

213 months

Saturday 6th January
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Xenoous said:
Women have every right to be pundits. Eni Eluko however, doesn't. Some of the crackers she comes out with are brilliant. There are men who also aren't fit to be pundits. He should maybe attack those as well.
It's that old thing that multiple things can be true.

I don't have an issue with her as a pundit but (and I know you're not saying this) he can think she's crap at her job but that doesn't mean Barton is justified to speak about her and other female pundits the way he has.