Full hip replacement abroad

Full hip replacement abroad



Original Poster:

1,395 posts

188 months

Monday 18th December 2023
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Hi all,

Just over 5 years ago I had my left hip replaced it was in a private hospital funded by the NHS, I had to wait less than 10 weeks between seeing the consultant and the operation, I could have had it earlier but had a holiday booked.

Fast forward to beginning of last month when the same consultant confirmed I need my right hip needs replacing, it will be at least 7 months once get on the list which I'm still waiting for.

I have been exploring going private here and abroad, been quoted between £13k to £14k with the same consultant and hospital.

I've done some research into getting the op done abroad Lithuania and Poland seem to be about 1/2 the cost of the UK, they seem to get fantastic reviews and the aftercare seems great.

Has anyone had any experience of having replacement joints done abroad?


Original Poster:

1,395 posts

188 months

Monday 18th December 2023
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The_Doc said:
"Abroad" is a big place
Sorry, I should have said Europe, I doubt flying back from Thailand for example would be sensible.


Original Poster:

1,395 posts

188 months

Monday 18th December 2023
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Encore Dj said:
My mate, ex-army and power lifter had his hip done here, Lithuania…

They do get great reviews, I've joined their FB group which has lots of satisfied customers, getting from Leeds to Lithuania might be an issue but not insurmountable, thx


Original Poster:

1,395 posts

188 months

Monday 18th December 2023
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The_Doc said:
Lots of interesting stuff
Thanks for that, But I really would like real world experiences of having a THR in Europe, having it done at great expense in the UK does not guarantee it will be 100% successful, UK private hospitals keep you in for 2-3 days than your on your own, the ones in Europe seem to give you physio and after care for 7-10 days at least.


Original Poster:

1,395 posts

188 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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ATG said:
You're asking for anecdotes in favour of data. Sounds like you're really asking for confirmation of a decision already taken.
I've not made up my mind yet, but as the pain is already a lot worse than when I had my left hip done, if I have to wait 7+ months I wont be able to work, Yes I'm asking for anecdotes as a lot of different countries seem to offer this service and like anything else you only ever see the good reviews not the bad.

If needs be I will go private in the UK.


Original Poster:

1,395 posts

188 months

Sunday 14th January
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I contacted the hospital where I'm due to go for my hip replacement around September for a quote to go private with them £15,500 earliest they can do it is April.

I've discounted Lithuania as no flights from Leeds/Bradford (I live 6 miles away) booked to fly out to Poland early February 3 days in hospital, opp done on 2nd day then 14 days in a hotel physiotherapist visits every day.

Even with flights and special insurance it works out just under half of what I've been quoted in the UK.

Looking forward to a pain free summer smile

If anyone's interested I will update this thread with my progress.


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1,395 posts

188 months

Wednesday 26th June
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It went absolutely brilliant, picked up from the airport to a lovely hotel, hospital the next day for all the tests operation 2 days later, physio every day and regular blood tests by a nurse.

Stayed 3 weeks in a ittle town called Nowy Targ, booked assistance on the way back with Ryanair which was fantastic.

I was off crutches a month later and pain free, unfortunately I fell onto a concrete step and fractured my hip and thigh, called a periprosthetic fracture, had to have a 6 hour operation and 3 weeks in hospital, that was in March, I'm still recovering.

Surgeon said if I'd had the same fall on my left hip which I had replaced 6 years ago it would have been a similar result.


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188 months

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I used these https://www.operationsabroadworldwide.co.uk/

I chose Poland as I live close to Leeds/Bradford airport, was quoted £15500 to get a hip replacement in the UK, cost of having the opp done in Poland including flights, special insurance and food was less than half of that, do your research beforehand, my surgeon was one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Poland, he worked in a town near the ski runs so had lots of practice.


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188 months

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drmike37 said:
The Doc has told you all you need to know and backed it up with solid evidence.
Ignore his/her advice at your peril.

But by all means just go with some anecdotal evidence from a stranger on the net.
See the comment above, you've obviously never had severe osteoarthritis and been told you have to wait 18 month for a replacement, some people won't be able to work during that time.

Do you think the hospitals, doctors and surgeons are better over here than Poland? It's not a 3rd world country.


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188 months

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The_Doc said:
Yes they have good ones, by how do you know who they are? Can you spot a bad one?
Their website doesn't count.
In the UK, it's all controlled and data analysed.
And the NHS broken
You do research, my surgeon was in the to 10 of Polish osteopathic surgeons, he's based in a town called Zacopane which is next to the ski runs, so gets lots of practice.

My surgeon, good enough for you

A broken NHS is another reason for looking outside the UK.


Original Poster:

1,395 posts

188 months

It's amazing when you get a new hip, I had my left one done 6 years ago in a private hospital paid for by the NHS only waited 6 weeks, I was right as rain 6 weeks later, that was another reason for choosing having it done abroad as I knew what was involved.

Polish hospital was equivalent to the UK one but after care and physio was better in Poland, they also concentrate on avoiding thrombosis as you're flying back, drugs and exercise helps with this.


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1,395 posts

188 months

ucb said:
Why does living next to ski run mean you get lots of practice for hip replacements?
He's an orthopedic surgeon, like all surgeons who replace hips, so lots of practice being an orthopedic surgeon smile