The Official Ipswich Town Thread

The Official Ipswich Town Thread


sleep envy

62,260 posts

252 months

Wednesday 21st October 2009
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Cara van man said:
Despite what Dick-so-Dull says, this (and many of the other faults) cannot be laid at the managers door, but fall squarely at the feet of the players.

To claim this was Keanes fault due to 'tactics' is misguided, petty and wrong.
they're not deliberately throwing games are they?


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 21st October 2009
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Cara van man said:

I still want Curbishley there.
Can you afford him?
Rich your shady owner may be, but he didn't get rich by being a mug. How long before he pulls the plug?

Ipswich are in a bigger financial hole than you realise by the sounds of it. Relegation would mean almost certain administration - again. This time you won't get away scott-free either...major points deductions would follow.

Cara van man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 21st October 2009
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That is a concern, yes.

I don't think (hope) Evans will pull the plug because of a string of poor results.

I'd say we were in a reasonable position to avoid administration at this present time.


3,034 posts

251 months

Wednesday 21st October 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
Cara van man said:

I still want Curbishley there.
Can you afford him?
Rich your shady owner may be, but he didn't get rich by being a mug. How long before he pulls the plug?

Ipswich are in a bigger financial hole than you realise by the sounds of it. Relegation would mean almost certain administration - again. This time you won't get away scott-free either...major points deductions would follow.
To be fair it’s not really like that, Evans acquired the debt and in essence has loaned the club more money to buy players, he owns the club, he owns the debt and charges interest on it. Whilst he has cut costs throughout the business (just like Mc Nasty has done) Ipswich will still make a sizable operating loss but to this end they are in good company.

The question really is how long Evans can sustain this or indeed is willing to, I’d guess his whole business plan was built on moving up the league or indeed leagues, increasing revenues from both gate receipts and related incomes with a view to sustaining team in the Premiership. Unfortunately for many clubs the recent influx of colossal foreign capital means that just simply isn’t ever going to happen, you don’t need multi millionaires you need Billionaires, sick isn’t it?

In summary, I’d imagine Evans will go with it for the time being, maybe somebody else will want to but it all off him anyway but there will come a time when its unsustainable but irrespective of all Keane’s good work that time isn’t yet I suspect.


PS Even if Ipswich do get relegated I can honestly say I’m enjoying football in the third tier, new grounds, standing, cheap tickets and dare I say it bloody good football courtesy of the Lambo revolution.

Cara van man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 21st October 2009
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Vario-Rob said:
Disco_Dale said:
Cara van man said:

I still want Curbishley there.
Can you afford him?
Rich your shady owner may be, but he didn't get rich by being a mug. How long before he pulls the plug?

Ipswich are in a bigger financial hole than you realise by the sounds of it. Relegation would mean almost certain administration - again. This time you won't get away scott-free either...major points deductions would follow.
To be fair it’s not really like that, Evans acquired the debt and in essence has loaned the club more money to buy players, he owns the club, he owns the debt and charges interest on it. Whilst he has cut costs throughout the business (just like Mc Nasty has done) Ipswich will still make a sizable operating loss but to this end they are in good company.

The question really is how long Evans can sustain this or indeed is willing to, I’d guess his whole business plan was built on moving up the league or indeed leagues, increasing revenues from both gate receipts and related incomes with a view to sustaining team in the Premiership. Unfortunately for many clubs the recent influx of colossal foreign capital means that just simply isn’t ever going to happen, you don’t need multi millionaires you need Billionaires, sick isn’t it?

In summary, I’d imagine Evans will go with it for the time being, maybe somebody else will want to but it all off him anyway but there will come a time when its unsustainable but irrespective of all Keane’s good work that time isn’t yet I suspect.


PS Even if Ipswich do get relegated I can honestly say I’m enjoying football in the third tier, new grounds, standing, cheap tickets and dare I say it bloody good football courtesy of the Lambo revolution.
toally agree


1,893 posts

213 months

Wednesday 21st October 2009
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Vario-Rob said:
PS Even if Ipswich do get relegated I can honestly say I’m enjoying football in the third tier, new grounds, standing, cheap tickets and dare I say it bloody good football courtesy of the Lambo revolution.
Fair point.
Pains me to say it, but it could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
At last we've stopped pretending to be a Premiership club in waiting with associated costs and cut our cloth accordingly.

