60 Day Challenge



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7,520 posts

248 months

Friday 27th August 2010
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Hey Chaps,

I thought I'd post my 60 day results to see what you think! So I entered the Crackberry challenge to make the biggest change in my body in 60 days.

I actually trained for 45 days since I started late but here we go;

And 45 days later


It's being judged this coming week so I wonder how I will do!

What do you think?


77,357 posts

287 months

Friday 27th August 2010
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Well done. You must feel proud (even though you're coming across as a closet gay). If you keep going, you could probably get some decent definition and muscle bulk as you have that "type" of body.


Original Poster:

7,520 posts

248 months

Friday 27th August 2010
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ShadownINja said:
Well done. You must feel proud (even though you're coming across as a closet gay). If you keep going, you could probably get some decent definition and muscle bulk as you have that "type" of body.
Haha @ closet gay! But thanks!

I took the pics for the competition.

I wanted to post to show even in a short period time a good change is possible. It's different for everyone but I find I gain weight easily if I make sure I keep my protein levels high (the cheap stuff from holland & barret, although there's far better stuff out there).

I'm cutting then I'm going to bulk and to be honest more is possible than what I acheived, I slipped several times (I love to drink) and also my diet wasn't always clean.

Edited by Ordinary_Chap on Friday 27th August 23:55


77,357 posts

287 months

Saturday 28th August 2010
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Yeah, that's the problem. It's a balance, really, and deciding on priorities. I'm not too bothered about specifically looking good (although there isn't any visible fat on me) as I am being functionally fit for what I want to do.


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7,520 posts

248 months

Saturday 28th August 2010
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ShadownINja said:
Yeah, that's the problem. It's a balance, really, and deciding on priorities. I'm not too bothered about specifically looking good (although there isn't any visible fat on me) as I am being functionally fit for what I want to do.
I can completely understand that, I did martial arts for years too.

My balance I think is pretty good, training at least 5 times per week and a good diet with very few suppliments.

I'm kind of a fan of doing anything at full tilt though and my last 4 training partners quit because I push hard and they weren't mentally in the same place.


2,111 posts

192 months

Saturday 28th August 2010
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Thats an incredible difference!

What was the programme you were following?


Original Poster:

7,520 posts

248 months

Saturday 28th August 2010
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K87 said:
Thats an incredible difference!

What was the programme you were following?

Chest/Tricep day, Carido day, Back/Bicep day, Cardio day, Shoulder Leg day etc. Training sessions typically last about 45 mins to an hour.

All carido days were done for 45 mins doing a variety of exercises, running, cycling, swimming etc.

All weights days where followed by 15-20 mins of HIIT training, usually running or cycling.

All exercise was followed by protein drinks.

Then the rest is down to diet and suppliments.

Breakfast - (omlette, porridge etc) + protein drink
Snack - berries or almonds
Dinner - Myoplex lite meal replacement drink
Snack before training like fruit or berries
Tea - Lean protein meal, chicken, turkey based meals etc
Before bed protein drink

I did all of this on quite cheaply. The Myoplex meals work out at just over a pound each and taste amazing, like drinking a milkshake that fills you up.

The protein drinks came from Holland and Barrett and each tub cost £10 and lasts me about 3 weeks.

I may do more with suppliements in the following months like creatine and some others.

big dub

4,056 posts

222 months

Wednesday 15th September 2010
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Ordinary_Chap said:
K87 said:
Thats an incredible difference!

What was the programme you were following?

Chest/Tricep day, Carido day, Back/Bicep day, Cardio day, Shoulder Leg day etc. Training sessions typically last about 45 mins to an hour.

All carido days were done for 45 mins doing a variety of exercises, running, cycling, swimming etc.

All weights days where followed by 15-20 mins of HIIT training, usually running or cycling.

All exercise was followed by protein drinks.

Then the rest is down to diet and suppliments.

