The Official Everton thread - Vol 2

The Official Everton thread - Vol 2



Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 19th October 2022
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Newcastle deserve the lead, good goal. They look strong.

We have no goal scoring threat.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 19th October 2022
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1 attempt on goal in 90 minutes.

Total bilge.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Friday 4th November 2022
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Leicester Loyal said:
Not going tomorrow, having to cut down on a bit on all the spending so sold my ticket. As it's on TV I won't be missing much anyway, having the lads round and having a few beers.

Never fancy us against you, need at least 1 win out of the next 2 games (you & WHU), I'd like to think we can get it tomorrow. At an absolute minimum we should be getting a point.

It’s sad to see Leicester struggling even though I don’t like Brendan. However, I hope you lose tomorrow and sack him. We need a run of results just as much.



Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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Being outplayed here. We are the home team…?


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Saturday 5th November 2022
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Unsaleable effort.

It was coming and we should be more down.



Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 9th November 2022
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Going to be the best stadium in the Championship.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 9th November 2022
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Adam. said:
I feel sory for FL

Inherited a mess, no money to buy players, some players getting on a bit/lot, has to sell 1 of his 2 proper strikers

Are the fans of the same mindset and cutting him some slack despite the results?
He is leading a team that can’t score goals. It’s not actually his fault. We need a striker and we also need goals from the rest of the team.

Other teams are scoring goals and getting results.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Saturday 12th November 2022
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We got no goals in us.

Going south rapid.

Everyone else will kick on in some way.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 16th November 2022
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Fast Bug said:
I keep seeing a rumour of us being linked with Bielsa as the board are getting twitchy about Frank. I don't think a manager change will help our current plight, we need an out and out forward and a creative player IMO
No manager is getting goals out of our team. That’s what needs fixing.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 16th November 2022
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Frank needs to cut his managerial teeth on a championship team.

He might get his chance if he sticks with us.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 16th November 2022
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Fast Bug said:
I think he came up short at Derby considering the players that he had on loan at the time, but as a first managerial job you can expect mistakes. I'm not in the sacking Lampard camp (we've sacked enough managers to last a lifetime), I think we're a player or 2 short, and if that's addressed in January and we're still in the same boat then he probably has to go. I think we have enough players not going to the World Cup that he has enough time to work with them to try and improve things with what we've got before the season starts again. I think Onana (Belgium) is more than likely to go the furthest in the WC, most of the others should be back fairly early unless we win it of course.... So we should be ready to go on Boxing Day and you'd like to see an improvement in performances.
Pickford, Coady, and Onana…. Who else from our squad have gone to the WC?


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Thursday 24th November 2022
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Remind me.

We used to have a striker who always gave his all.

He saved us from probable relegation.

He’s currently playing as first choice Brazilian striker.

He’s just scored for his country in the World Cup finals.

And he used to play for us, and we haven’t replaced him.

How did this happen?


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Thursday 24th November 2022
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TTmonkey said:
Remind me.

We used to have a striker who always gave his all.

He saved us from probable relegation.

He’s currently playing as first choice Brazilian striker.

He’s just scored for his country in the World Cup finals.

And he used to play for us, and we haven’t replaced him.

How did this happen?
fk fk fk fk what a goal.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 21st December 2022
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Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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hilly10 said:
We are not a bad side defensively and in midfield it’s looking sound but you cannot expect players week in week out to fight for a result when they know upfront we cannot score goals. It’s unbelievable how the board have not prioritised the need for a top class striker. DCL for me is made of glass and can’t see him getting any better.
DCL cares more for his clothes and hair than he does being an Everton goal scorer. He should stick to wearing a dress and make up and make room for someone that wants to do well enough to wear an international shirt and lead their country on the big stage. Richie showed this was possible from being in an Everton team. DCL will never play for England in a big comp, he will always be 4/5 choice in an England team and will shortly fail to even make that grade.

We need some muscle up front. Not a Twinkie.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Wednesday 28th December 2022
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Anyone else think that a couple of seasons in the championship might actually be healthier for the club long term? Rebuild and reorganise.cut the current wage bill, sort out some long term policies on how we play, how we rebuild.

This st is fking depressing. I hate the fact that I support this team now, years of failure. Ts bad for your health.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Thursday 29th December 2022
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Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Saturday 31st December 2022
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Spanking today. It could be a landslide. A tsunami of goals. Could be a record if city are really up for it.

Haaland to get yet another hat trick.


And you know, I don’t care.


Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Saturday 31st December 2022
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Original Poster:

20,911 posts

250 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2023
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Fekin hell