

Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Saturday 19th May 2007
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I would just like to take this opportunity to congratulate Yeovil on what was a good spanking at the City Ground ! They out played us for most of the game as they did at there ground, so in my opinion (i am a forest fan by the way) the best team won & all the best for the final & i will be chearing you guys on! Hope you manage to get a ticket yeovilmac & all the best mate... thumbup


1,716 posts

231 months

Sunday 20th May 2007
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11,987 posts

218 months

Wednesday 23rd May 2007
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boobles said:
I would just like to take this opportunity to congratulate Yeovil on what was a good spanking at the City Ground ! They out played us for most of the game as they did at there ground, so in my opinion (i am a forest fan by the way) the best team won & all the best for the final & i will be chearing you guys on! Hope you manage to get a ticket yeovilmac & all the best mate... thumbup
Thanks Boobles.

I just in turn wanted to pay tribute to your fans. The noise was deafening at times, I suppose it is helped at the City Ground that night by the fact your supporters are in front, to the left, to the right, next to us, behind us and above us too!!!! When you scored both goals and before the match, I have never heard noise like it.

I looked for you but to be honest, it was needle in a haystack time really. Would have been easier for you to spot me as I'm roughly the size of a floodlight...

I tyhink we played as well as I have ever seen a Yeovil team in watching them for 37 seasons now and it was unfortunate for you that we chose to do it at such a vital game.

Best wishes for next season, we may still play you of course but I hope not if you see what I mean.

Best wishes



Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Wednesday 23rd May 2007
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Did your two lads enjoy the game? I kinda think that maybe i did see you because i thought i could see somebody with two lads, but i guess that could have been anyone really.


3,198 posts

268 months

Wednesday 23rd May 2007
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yeovil deserved it. i see we have put up for sale half the team today. oh joy.


Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Wednesday 23rd May 2007
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billb said:
yeovil deserved it. i see we have put up for sale half the team today. oh joy.
Which isnt a bad thing in my opinion.


11,987 posts

218 months

Wednesday 23rd May 2007
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boobles said:
Did your two lads enjoy the game? I kinda think that maybe i did see you because i thought i could see somebody with two lads, but i guess that could have been anyone really.
We were right near the front in the row immediately behind the flags. My lads are twins aged six and they were wearing YTFC shirts. I had a replica top on too until we scored the fourth then it came off and I was twirling it round my head...


Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Thursday 24th May 2007
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Ah, in that case i probably did see you! I certainly spotted the flags as i was to the right of them & up the top (second row from the top). Glad you enjoyed the night mate. thumbup


2,105 posts

241 months

Thursday 24th May 2007
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boobles said:
billb said:
yeovil deserved it. i see we have put up for sale half the team today. oh joy.
Which isnt a bad thing in my opinion.
Thay can sell the lot for me!


Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Sunday 27th May 2007
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Come on the yeovil...


560 posts

238 months

Tuesday 5th June 2007
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A teacher asks her class to use the word "contagious". Roland the teacher's pet, gets up and says, "Last year I got the measles and my mum said it was contagious."

"Well done, Roland," says the teacher.

"Can anyone else try?" Katie, a sweet little girl with pigtails, says, "My grandma says there's a bug going round, and it's contagious."

"Well done, Katie," says the teacher. "Anyone else?"

Little Sean jumps up and says in a broad Derbyshire accent, "Colin Calderwood is manager of Nottingham Forest and he wants to get them back in the Premier League, and my dad says it will take the contagious."



Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Wednesday 6th June 2007
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BaconBonce said:
A teacher asks her class to use the word "contagious". Roland the teacher's pet, gets up and says, "Last year I got the measles and my mum said it was contagious."

"Well done, Roland," says the teacher.

"Can anyone else try?" Katie, a sweet little girl with pigtails, says, "My grandma says there's a bug going round, and it's contagious."

"Well done, Katie," says the teacher. "Anyone else?"

Little Sean jumps up and says in a broad Derbyshire accent, "Colin Calderwood is manager of Nottingham Forest and he wants to get them back in the Premier League, and my dad says it will take the contagious."

Not a De*** fan by anychance?


560 posts

238 months

Wednesday 6th June 2007
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boobles said:
Not a De*** fan by anychance?
No, Watford fan for my sins, but live in Nottingham smile


8,290 posts

251 months

Thursday 7th June 2007
quotequote all
BaconBonce said:
A teacher asks her class to use the word "contagious". Roland the teacher's pet, gets up and says, "Last year I got the measles and my mum said it was contagious."

"Well done, Roland," says the teacher.

"Can anyone else try?" Katie, a sweet little girl with pigtails, says, "My grandma says there's a bug going round, and it's contagious."

"Well done, Katie," says the teacher. "Anyone else?"

Little Sean jumps up and says in a broad Derbyshire accent, "Colin Calderwood is manager of Nottingham Forest and he wants to get them back in the Premier League, and my dad says it will take the contagious."

Mrs Meeja was clearing out the kitchen cupboards the other day, and found a load of stock cubes, red ones, yellow ones, and red & white ones.

"Ah... the red ones..... they're beef stock."

"The yellow ones..... that's the chicken stock"

Having never seen a red and white one before, she decided to unwrap one.... and noticed the Notts Forest logo on the cube.

"Ah, I see now...... that's the Laughing Stock!"


Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Wednesday 13th June 2007
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Theres only 1 neil lennon! theres only 1 neil lennon, walking along singing this song walking in a lennon wonder land!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Friday 15th June 2007
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Looks like we are raiding Huish Park with 2 possible signings. Arron Davies who absolutely tore us apart at the City Ground & Chris Cohen! 2 good signings if we get them. (Sorry Yoevil Mac) you probably dont want to here that.

Edited by boobles on Friday 15th June 10:58


11,987 posts

218 months

Saturday 16th June 2007
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Can't see it Boobles.

Arron Davies to Cardiff is more likely and although Chris Cohen has had a good season, I can't see anyone risking good money on him at the moment.

Stranger things have happened though!!


Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Sunday 17th June 2007
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I agree mate but this was on our website which must mean we are interested in them both. Just cant wait for the season to begin again. I see we play you on Sep 29th.


11,987 posts

218 months

Sunday 17th June 2007
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Yes mate. At our place, I believe, with the return at the City Ground on the last day of the season.

I can't wait. The game at yours, leaving the result aside, was the best atmosphere I've ever watched a game in. Your lot are deafening when you get going and the fact that your supporters are to the left, to the right, straight in front and behind as well make it an intimidating arena to watch football in.

Even our most diehard fans are forced to admit that as long as they are behind you, the fans should be worth a few points next season.


Original Poster:

15,241 posts

218 months

Sunday 17th June 2007
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I shall be there on the last day cheering us on against you guys but hopefully we wont need the points as we will already be promoted! (& hopefully you guys make it through the play-offs) wink

Seriously though, you are right about it being very intimidating as my brother in law will find out on August 25! (Leeds Fan) ..... hehe