Breakfast - (omlette, porridge etc) + protein drink
Snack - berries or almonds
Dinner - Myoplex lite meal replacement drink
Snack before training like fruit or berries
Tea - Lean protein meal, chicken, turkey based meals etc
Before bed protein drink

I did all of this on quite cheaply. The Myoplex meals work out at just over a pound each and taste amazing, like drinking a milkshake that fills you up.

The protein drinks came from Holland and Barrett and each tub cost £10 and lasts me about 3 weeks.

I may do more with suppliements in the following months like creatine and some others.
Wow, what a difference! After seeing this, I'm interested in trying it too, as I need to shed my gut. Would it be possible for you to mail me a more detailed schedule of what you did and the suppliments/powders etc you were taking.




1,343 posts

198 months

Wednesday 15th September 2010
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big dub said:
Ordinary_Chap said:
K87 said:
Thats an incredible difference!

What was the programme you were following?

Chest/Tricep day, Carido day, Back/Bicep day, Cardio day, Shoulder Leg day etc. Training sessions typically last about 45 mins to an hour.

All carido days were done for 45 mins doing a variety of exercises, running, cycling, swimming etc.

All weights days where followed by 15-20 mins of HIIT training, usually running or cycling.

All exercise was followed by protein drinks.

Then the rest is down to diet and suppliments.

Breakfast - (omlette, porridge etc) + protein drink
Snack - berries or almonds
Dinner - Myoplex lite meal replacement drink
Snack before training like fruit or berries
Tea - Lean protein meal, chicken, turkey based meals etc
Before bed protein drink

I did all of this on quite cheaply. The Myoplex meals work out at just over a pound each and taste amazing, like drinking a milkshake that fills you up.

The protein drinks came from Holland and Barrett and each tub cost £10 and lasts me about 3 weeks.

I may do more with suppliements in the following months like creatine and some others.
Wow, what a difference! After seeing this, I'm interested in trying it too, as I need to shed my gut. Would it be possible for you to mail me a more detailed schedule of what you did and the suppliments/powders etc you were taking.


Wow. Well done. I too would be interested in doing something like this.



Original Poster:

7,520 posts

248 months

Wednesday 15th September 2010
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Hi Rob, I'd be glad to help.

I actually think I saw you once in Mcdonalds (Congleton).

Anyway what I did was pretty simple, I just had to get rid of all of the rubbish from my head to do with diets and everything else. I spent a lot of time lurking on uk-muscle and reading their journals to see how they were transforming themselves. One of the biggest things I learnt was my body is about 70% made up of the food I put in it.

Here's my journal; http://www.uk-muscle.co.uk/competitive-journals/11...

Anyway in terms of lifting I always use compound lifts, so benchpress, squat etc exercises that hit as many muscles at once and also the body is seemingly designed for.

Anyway I will put a full exercise plan on here in a little while.

As for suppliements, I was just using a protein shake from Holland & Barrett but learned the ingrediants aren't so good. I've since ordered from (myprotein.co.uk), not only are they cheap but they are really good in terms of the quality of the product, it also tastes very nice too!

Once I learnt how to do the basics properly (good diet/lifting etc) the gains came quickly and still are.


5,072 posts

195 months

Wednesday 15th September 2010
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Sounds like a great accomplishment, more information would be great.


1,824 posts

170 months

Wednesday 15th September 2010
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trying something similar to this after a summer of eating and drinking crap...

difficult to say how it is going but will see at the end. decided to try it now as i am being forced off the beer for a month or 2 so... just trying to keep the calories relatively low, and get the protein in and cut the crap out...

will keep you all updated on how it is going...


39,135 posts

203 months

Wednesday 15th September 2010
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Well done.

Love all the people that are asking how it was done...

The same way it always was you lazy lot, excersise and eating right!


