The Official Scottish Football Thread (Vol. 2)

The Official Scottish Football Thread (Vol. 2)



4,510 posts

129 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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Whats telling about these referee decisions, not one player claimed for a penalty. That tells you its clearly not.


14,376 posts

124 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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hotchy said:
Whats telling about these referee decisions, not one player claimed for a penalty. That tells you its clearly not.
The pull on Sakala's top was a penalty. Nobody saw it at the time and not even Sakala claimed for it. There was lots of bodies in the way and easy to miss.

The handball is never a handball. The ball is going away to safety and the Dundee Utd player was trying to get out of the way.

Jota's handball isn't a handball either defined by the rules.

The hounding of the referees is worse than I can remember it. Calling them cheats is ridiculous. Calling them bad for what is either the correct decision or an understandable mistake is unjust.

The biggest problem is fans are obsessively pointing out decisions that have gone against them, but ignoring the opposite when it goes their way.


1,877 posts

139 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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hotchy said:
Whats telling about these referee decisions, not one player claimed for a penalty. That tells you its clearly not.
A Celtic supporting ex-premier league ref has just said it’s a pen and a red card laugh what more do you want?

A few rangers players claimed the handball, arfield was about 2 meters away screaming for it.

Sakala through his hands out as to say what is going on and helander through his hand up aswell.

Driver101 said:
The pull on Sakala's top was a penalty. Nobody saw it at the time and not even Sakala claimed for it. There was lots of bodies in the way and easy to miss.

The handball is never a handball. The ball is going away to safety and the Dundee Utd player was trying to get out of the way.

Jota's handball isn't a handball either defined by the rules.

The hounding of the referees is worse than I can remember it. Calling them cheats is ridiculous. Calling them bad for what is either the correct decision or an understandable mistake is unjust.

The biggest problem is fans are obsessively pointing out decisions that have gone against them, but ignoring the opposite when it goes their way.
The handball absolutely is, Morelos was hit with similar against Aberdeen and it was deemed a penalty, trying to get out of the way or not if your hand is in an unnatural position and it hits it in the box it’s a penalty.

I do agree the hounding of refs is shocking, clubs should be taking responsibility and do things like not endorse maniacs making documentaries about Masonic refereeing associations in there own stadiums.


14,376 posts

124 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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dalzo said:
The handball absolutely is, Morelos was hit with similar against Aberdeen and it was deemed a penalty, trying to get out of the way or not if your hand is in an unnatural position and it hits it in the box it’s a penalty.
It's absolutely not.

Aside Rangers fans I've not heard any respectable pundit, ex referee or players that thinks that was a penalty. The handball rule is already murky enough, but claiming that's a penalty is laughable. The ball was going to safety, he had no reason to handle and did everything to get out of the way. If he didn't move the ball would have hit him and nobody would ask any questions. Moving made it look more than it was.

Morelos was making himself wide and blocked a shot on goal. As the guidelines say a penalty is far more likely to be awarded if the handball is blocking a shot on target. You're comparing two incidents that are defined differently by the rules to make an invalid point.


1,877 posts

139 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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Driver101 said:
It's absolutely not.

Aside Rangers fans I've not heard any respectable pundit, ex referee or players that thinks that was a penalty. The handball rule is already murky enough, but claiming that's a penalty is laughable. The ball was going to safety, he had no reason to handle and did everything to get out of the way. If he didn't move the ball would have hit him and nobody would ask any questions. Moving made it look more than it was.

Morelos was making himself wide and blocked a shot on goal. As the guidelines say a penalty is far more likely to be awarded if the handball is blocking a shot on target. You're comparing two incidents that are defined differently by the rules to make an invalid point.
Boyd thought it was a penalty? His point was quite good in that the ball traveled across the box, he had time to move instead his hand was in an un natural position so his good intent to move out the way isn’t a reason to not give a pen. What he should have done was brought his arms to his side and turn his head like you would do standing in a wall at a free kick.

Morelos was on a turn about a meter away from a header that wasn’t going in if the above isn’t a penalty then neither was Alfredo’s


14,376 posts

124 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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dalzo said:
Driver101 said:
It's absolutely not.

Aside Rangers fans I've not heard any respectable pundit, ex referee or players that thinks that was a penalty. The handball rule is already murky enough, but claiming that's a penalty is laughable. The ball was going to safety, he had no reason to handle and did everything to get out of the way. If he didn't move the ball would have hit him and nobody would ask any questions. Moving made it look more than it was.

Morelos was making himself wide and blocked a shot on goal. As the guidelines say a penalty is far more likely to be awarded if the handball is blocking a shot on target. You're comparing two incidents that are defined differently by the rules to make an invalid point.
Boyd thought it was a penalty? His point was quite good in that the ball traveled across the box, he had time to move instead his hand was in an un natural position so his good intent to move out the way isn’t a reason to not give a pen. What he should have done was brought his arms to his side and turn his head like you would do standing in a wall at a free kick.

