The joey barton thread

The joey barton thread



459 posts

178 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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1- Joey is a thug. He will stand up for himself and the team at all costs, but ultimately its his hot headedness that lets him down. Roy Keane and Paddy Vieira were the same, but the difference they proved their worth to the team. As is shown with Newcastle they let him go and they were fine. As for suggesting a fellow QPR player suggested he take a city player 'with him', he's the fking captain he should know better then that.

2- Is joey a midfield dynamo and what is missing from the England setup as he so often cries? Last season there was a spell when was 'repenting his sins' but still couldnt get anywhere near the England team (hypocritical considering Terry, but thats another argument), He was working miracles at Newcastle playing direct balls to Carroll and scoring for fun. Its a shame because with a new manager he might have stood a chance of selection, but not now. Its a shame for him, his team and England. And his link up with Carroll would have made England a force in the Euro's. You could even argue its the Barton/Carroll partnership that cause Liverpool to pay stupid amounts of money for Carroll.

3- Has he underachieved? Yes. Without a doubt. Never played Champions League football (as far as I remember), was heavily linked with Arsenal before fking it up(ironically against Arsenal). Maybe a manager like Wenger or Fergie would have been able to control him like they did with Keane/Vieira)

I think its fair to say Joey Barton is probably the best English Player that never was.


10,388 posts

158 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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What he did was should behave like that.

Will the FA brush the Tevez punch under the carpet?


8,535 posts

176 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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Countdown said:
So, Joey Barton, A Scouser who used to play for Man City, hands his former team-mates a massive advantage by getting sent off resulting in his former team winning the EPL (on goal difference).

Nothing strange about that at all.... scratchchin
Seriously? A player who left the club in disgrace after been convicted of beating up a team mate at training.....yeah, like City really planned it all.rolleyes


2,872 posts

150 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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It's obvious to anyone who has listened to Barton's interviews or read his tweets that the guy is not stupid, at least by footballer standards. His contributions to a recent documentary on racism in football were thoughtful and reasonable.

His relative intelligence makes his behaviour all the more reprihensible, as he appears to be incapable of learning from his previous mistakes.

Barton was the captain of a team battling for survival yesterday, and he got himself sent off through his own inability to handle the situation. He let his club, their fans and his teammates down. He is a liability and I don't expect him to be a Premier League player at the start of next season. He will have only himself to blame.


4,905 posts

257 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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LaurasOtherHalf said:
He's never played for any of the teams I follow, but, it seams as if the guys only point in being is to cause controversy.

Is there anyone out there who thinks he might actually be a posative influence on a team?

I mean, he's been captain at at least a couple of clubs (qpr & newcastle?), have you ever seen a performance where you thought he was outstanding (rather than merely being a controversial talking point)?
He's a moron.

However, in terms of influencing a game I believe he had a massive impact on Newcastle's come back from 4-0 down against Arsenal.

That said, I'm much happier now that he's someone elses problem. His tweets overnight were just idiotic - managing to alienate the few NUFC supporters who still had any time for him which comprehensively failing to apologise for his sending off.


5,966 posts

215 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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S10 GTA said:
Joey Barton is a liability, but he is also a character, a leader. He is someone who will stand up for himself and not roll over and die. Love him or loath him, he is an asset to a team (when he is on the field)

I do not really like him or his attitude, but he is the kind of player that Arsenal need. He is someone with balls, and Arsenal need bigger balls.

Edited by S10 GTA on Monday 14th May 09:42
This is rubbish. He's not good enough for Arsenal. He's been largely average to poor this season for QPR and has missed a fair few games through suspension.


16,753 posts

208 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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andyjo1982 said:
If so many people hate him or think he's a bellend, why do so many follow him on ttter? I've stopped and I think perhaps it'd hurt him more if people stopped following him, than constantly calling him names.

People like him don't deserve the attention...
It's the car crash thing, they're hoping to witness (or provoke) him kicking off so they can get ghoulish pleasure out of it.

Nom de ploom

4,890 posts

177 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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twitter joey barton....

Joseph Barton... rofl


43,865 posts

153 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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wormburner said:
He's a fantastic footballer. He wouldn't keep getting contracts if he wasn't.

Contracts with who? League 2 is full of players in their 30s who have had contracts since they were 16. Doesn't mean they are any good.

