Had a heart attack on Monday.

Had a heart attack on Monday.



Original Poster:

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140 months

Friday 14th August 2020
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Don't remember the exact moment it happened just kept feeling worse and worse until I realised it was serious. I made a call for help and a colleague called the ambulance.
I work in a mechanical role in construction and was on the 7th floor of a new build, it seemed to take forever for the paramedics to get there, I was in agony. When they arrived they took one look at me and just said 'lets go'.
In the ambulance they gave me a little tablet which did nothing, an aspirin which did nothing, three doses of morphine and I was still in agony. Luckily we were five minutes away from the Manchester Royal infirmary.
The ambulance crew were as cool as a cucumber but I knew it was bad, they said no A&E, straight to the heart unit.

Within five minutes I was transferred to a bed for keyhole surgery, a very uncomfortable two and a half hours later and two stents I was sorted.

Apparently it was a bad one and I was lucky to make it.

I was sent home three days later, amazing considering I was at deaths door at the start of the week.

They gave me a lot of tablets to take over the next week, with one to take for a year and I have to take an aspirin a day for ever.


Original Poster:

1,451 posts

140 months

Friday 14th August 2020
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I thought they were for the pain?

O.M.G the pain.

I eat healthy, don't smoke, don't drink, no exercise but have a very active job. I am overweight. No blood pressure issues. Both parents died of heart problems.

They say it is just one of those things, it can happen to people of all ages.


Original Poster:

1,451 posts

140 months

Friday 14th August 2020
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I am 57.

Do the arteries block up gradually or is it sudden. I had been feeling tired and have always been restless.

Wasn't doing anything strenuous but the job for the last 18 months has been hard work, lately we have had a skeleton staff and have been doing long hours.


Original Poster:

1,451 posts

140 months

Saturday 22nd August 2020
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schueymcfee said:
I had a big one at 38. Stemi anterior, complete blockage to left ventricle whilst kickboxing. I managed to keep going for an hour until they got me into hospital and theatre. Apparently most people don’t last 5 minutes. Signed the paper work and they went straight into my wrist. Said my main arteries looked like a row of tied up sausages!

Think I had something like 7 stents put in over two operations.

Came out of hospital after 4 days feeling great - until I tried to walk any distance. I was left with severely reduced pump action, heart failure and as it’s PH banned from driving for a month!

You need to start walking when cleared to do so. Took me about a month to walk a 1.6 mile track without stopping and after a few more weeks of walking daily I was up to 9 mile. I was running again within 4 months.

Walk, walk, walk!


Original Poster:

1,451 posts

140 months

Sunday 23rd August 2020
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Much appreciation for all the kind words.


Original Poster:

1,451 posts

140 months

Wednesday 2nd September 2020
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I can't decide how I feel really. I was always a grafter and thought going to work was the be all and end all. But now I really can't be bothered about work at all.
Am I a bit scared?
I really don't know.