The Official Arsenal - 14 x Cup Winners Thread (Vol 5)

The Official Arsenal - 14 x Cup Winners Thread (Vol 5)



11,585 posts

88 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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Oh dear Luiz in for Holding who was injured in the warm up. How many penalties is he going to give away today...


11,585 posts

88 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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Willian seems to be playing through the middle, how odd.


5,527 posts

144 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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That was...okay?

I think we’re playing well, if Saka or Auba had netted I don’t think it would have been unfair to be 1-1 going into half time. Hopefully we can improve in the second half, and if it stays like this I’d like to see some Partey.

Bit annoyed that VAR had no interest in checking the high foot from Walker, they had no issues awarding a penalty after the whistle to United at Brighton.


11,585 posts

88 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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Okay, we looked a bit short of ideas in the first twenty minutes but looked decent towards the end of the half. Willian and Pepe aren't having good games, Auba needs to be through the middle, Saka and Tierney look sharp.


12,520 posts

265 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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We played fine. The different is a pass from Mahrez that was straight out of Hollywood.


4,096 posts

50 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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We need to get Willian off for Partey, get Saka on the left and push Cabellos a bit further up, were gonna rue these chances we keep missing.

Should have got a pen as well, exact same challenge in the Liverpool game when Mina had foot high against Mane outside of the box.

Feel Pervio Aguero should have got a yellow for putting his hands on Massey too


11,585 posts

88 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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Radec said:
We need to get Willian off for Partey, get Saka on the left and push Cabellos a bit further up, were gonna rue these chances we keep missing.

Should have got a pen as well, exact same challenge in the Liverpool game when Mina had foot high against Mane outside of the box.

Feel Pervio Aguero should have got a yellow for putting his hands on Massey too
Agree with all of this.


11,585 posts

88 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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Almost another Luiz howler...


4,096 posts

50 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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Think it might be bit late for these subs


17,531 posts

258 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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I think this could easily be a contender for dullest game of the season.


4,096 posts

50 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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Disappointing loss this, seems like when we play a big team we just seem to be set up for damage limitation, and hopefully get something on the break while chasing shadows for most of it.

I want to see us have a bit more confidence and try and go for it, we could have easily got something out of this game by being more proactive.


5,527 posts

144 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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Bit too much sideways and backwards in the second half, again.

Maybe I could understand it if we're ahead or level, but why are we trying to 'open up space' when we're behind!? Go forward, try and fking make something happen!!

Ah well. That's left me a bit flat, but I guess that's because I perceived City to be weaker than they have been in the past. I really hope we can get past City in the League Cup, some Silverware early in the season would do the team some good I think.


23,419 posts

178 months

Saturday 17th October 2020
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Odd game that....Arsenal seemed to lack urgency but I guess that means they respect and believe in Arteta and play to his system. I suppose when you think about the last couple of seasons in similar fixtures it was progress though.

Love watching Saka play football.


10,506 posts

255 months

Sunday 18th October 2020
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Yes Saka was the one shining light, the rest looked tired and listless, not surprising when you think players like Xhaka has played three hard games for the Swiss during the international break, where he should be driving us forward he just looked outpaced and outplayed everywhere.

Was a little surprised we didn’t play AMN as he looked good when involved with the England games. To me he’s ahead of Pepe on form if nothing else. Couldn’t really expect Partey to do anything having only just arrived.

The goal again was down to Leno pushing the ball directly to the opposition when I think Martinez would have either held it of pushed it wide. I think we’ll live to regret selling him, the more I watch Leno playing out from the back the more I think he’s unsuited.

Anyway, onwards, Vienna on Thursday @ 5.55pm! In the Europa. Be interesting to see who gets a game in that one.


4,096 posts

50 months

Sunday 18th October 2020
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Cupramax said:
The goal again was down to Leno pushing the ball directly to the opposition when I think Martinez would have either held it of pushed it wide. I think we’ll live to regret selling him, the more I watch Leno playing out from the back the more I think he’s unsuited.
Totally agree with this, I've said it before on here.
He has a tendency to parry the ball into dangerous areas rather than catch it, he did it a couple of times in this game too.
I'm sure Emi would have caught those or done better with them and also his distribution isn't that great with his feet.
Seems to me he's trying to hard to be Neuer in his style rather than be himself.
Also likes to hold on to the ball until the last minute instead of getting rid giving a heart in the mouth moment.
He's gonna get caught on the ball one of these days.


5,527 posts

144 months

Sunday 18th October 2020
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I've been saying the same things to my mates tbh. Leno probably is a slighty better shot stopper (although I think that's debatable) and better with his feet, but Emi was better at taking the ball out of play by catching it (which I like), was more commanding in the area, and better at communicating with the defense I believe. Massive, massive regrets about selling, and I said that even when it was just a rumour.

Ah well. Fact is we don't have him, and he isn't coming back.

Even though Ceballos is good at times, I still think he doesn't try the forward passes as much as he could. Even when we had posession, Unless the ball was with Tierney or Saka we seemed to have no desire to drive forward at them. Maybe that really was just down to the fact that their team is better than ours and they made us play like that, I dunno.

Sigh. Being a football fan is hard hehe

I wonder if Partey will get some mins in the EL on Thursday, to get him playing as much as possible?


9,967 posts

176 months

Sunday 18th October 2020
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Miss Emi too.

Believe Partey's played a fair bit of football thus far so wouldn't surprise me if he gets just some more sub time for the EL before a start against Leicester.


3,669 posts

130 months

Sunday 18th October 2020
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Loved the Spurs game :-)


11,585 posts

88 months

Sunday 18th October 2020
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MOBB said:
Loved the Spurs game :-)

Especially Bale missing a sitter just before the equaliser


35,208 posts

230 months

Sunday 18th October 2020
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The ladies thrashed Spurs 6-1 as well today.