Could such a "new broom" mentality have happened without relegation? Well it would have been a lot more difficult. If nothing else, relegation means most of the higher earning players jump ship wheras if we'd stayed up they'd have been quite happy to sit there picking their noses on 10 grand a week.

The two clubs are more alike than either set of fans would like to admit. Both have been spending beyond their means for years in a vein attempt to get back to the promised land, when we should have been looking at the likes of Hull or Stoke for inspiration rather than Birmingham or Sunderland.

Cara van man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 21st October 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
The two clubs are more alike than either set of fans would like to admit. Both have been spending beyond their means for years in a vein attempt to get back to the promised land, when we should have been looking at the likes of Hull or Stoke for inspiration rather than Birmingham or Sunderland.

fk, did I just agree with the Dalelard?


3,977 posts

190 months

Wednesday 21st October 2009
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Disco_Dale said:
The two clubs are more alike than either set of fans would like to admit. Both have been spending beyond their means for years in a vein attempt to get back to the promised land, when we should have been looking at the likes of Hull or Stoke for inspiration rather than Birmingham or Sunderland.
/I'll bite
I think you'll find Sunderland are in a very strong financial situation with excellent backing, stadium, and training facilities. Plus its helps having a superb chairman in Sir Niall Quinn.

However I take your point about sensible spending.


1,893 posts

213 months

Thursday 22nd October 2009
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Cara van man said:
fk, did I just agree with the Dalelard?
I knew you loved me really... smile

MonkeyBusiness said:
I think you'll find Sunderland are in a very strong financial situation with excellent backing, stadium, and training facilities. Plus its helps having a superb chairman in Sir Niall Quinn.
Yeah bad example I 'spose.

Cara van man

29,977 posts

254 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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so. Tomorrow is a real 6 pointer for us. Plymouth.

I think this will be the pivotal point of the season, one way or another. If we lose, we are in serious trouble as the points gap will be increasing to worrying proportions. If we win, we could possibly claw our way out of the bottom 3 and kick on from there. We are actually playing well, but luck is not with us and we are failing to take our chances.......the scenarios for the the next few months are;

a) We'll lose, Keano will be sacked, we'll appoint Alan Curbishly and go on to get promoted.
b) We'll win, Keano will stay, things will turn around and we'll go on to get promoted.



1,839 posts

213 months

Saturday 24th October 2009
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Well it's not looking good frown

Cara van man

29,977 posts

254 months

Saturday 24th October 2009
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5,966 posts

215 months

Saturday 24th October 2009
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Bloody hell, can't even beat Plymouth, even we managed that when we were relegated.


1,839 posts

213 months

Saturday 24th October 2009
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See Lisbie got a couple more today. Some bloke called Rhodes also grabbed one at the end.

Cara van man

29,977 posts

254 months

Saturday 24th October 2009
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our top scorer from last season is off the mark. come on Jonny!


1,839 posts

213 months

Saturday 24th October 2009
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But with how many? Our big problem is we don't have a natural goal scorer. We have been crap in front of goal since Bent and Kuqi went (the first time).


1,893 posts

213 months

Saturday 24th October 2009
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Who's that clueless pr*ck from Ireland?
Who's the reason Ipswich cannot score?
Roy Keane is his name and he hasn't won a game,
And he won't be winning trophies anymore!


1,839 posts

213 months

Saturday 24th October 2009
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Not being able to score was a problem before Keane, so you can not blame him.

We have always seemed to be a side who wants to walk the ball into the back of the net.

Cara van man

29,977 posts

254 months

Sunday 25th October 2009
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baptistsan said:
Not being able to score was a problem before Keane, so you can not blame him.

Ignore the village idiot. He's feeling heady because he's in the unfamiliar territory of a play off position, albeit in a pub league.


31,608 posts

256 months

Sunday 25th October 2009
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The writing's on the wall.

Keano's early record at sunderland is being shown as a blip.

Dead man walking. Question is - will he allow himself to be sacked, or will he walk before the Chairman gets that satisfaction?

The guy is a psychologist's dream (and a Chairman's nightmare)