Kids Grassroots Football - The good stuff!

Kids Grassroots Football - The good stuff!



5,094 posts

251 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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anniesdad said:
Yeah the Devil's are our first team, they play in the group above United. smile

We've got 5 U11 teams. I think your boys have joined our league this season? I know your team have some really good players (Seb is one, his dads got an i8?). We had a good game the other week against your "Tatton" team. You'll find the Devils tough to beat. Enjoy the game.
I will thanks. I didn't know Tomas had an i8 but I do know that his missus used to be a racing driver. Seb is a cracking player but our best player got signed for Stoke at the end of last season, an amazing natural talent. I'll let you know how we get on.


5,094 posts

251 months

Friday 14th October 2016
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Kinky said:
Small world eh? eek
Indeed. smile


14,589 posts

241 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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XM5ER said:
I will thanks. I didn't know Tomas had an i8 but I do know that his missus used to be a racing driver. Seb is a cracking player but our best player got signed for Stoke at the end of last season, an amazing natural talent. I'll let you know how we get on.
Pretty sure it's sebs dad as all the boys were talking about the i8. Devils also had a player signed by stoke and one of the current squad is training down there also. Stoke have looked at a few of the Devils players. Seb and a couple of other Egerton players actually went abroad earlier this year with some of the Devils to make up a team in a tournament that they ultimately ended up winning. My boy and I missed that trip as I had prior engagements but we went on the previous couple of years and had a great time.


5,094 posts

251 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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anniesdad said:
Pretty sure it's sebs dad as all the boys were talking about the i8. Devils also had a player signed by stoke and one of the current squad is training down there also. Stoke have looked at a few of the Devils players. Seb and a couple of other Egerton players actually went abroad earlier this year with some of the Devils to make up a team in a tournament that they ultimately ended up winning. My boy and I missed that trip as I had prior engagements but we went on the previous couple of years and had a great time.
Yep he came in the i8 today. Nice car. We lost 4.2 today, first league loss for nearly 2 years. The devils played really well, never gave us any time on the ball and kept a really high defensive line plus our finishing was poor. My lad managed to head one in and Seb got the other. It could have gone either way, great game, well played Devils.


14,589 posts

241 months

Saturday 15th October 2016
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Yeah I heard about the game. My son's best friend scored the hat trick. He's recently been released, if that's the right word, from Stoke. Sounded like a great game. My boys won 4-3 from being 3-1 down. Great mornings entertainment! smile


847 posts

150 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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Lost 2-8 yesterday, but against a team who played one season already, this was our 4th game. Think my lack of managing experience showed as little when one kids dropped out last minute (sick) and my detailed plan went to 'winging it' a bit. Not that it would've made much difference.
Getting the kids to hold some sort of shape in defense, and composure in front of goal were the obvious differences, not really lack of individual talent. But I guess this is the main challenge for all new teams?

One highlight yesterday was when I had finished gather my stuff after the game and looked up, my boy and few other lads where shooting penalties with a few kids from the other team, lovely to see.

Still I was in my own little world yesterday afternoon, racking my brain for ideas who to help the kids learn faster.

It pulls you in!



14,589 posts

241 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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fredt said:
my detailed plan went to 'winging it' a bit.
The same happened to me except it was my own son! Injured himself trampolining the night before. rolleyessmile

fredt said:
One highlight yesterday was when I had finished gather my stuff after the game and looked up, my boy and few other lads where shooting penalties with a few kids from the other team, lovely to see.
It pulls you in!

Great to read. I did mention earlier in the thread that 5 minutes after the match the kids will have moved on. smile

Sounds to me like you're doing just fine and your philosophy is working. Obviously it's a challenge improving the kids, practice outside of what you do with them will help them improve more than anything. Your league should help with as well, if your boys are being "beaten" regularly then they should adjust you down the development groups.

It certainly does pull you in!