Morelos was on a turn about a meter away from a header that wasn’t going in if the above isn’t a penalty then neither was Alfredo’s
Boyd? laugh Look at the contempt from the other panelists Derek McInnes and James McFadden when he said it was a penalty. They couldn't take him seriously.

The ball travelled about 10 yards. He didn't have time to move out the way like he tried.

The header at Aberdeen was goalbound.

Drive Blind

5,126 posts

180 months

Wednesday 23rd February 2022
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Driver101 said:
The hounding of the referees is worse than I can remember it. Calling them cheats is ridiculous. Calling them bad for what is either the correct decision or an understandable mistake is unjust.
fans doing it is understandable, they're biased and tribal. It's what they do.

The media and pundits should be better. It's always been too easy for them to simply question the referreeing decisions rather than question a manager who is tactically poor, or a striker that missed a sitter or a howler from a goalie.


1,085 posts

181 months

Thursday 24th February 2022
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So that’s Celtic out of Europe. I didn’t think they’d win this match, let alone the tie. The extent of the defeat feels somehow easier to take than a narrow loss. Priority by far is winning the SPL.

I think and hope Rangers will go through against Dortmund. It’s strange and disappointing not being able to hear a live commentary from the game on the wireless.


1,860 posts

210 months

Thursday 24th February 2022
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Superb stuff, great performance.


14,376 posts

124 months

Thursday 24th February 2022
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Well done Rangers. I didn't expect that over one leg and certainly not two. Rangers did well, but the amount of basic errors Dortmund made was shocking. Still Rangers' best ever result.

There's big debates about VAR. Tonight it showed it makes mistakes. Morelos won the ball fairly. He got ahead of Can and he booted Morelos. It wasn't close to a foul. Earlier in Europe Aribo was also denied a clear penalty by the same review team than caught an onside goal that everyone else missed. It's still a very mixed bag.

Celtic were awful tonight. Not training of the artificial park was strange. The lineup was of a team that had ruled out the game. The performance was of a bunch of players not interested. It was an embarrassment.

This weekend will show if giving up a European tie was worth it. It should never be.

Edited by Driver101 on Thursday 24th February 22:12


5,637 posts

114 months

Thursday 24th February 2022
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8,400 posts

243 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Rangers were great again tonight, a credit to Scottish football. I agree with Driver, VAR was awful. Do we really want this next year?

Celtic were not quite as poor as last week, but they were pressed and hassled very well and couldn't play their normal game due to the pressure Bodo were putting on. Lost nearly every 50:50.


1,877 posts

139 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Absolutely phenomenal result last night, one of the best in recent history

The atmosphere at the game was electric, up there with the best.

Dortmund we’re a great attacking team but left themselves wide open for counter attacks, Alfredo ragged there centre backs all night despite little service.

Once rangers survived the onslaught in the first half and made the half time change we really matched them, big bassey was unreal once again. Var decision was crap but it didn’t cost us in the end

Flying the flag for Scotland once again!


5,177 posts

126 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Well done to Rangers. Great win. Lot of decent teams left in the last 16


14,376 posts

124 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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DocJock said:
Rangers were great again tonight, a credit to Scottish football. I agree with Driver, VAR was awful. Do we really want this next year?
The idea of VAR is great, but it just doesn't work too often. The referee called it correctly at the time last night, but as soon as he was asked to review the situation on the screen he's going over with the mindset he's made the wrong decision.

I think it'll be even worse here. Every weekend there is decisions that opposing fans see in a completely different light. Even when the rules are quite clear on a subject they still can't and won't accept decisions and opinions. VAR isn't going to end these arguments.


8,400 posts

243 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Yep, I agree with all of that.


1,877 posts

139 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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Red star Belgrade for the champions in the next round.

Exciting draw, winnable tie and mental fans. Should shape up for a fantastic tie.

I’ve not seen who Celtic got yet?…..


8,400 posts

243 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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dalzo said:
I’ve not seen who Celtic got yet?…..
You're a bad man dalzo... biggrin


1,153 posts

182 months

Friday 25th February 2022
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What a game last night. Stand out performances from Morelos and Kent again.

Apart from the obvious VAR decision I thought the ref had a decent game and was letting it flow. He correctly waved away penalty claims from both sides and seemed to have a good grip on the game. Does the var official only have access to limited views? The angle from behind showed the Morelos incident most clearly but wasn't shown to the ref on his screen?

Red star will be a great game, hopefully we can go at least 1 stage further than the last few yearsbiggrin


1,877 posts

139 months

Saturday 26th February 2022
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DocJock said:
You're a bad man dalzo... biggrin
Petty schoolboy level stuff but it’s almost obligatory after one or the other goes out of Europe laughlaugh