Original Poster:

7,520 posts

248 months

Wednesday 15th September 2010
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Training plan

Monday (Chest + Triceps)
Bench 1 set 30kg x 10 then 3 sets of 80kg x 8
Incline Bench 3 sets of 60kg x 8
Tricep pull down 3 sets of 30kg x 8
Flies 3 sets of 20kg (per dumbell) x 8
Weighted dips 3 sets x 8

Tuesday (Shoulders + Legs)
Squat 1 set 40 x 10 then 3 sets 80kg x 8
Dumbell Shoulder Press 3 sets of 24kg (per dumbell) x 8
Shoulder Shrugs 3 sets of 30kg (per dumbell) x 8
Calf raises (haven't done for the last month due to injury) but usually 3 sets of 8
Reverse Fly 3 sets of 20kg
+ 1 more leg exercise

Wednesday (Back + Biceps)
Lat pull down 1 set of 50kg x 10, then 3 sets of 75kg x 8
Ez Bar curl 3 sets of 30kg x 8
Upright row (close grip) 3 sets of 30kg x 8
Hammer Curl 3 sets of 22kg (per dumbell) x 8
Wide Grip pull up 3 sets of 8
+ 1 more bicep exercise

After each weights session I do 20 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT) which I usually do on the bike or treadmill.

Cardio Day - This can be anything as long as it's 45-60 minutes. I swim, run, cycle etc.

Then repeat.

That's what I did to shock my body. I'd recommend most put a cardio day inbetween any weights day though to allow for recovery. When I started I didn't know what I know now and I still consider myself a novice.

Top tips.

- Weight doesn't matter, its all about form and carrying out the exercise properly. You'll grow far more by doing it properly as opposed to the crazy swinging you often see people doing in the gym. 3 months ago most exercises were less than half that weight I lift today. Also you'll injure yourself and get laughed at if you swing weights like a maniac.

- Diet equals about 70% of your body. It's also vital too for growth and recovery.

- I'd suggest counting calories (including drinks that can be packed with them!) in the early days and also figuring out what your BMR should be with exercise then reducing calories if you're looking
- Look here to figure out what your BMR is; http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/
- Now figure out how many calories you're consuming, if you're consuming more you'll not lose weight.

- Have a cheat day, eat well 6 days a week then give yourself a day off. I used to allow myself two bad meals a week now I use a cheat day. Just don't go crazy otherwise you'll wreck your progress.

- Avoid processed foods and drinks. Any packaged food that is claiming to be low fat is usually full of terrible chemicals like sodium. My general rule is, the fresher and the less processed, the better.

- If you're doing weights, if you're protein levels are not high enough you'll not give your muscles a chance to grow. Protein is essential for recovery. Most people cannot get the protein they need in their diets from weight lifting. Most believe 1.5grams of protein for 1lb of body weight. My solution is (www.myprotein.co.uk) protein powders.

- I covered some stuff on diets and outlined my diets in an earlier post but I'd suggest looking here;
http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bbmainnut.htm at some diets and figuring out what works for you, just remember to count the calories!

- Sleep! Sleeping is where we grow, most bodybuilders recommend at least 8 hours a night.

Anyway this is just some of it, theres tons to it so if you've got any questions please ask or PM me, I'm more than happy to help out.

~ Lee


30 posts

168 months

Thursday 16th September 2010
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Ordinary_Chap said:
Training plan

Monday (Chest + Triceps)
Bench 1 set 30kg x 10 then 3 sets of 80kg x 8
Incline Bench 3 sets of 60kg x 8
Tricep pull down 3 sets of 30kg x 8
Flies 3 sets of 20kg (per dumbell) x 8
Weighted dips 3 sets x 8

Tuesday (Shoulders + Legs)
Squat 1 set 40 x 10 then 3 sets 80kg x 8
Dumbell Shoulder Press 3 sets of 24kg (per dumbell) x 8
Shoulder Shrugs 3 sets of 30kg (per dumbell) x 8
Calf raises (haven't done for the last month due to injury) but usually 3 sets of 8
Reverse Fly 3 sets of 20kg
+ 1 more leg exercise

Wednesday (Back + Biceps)
Lat pull down 1 set of 50kg x 10, then 3 sets of 75kg x 8
Ez Bar curl 3 sets of 30kg x 8
Upright row (close grip) 3 sets of 30kg x 8
Hammer Curl 3 sets of 22kg (per dumbell) x 8
Wide Grip pull up 3 sets of 8
+ 1 more bicep exercise

After each weights session I do 20 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT) which I usually do on the bike or treadmill.

