Having my gallbladder removed, what to expect re’ recovery

Having my gallbladder removed, what to expect re’ recovery


cjs racing.

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2,473 posts

132 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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On Wednesday last week I was rushed to hospital, with what I now know was a dicky gallbladder.

I was sent home on Sunday, but received the call today that my removal operation is on Thursday.

After spending 11 months losing over 70lb, and starting to cycle, go to the gym, and do karate, I'm a bit worried how much this will set me back.

Anyone got any recovery stories, or tips to share?I

Should I talk to the gym and ask them to help with an exercise program after my op?

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Saturday 6th January
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Thanks all, the surgery went ahead as planned.

There was a few complications, it had stuck itself to my bowel, and apparently the stuff inside it was more like jelly, than liquid.

Luckily the surgeon managed to un stick it, so just the 4 incisions (we had discussed before hand that he may have needed to do more)

I didn't make it out the same day, as I required a drain in me for 24 hours.

Got out yesterday feeling sore but ok, but as someone said in there reply, now the good drugs have worn off, I'm sore, very sore, and feel nauseous.

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Saturday 6th January
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pocketspring said:
Glad it went well in the end, gall stones are horrendous. Well, mine were anyway. Have they given you any pain relief? It might be worth asking the docs for something stronger to control the pain. Don't try to be a hero, it's not worth it! beer
Sent me home with 30mg codeine.

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Sunday 7th January
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I hope everyone waiting to have one removed gets the surgery needed quickly.

I'm starting to realise, and appreciate, that 8 days from my first pain to removal, was a quick timeframe.

I couldn't understand the posters who said they felt somebody had had a good rummage round inside, but totally get it now.

Just need to get a few mates to understand the situation, still getting invites to gym, or motorbike rides, one even said "Couple of days on antibiotics and you'll be good to go"🙄🙄

cjs racing.

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2,473 posts

132 months

Sunday 7th January
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Gingerbiker67 said:
to facilitate the key hole surgery they inflated my stomach. After the op, the biggest pain/ discomfort came from this gas moving around my chest, towards my shoulders. Ridiculously painful!

Funny you say that, I spent a lot of yesterday saying to my wife, that my shoulders hurt, like I had had heavy bags hanging over them.

Nobody informed me about the inflation.

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Saturday 20th January
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Saleen836 said:
Had more blood taken today and two seperate letters in the post, one from my local surgery saying they have arranged a telephone consultation next Wed with the doctor regarding my blood test results, the other informing me the date of my ultrasound (2 weeks today)

I guess a telephone consultation saves me going to the clinic to be told whatever the doctor has to tell me
Fingers crossed for you.

I'm just 16 days post surgery, and feel 90% back to normal, just having light pain if I lift things, or bend over and stretch out for something.

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Friday 26th January
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Saleen836 said:
Well, that escalated rather quickly, phone call from the doc this morning regarding my test results and have now been fast tracked for a Colonoscopy
That doesn't sound very promising sadly.

Regarding my own recovery, I'm now 100%, and managed a gym session this morning.

cjs racing.

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2,473 posts

132 months

Wednesday 7th February
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Saleen836 said:
As I have the NHS app I checked earlier to see if it had been updated with my test results...

The basics of it are, 'Technically difficult due to dense bowel gas and inter-costal scanning, the gallbladder was thin walled and contained an 8mm gallstone'
'What you need to do - You need to see your doctor'

As mentioned in my previous post i have a telephone appointment tomorrow lunchtime.

Guessing with a stone that size and the problems it can cause/is causing they will want to remove my gallbladder
Sounds like you would be far better with your gallbladder removed.

Glad they are sorting it relatively quickly.

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Saturday 10th February
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Yes I started this thread, and yes I asked for advice, and again yes I've had my gallbladder out, and now fully recovered.

BUT WHY DID I LOOK AT THOSE PICTURES, my God I'm feeling the pain all over again.

I was doubled over with pain, and on IV painkillers within 12 hours of the pain starting, I hate to think how much some of you have suffered.

cjs racing.

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2,473 posts

132 months

Sunday 11th February
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shirt said:
Op +24hrs..

Ouch ouch McOuch!

Had a catheter fitted yesterday evening as just couldn’t pass urine myself and had tried to eat beyond the point of discomfort. That was a new experience, more so it being taken out again this morning. Just voided myself under my own power which was very difficult but I’m told is normal reaction to the anesthetic.

Other pain is chronic. I’m on tramadol and something else. Takes the peaks of pain away but not as well as I thought. Eating was difficult this morning and gave me hiccoughs which were excruciating to get through. Have asked to be kept in for a second night will see what they say

ETA - abdominal drain just removed, like being stabbed in reverse!

Edited by shirt on Sunday 11th February 07:34
Sounds like you are having a proper rough time of it.

That drain removal wasn't fun, I was just told to hold my breath, and grit my teeth.

Hope they don't start you on oremorph (unsure of proper spelling), that made me so sick during recovery from a previous operation that having the pain was the preferable option. Doctor kept trying to get me to have it after my removal.

cjs racing.

Original Poster:

2,473 posts

132 months

Friday 19th April
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Sorry I've not replied to any one on here for a while, but life got in the way.

It's a good job I recovered quickly.

Feb 27th my wife was diagnosed with cancer for the 5th time, 2 days later she suffered a heart attack, and had a stent fitted.

I wish you all well, if the surgeon ever offers the choice of full gallbladder removal, or just removing stones, push for full removal, wasn't an option in my case, mine was too messed up, but why risk future issues, have it out, job done, no ongoing issues.