847 posts

150 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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anniesdad said:
Your league should help with as well, if your boys are being "beaten" regularly then they should adjust you down the development groups.
Won 2 lost 2 from 4 games so it seems that we have been put in a appropriate 'division' so far. Though yesterday we were outplayed most of the game to be fair.

It's all good so far.



14,589 posts

241 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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fredt said:
It's all good so far.



63 posts

118 months

Monday 17th October 2016
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I'm in my 4th year this season, and still kick myself in the afternoon when I have that 'lightbulb' moment of what I should have done during the match !!

I always find that the time goes so quickly during a match and I only realise where I went wrong after the event.


5,670 posts

161 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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Ive just signed my lil one up to little kickers hes on the waiting list so when hes 18months he can start.


1,653 posts

241 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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GarryDK said:
Ive just signed my lil one up to little kickers hes on the waiting list so when hes 18months he can start.
My lad is 18 months and went to his first Diddy Kicks session on Sunday. He had a great time running up and down ignoring his ball and collecting the cones that the coaches had just laid out biggrin


5,670 posts

161 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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cliffe_mafia said:
My lad is 18 months and went to his first Diddy Kicks session on Sunday. He had a great time running up and down ignoring his ball and collecting the cones that the coaches had just laid out biggrin
Haha brilliant.


14,589 posts

241 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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cliffe_mafia said:
My lad is 18 months and went to his first Diddy Kicks session on Sunday. He had a great time running up and down ignoring his ball and collecting the cones that the coaches had just laid out biggrin
Ah but did he catch any butterflies or tell anybody about his planned visit to the zoo? biggrin

Bless him. thumbup


14,589 posts

241 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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Just had this drop into my inbox.



October 2016

There have been recent spates of incidents at the start of this Season whereby referees but specifically trainee and newly qualified referees are being shouted at, abused, and continually having their decisions questioned by managers and spectators. As you are no doubt aware most of these trainee or newly qualified referees are under 18 and are legally classified as children and such behaviour could raise safeguarding issues.

These incidents include swearing by managers during and after games, spectators being parents or otherwise shouting derogatory comments at the referees ‘go to Specsavers’ ‘ you f---ng ought to learn the rules’ and much worse comments leading to two referees age 16 no longer wishing to continue to referee the second half.

There is no point in the RDG training new referees, if after subject to this bullying treatment and that is exactly what it is the referees leave the game at the end of the Season. We are reaching a point where referees age 14/15/16 and 17 are refusing to referee certain games involving Clubs that are not willing to follow FA Law and protect these referees.

Without referees and the majority nationally are in the younger age bracket, there will be no football and it is therefore up to all of us to eradicate from the game Managers, Officials and Spectators who are abusive towards these referees particularly from the touchline.

The RDG have recruited a number of mentors to support these referees at games and there will be support to ensure that ALL incidents of touchline and off field misconduct are reported to the appropriate County FA with copies to the League. This will include reporting Clubs for failing to protect referees as it is the Home Club’s responsibility to ensure that anyone abusing or threatening referees are asked to leave the vicinity of the ground and not return.

We are now encouraging all referees who feel their safety of tolerance is being threatened by any form of abuse to after warning the home club officials to abandon the game. The referee’s safety is paramount to us and it may be that repeated offender clubs may not in the future be appointed referees until they or their managers and spectators learn to behave properly towards referees.

Bullying and abuse from the touchline towards trainee and newly qualified referees is NOT ACCEPTABLE and we are determined to remove it from the game and we look to you to help us do this in the interests of the game and the League.

Many thanks for your assistance"



39,696 posts

272 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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anniesdad said:
... stuff ...
This was posted by the league chairman back in February: A very sobering read

Kinky Junior qualified as a ref last season (14 years old at the time). He reffed an U8 game and got no end of abuse from one of the managers and one parent. Ended up lodging a formal complaint against them eek


5,094 posts

251 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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anniesdad said:
Just had this drop into my inbox.