Cardio Day - This can be anything as long as it's 45-60 minutes. I swim, run, cycle etc.

Then repeat.

That's what I did to shock my body. I'd recommend most put a cardio day inbetween any weights day though to allow for recovery. When I started I didn't know what I know now and I still consider myself a novice.

Top tips.

- Weight doesn't matter, its all about form and carrying out the exercise properly. You'll grow far more by doing it properly as opposed to the crazy swinging you often see people doing in the gym. 3 months ago most exercises were less than half that weight I lift today. Also you'll injure yourself and get laughed at if you swing weights like a maniac.

- Diet equals about 70% of your body. It's also vital too for growth and recovery.

- I'd suggest counting calories (including drinks that can be packed with them!) in the early days and also figuring out what your BMR should be with exercise then reducing calories if you're looking
- Look here to figure out what your BMR is; http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/
- Now figure out how many calories you're consuming, if you're consuming more you'll not lose weight.

- Have a cheat day, eat well 6 days a week then give yourself a day off. I used to allow myself two bad meals a week now I use a cheat day. Just don't go crazy otherwise you'll wreck your progress.

- Avoid processed foods and drinks. Any packaged food that is claiming to be low fat is usually full of terrible chemicals like sodium. My general rule is, the fresher and the less processed, the better.

- If you're doing weights, if you're protein levels are not high enough you'll not give your muscles a chance to grow. Protein is essential for recovery. Most people cannot get the protein they need in their diets from weight lifting. Most believe 1.5grams of protein for 1lb of body weight. My solution is (www.myprotein.co.uk) protein powders.

- I covered some stuff on diets and outlined my diets in an earlier post but I'd suggest looking here;
http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/bbmainnut.htm at some diets and figuring out what works for you, just remember to count the calories!

- Sleep! Sleeping is where we grow, most bodybuilders recommend at least 8 hours a night.

Anyway this is just some of it, theres tons to it so if you've got any questions please ask or PM me, I'm more than happy to help out.

~ Lee
thanks, this post is very useful.

i just started lifting weights and i'm glad i saw this today.

again, thanks you.

big dub

4,056 posts

222 months

Thursday 16th September 2010
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Ordinary_Chap said:
Hi Rob, I'd be glad to help.

I actually think I saw you once in Mcdonalds (Congleton).

If I'm in there it will be with my kids, if you spot me again come and say hi smile

One of the big things for me is the diet. I work 12hr days/nights so eating regularly is damn near impossible, and also getting the motivation to go to the gym.
About 8-9 years ago I was training 3-4 times a week and I want that body again.


10,134 posts

226 months

Thursday 16th September 2010
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Shh...All this technical talk is spoiling the view wink


Original Poster:

7,520 posts

248 months

Friday 17th September 2010
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littlegreenfairy said:
Shh...All this technical talk is spoiling the view wink
Haha! You're too kind.

Just so you guys know I've been corralled into setting up a Blackberry Messenger Fitness Group if anyone is interested in joining it my pin is 22991D34.

We are a friendly bunch that help keep each other motivated and share tips and other none fitness relevant stuff.



Original Poster:

7,520 posts

248 months

Saturday 18th September 2010
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And some of the final pics;

Latest pics;

Sorry for the not so good back pic, need more practice and unsteamed up mirror!;


Original Poster:

7,520 posts

248 months

Sunday 26th September 2010
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So I decided to keep focusing on tone over muscle and I'm not 70-80 days in (can't rememeber) and here I am.

I plan to add more muscle shortly leading up to christmas, this has the added benefit of getting away with eating a little less cleanly and also the extra calories as long as they are half decent will help me to grow then cut again going into summer with hopefully some extra muscle.

I just want to say thank you to all of though on here and who I've met off here who has continued to offer me support and encouragement, it means a lot.