The Official Everton thread - Vol 2

The Official Everton thread - Vol 2


Fast Bug

11,874 posts

164 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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Gomes has an operation today, hopefully it goes well and we'll have some news in the next few days.


7,219 posts

231 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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Fingers crossed it’s good news


7,764 posts

148 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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As a Spurs ST holder, can i say how good the Everton players were after that tackle.and after the game. Sonny hasn't got a bad thought in his body, and whilst there was a little bit of aggression by the fans in the vicinity, overall they didn't do a 90min boo fest like that red lot do up the road, both in the CL final and last week.Supposed to be the best fans in the land... make me laugh

Everton fans take a bow you are the good half of Merseyside, always had a soft spot for you. gained a few more brownie points yesterday

It was a tragic set of circumstances that came together, and hope Gomes can come back from it


26,231 posts

204 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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silverfoxcc said:
As a Spurs ST holder, can i say how good the Everton players were after that tackle.and after the game. Sonny hasn't got a bad thought in his body, and whilst there was a little bit of aggression by the fans in the vicinity, overall they didn't do a 90min boo fest like that red lot do up the road, both in the CL final and last week.Supposed to be the best fans in the land... make me laugh

Everton fans take a bow you are the good half of Merseyside, always had a soft spot for you. gained a few more brownie points yesterday

It was a tragic set of circumstances that came together, and hope Gomes can come back from it
You OK?

What has yesterdays tackle got to do with Liverpool -- slightly obsession taking over here


26,231 posts

204 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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hilly10 said:
Fingers crossed it’s good news
Everton say they expect Andre Gomes to make a full recovery after a successful operation on his ankle fracture dislocation.

Sounds like good news

Fast Bug

11,874 posts

164 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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Just heard that, really good news. Look forward to him playing again next season as I doubt he'll be back this one


7,764 posts

148 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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I just pointed out the difference between the two side of supporters up there.
The so called lovers of football booed and whistled Spurs whenever they got the ball at both the CL final and last week.
I thought they appreciated other teams but apparently not.
Still thats is their problem, Shame as years ago you could have a good banter with them, nowadays it seems like that has all been forgotten


251 posts

58 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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Fast Bug said:
Just heard that, really good news. Look forward to him playing again next season as I doubt he'll be back this one
The news does look a lot more optimistic for the player , wish him well.

R Mutt

5,893 posts

75 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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silverfoxcc said:
I just pointed out the difference between the two side of supporters up there.
The so called lovers of football booed and whistled Spurs whenever they got the ball at both the CL final and last week.
I thought they appreciated other teams but apparently not.
Still thats is their problem, Shame as years ago you could have a good banter with them, nowadays it seems like that has all been forgotten
I thought you meant in the sense that they're always the victims


29,107 posts

245 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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R Mutt said:
I thought you meant in the sense that they're always the victims
Now you've done it.

Fast Bug

11,874 posts

164 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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3,683 posts

198 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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Glad to hear that Gomes operation went well today.

All that controversy and we're last on motd again laugh

Nice to see the other half of the city commenting on our thread (again) . It's all about them really. Obsessed as usual. laugh


1,999 posts

100 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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Fast Bug said:
It's too early to say anything to be honest. Coleman came back, although he lost a yard or so, after a bad break
Coleman is f***ed, ditto to McCarthy - That injury is dreadful for poor Gomez and an absolute nightmare for Everton, any slim glimmer of hope of winning a cup this season for sure are shattered now. The way he can command play is not easily replaced.

The injury is significant IMO, yes he will return to a normal life but Im not sure about returning to be a world class midfielder who can control a game at the upper tier of competitive football.

and no, I never watched the injury, seeing the faces of the crowd behind him was enough for me to divert my eyes away

I hope i am proven wrong but Everton need to see who can they replace him with, removing Schneiderlin from the list.


1,999 posts

100 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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HairyMaclary said:
Glad to hear that Gomes operation went well today.

All that controversy and we're last on motd again laugh

Nice to see the other half of the city commenting on our thread (again) . It's all about them really. Obsessed as usual. laugh
They can f**k off, I am supporting Everton since the 80s and never once even read a report on a LFC match, even less so have pathetic comments on some rivals forum or match reports. Sad

alfa phil

2,115 posts

210 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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Yes you really feel for the lad , do hope the recovery goes well, regarding the match so pleased we equalized Tosun seems to have got himself in better shape I think he deserves some more play time Richarlison just isnt cutting it at moment , a couple of important games coming up to try and get some points on the board maybe we will show some fighting spirit after whats happened, its been in short supply this season.


7,219 posts

231 months

Monday 4th November 2019
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Well it’s a fracture and not a break, thinking the dislocation of the ankle made it look worse than it was. I see no reason why he can’t come back and play like he as been


3,683 posts

198 months

Tuesday 5th November 2019
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He's left hospital now. Think he'll be out for the rest of the season but I'm no medical expert.


7,219 posts

231 months

Tuesday 5th November 2019
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Yea probably right there Hairy I don’t think he will play again this season


1,911 posts

67 months

Tuesday 5th November 2019
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hilly10 said:
Yea probably right there Hairy I don’t think he will play again this season
That'll probably be wise. Give his legs the opportunity to recover.


26,524 posts

176 months

Tuesday 5th November 2019
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hilly10 said:
Well it’s a fracture and not a break, thinking the dislocation of the ankle made it look worse than it was. I see no reason why he can’t come back and play like he as been
Er, a fracture is a break confused