October 2016

There have been recent spates of incidents at the start of this Season whereby referees but specifically trainee and newly qualified referees are being shouted at, abused, and continually having their decisions questioned by managers and spectators. As you are no doubt aware most of these trainee or newly qualified referees are under 18 and are legally classified as children and such behaviour could raise safeguarding issues.

These incidents include swearing by managers during and after games, spectators being parents or otherwise shouting derogatory comments at the referees ‘go to Specsavers’ ‘ you f---ng ought to learn the rules’ and much worse comments leading to two referees age 16 no longer wishing to continue to referee the second half.

There is no point in the RDG training new referees, if after subject to this bullying treatment and that is exactly what it is the referees leave the game at the end of the Season. We are reaching a point where referees age 14/15/16 and 17 are refusing to referee certain games involving Clubs that are not willing to follow FA Law and protect these referees.

Without referees and the majority nationally are in the younger age bracket, there will be no football and it is therefore up to all of us to eradicate from the game Managers, Officials and Spectators who are abusive towards these referees particularly from the touchline.

The RDG have recruited a number of mentors to support these referees at games and there will be support to ensure that ALL incidents of touchline and off field misconduct are reported to the appropriate County FA with copies to the League. This will include reporting Clubs for failing to protect referees as it is the Home Club’s responsibility to ensure that anyone abusing or threatening referees are asked to leave the vicinity of the ground and not return.

We are now encouraging all referees who feel their safety of tolerance is being threatened by any form of abuse to after warning the home club officials to abandon the game. The referee’s safety is paramount to us and it may be that repeated offender clubs may not in the future be appointed referees until they or their managers and spectators learn to behave properly towards referees.

Bullying and abuse from the touchline towards trainee and newly qualified referees is NOT ACCEPTABLE and we are determined to remove it from the game and we look to you to help us do this in the interests of the game and the League.

Many thanks for your assistance"

It wasn't me!

It can't be easy for these lads, of course they make mistakes, they're kids for heavens sake. I've only seen seen this once in 5 years and that was at our tournament this summer when some big meatheaded Dad decided that the referee hadn't been harsh enough on a player despite giving a free kick. "Ref that f**king kid need to be sent off, the dirty b**tard" at full volume. Even in the roughest parts of Speke I hadn't seen it.

j4ckos mate

3,035 posts

173 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Time for a league update,

bottom three quarters played 8 won 2, pos 6 in 9
getting promoted was great, but the difference just going from a bad team to a good team in another league, then getting promoted,
Wow just going up one league the gulf is huge, no tubby kids there for fun, they are all dedicated players even at 15 that know how to look after themselves.
The football is excellent to watch, some teams literally dance through us, and were a decent standard,

trouble is the three strikers arent doing their job and its hurting us!


14,589 posts

241 months

Friday 25th November 2016
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Kinky said:
This was posted by the league chairman back in February: A very sobering read

Kinky Junior qualified as a ref last season (14 years old at the time). He reffed an U8 game and got no end of abuse from one of the managers and one parent. Ended up lodging a formal complaint against them eek
Must have overlooked this previously, that's shockingly bad. Shameful really. It is always the minority of course and volunteers should never give up because of this, but they do, it happens. frown


Original Poster:

4,061 posts

220 months

Sunday 4th December 2016
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We jumped a few divisions this year going into 11v11 football at U13s.
I'm working as a part time football coach now and have learnt a lot from more qualified and more experienced coaches i'm working with, it's been quite an eye opener. Can't say it hasn't rubbed off though, having bumped up into a higher division this year with largely the same team, we now sit top having outplayed every team so far. I'm very happy with how the lads are progressing and despite the league position it hasn't been easy. Almost every game they've gone into half time losing and have had to really pull their socks up, as much as i'd like a clean sheet, it does ensure the keeper stays on his toes and give the defence a lot to learn from.
Overall, i'm very pleased with our first season at 11v11 and the players seem to be too.