As for "not sure he's good enough for a top 4 club", most QPR fans would argue he's not good enough for a bottom 4 club. He's not exactly pulled up any trees this season. Certainly a long way off being QPRs best player.

He's probably good enough to play premier league football....just. Would probably be better suited to the Championship.


12,796 posts

170 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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BJG1 said:
S10 GTA said:
Joey Barton is a liability, but he is also a character, a leader. He is someone who will stand up for himself and not roll over and die. Love him or loath him, he is an asset to a team (when he is on the field)

I do not really like him or his attitude, but he is the kind of player that Arsenal need. He is someone with balls, and Arsenal need bigger balls.

Edited by S10 GTA on Monday 14th May 09:42
This is rubbish. He's not good enough for Arsenal. He's been largely average to poor this season for QPR and has missed a fair few games through suspension.
I was suggesting he was the kind of player Arsenal need. Not saying they should sign him.


31,608 posts

256 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
wormburner said:
He's a fantastic footballer. He wouldn't keep getting contracts if he wasn't.

Contracts with who? League 2 is full of players in their 30s who have had contracts since they were 16. Doesn't mean they are any good.

As for "not sure he's good enough for a top 4 club", most QPR fans would argue he's not good enough for a bottom 4 club. He's not exactly pulled up any trees this season. Certainly a long way off being QPRs best player.

He's probably good enough to play premier league football....just. Would probably be better suited to the Championship.
He is in no way an unknown quantity.

Professional, time-served, first-class managers keep signing him, in the full knowledge that he is going to be a major headache from day-to-day, and will at best cause them some severe public embarrassment and at worst, do something so stupid he wrecks the team and they have to sack him.

So why do these experienced managers sign him instead of the other players you refer to above? Because when his head is in the right place, he's a class act. Still a nightmare, probably, but a class act.


1,547 posts

193 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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I could count on one hand the amount of good games Joey Barton has had for us, he's nothing but a liability and I hope I never see him at Loftus Road again, I don't think Mark Hughes will have him back in his side as it will be a VERY different set up to this season.

And take your floppy haired crap with you.


4,969 posts

213 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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Blackpuddin said:
andyjo1982 said:
If so many people hate him or think he's a bellend, why do so many follow him on ttter? I've stopped and I think perhaps it'd hurt him more if people stopped following him, than constantly calling him names.

People like him don't deserve the attention...
It's the car crash thing, they're hoping to witness (or provoke) him kicking off so they can get ghoulish pleasure out of it.
Maybe. Perhaps we could start a trend on Twitter #dontfollowJosephBarton...

Anyone else up for it?


15,370 posts

191 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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People follow him for the same reason they watch those Russian driving youtube vids.
It's been mentioned that the twitter thing is a PR device, and he just takes pseudo intellectual posts and copy/pastes them, two interesting examples were something along the line of arguments will never be settled by fighting, and another apparently started "As a pacifist..."

He's like the Iraqi minister of information.


57 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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His last 24 hours on twitter have been hilarious

Started on Shearer and Linker last night


8,535 posts

176 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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Odious little piece of st is now back pedaling on Twitter, doesn't even have the courage of his convictions.

North West Tom

11,537 posts

180 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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Every time I see him I just want to dropkick him in the face. He does not deserve to be a Premiership footballer.


Original Poster:

21,429 posts

199 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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it's interesting that for someone so intelligent he rarely seems to be able to admit he's wrong. we all make mistakes, obviously some worse than others but in reality what was he trying to achieve yesterday with tevez?


5,931 posts

193 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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I wonder if I'd get to keep my job if I behaved as aggresively as him?

Kids look up to footballers (sadly), they need to be far more resonsible.

It also annoys me the amount he's probably paid with his record (but that's just jealousy when he acts the way he does).


8,771 posts

148 months

Monday 14th May 2012
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A colleague and I read a lot about Barton out of boredom and curiosity when he was being tried in court for a nasty assault a couple of years back.

From reading all sorts of accounts we came to the unprofessional diagnosis that he's a total fking psycho, or most likely a sociopath.

Barton is intelligent. His teachers at school said so. By the standards of professional football he's very bright indeed. He seems however to be missing insight into his own character and empathy for the suffering of others. He obviously has issues with assessing his own behaviour and has a tendency towards grandiosity.

If he weren't a wealthy footballer who can afford big-time legal representation I suspect he'd either be a successful though criminal businessman or serving a very long prison sentence.