Long term pain in right side under ribs.

Long term pain in right side under ribs.



Original Poster:

9,028 posts

188 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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Hi, 35 years old, male, I have a pain in my right side just below my ribs, this pain has been around now for 5 or 6 months and is a discomfort rather than a stabbing pain or a pulled muscle pain, it worse at the end of the day and is making me tired and run down.

I have been to the Doctors and he suggested it might well be gaul stones, he had a good poke/prod/feel and i described where the tenderness is and he sent me to get a scan of the area to see if I do indeed have stones, while I was in his office he took full blood samples from me, to test for cholestorol etc, I had not eaten for over 12 hours before I went to the doctors so he did a fasting blood test as well.

I went along to the hospital and was scanned, and when the results came through the doctor told me that i do not have any stones, I do however have some polyps ? on my liver, which is weird.

My bloods all came back normal and my cholestorol is very good.

I have been refered to the specialist but this is going to take ages to get an appointment, I just want to know if anyone else has had the symptoms of gaul stones but no stones ?

Is there anything I can do ? this is getting right on my tits.


2,270 posts

287 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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Maybe i cant help here but i have had gallstones and subsequently had my Gallbladder removed. I used to be bad around 30 minutes after i'd had anything remotely fatty (even low fat spread on toast)

Mine wasn't detected immediately until my gallbladder duct got blocked and i turned yellow because the gallstones were very small and blocked the little tube.

Have you had a scan? - they gave me a scan like they do with pregnant women which finally picked them up.

Like i said i only got severe pain after anything with any fat in. if you get this then you may actually have gallstones.


Original Poster:

9,028 posts

188 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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I have had a scan and it showed nothing abnormal except these polyps on my liver, I get the discomfort all the time, not just after eating, its better if i stand. i can be on my feet most of the day and be fairy ok, as soon as i sit it fires up with the uncomfort.

Its like i had as a kid when i broke my ribs (other side, back) sort of like a stitch or a aswelling pain.

I wish it was gall stones, it would be findable and fixable, I feel like cutting my side open and having a look myself, it cant possibly hurt more than right now.

It is making me quick tempered and very tired.


2,270 posts

287 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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I had 3 false diagnosis from 3 different doctors. it was only when i turned yellow and went to my normal doctor who is st hot whom correctly diagnosed it. I was rushed in straight away because a stone was blocking my bile duct.

What have they said? you dont want to be pissing around waiting weeks to get this sorted.


Original Poster:

9,028 posts

188 months

Wednesday 31st March 2010
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I have been several months pissing round while the NHS fk me about, I have seen a couple of doctors at my local surgery, the last one seemed to know his game and he is the one who has refered me via the "tony Blair choose and book system" to see a specialist, the waiting list in darkest cornwall makes healthcare in rural China or india look like Bupa, I have chosen my hospital (30 miles away) chosen my prefered time scale and now i have an appointment in a few weeks time.
I would have gone for the hospital 200 yards away but the wait there was measured in months, I was informed when I broke protocol and *shock, horror* phoned someone they told me that I was not supposed to call about appointments but had to do it online. They did let me know the wait was long though and I was better off going to the hospital I have now booked with.

I have no idea who the person I am seeing is, I do not know what their title is nor do i know if they are any cop.

Its going to be another fob off unless I collapse soon or pay.

Why do I bother with this country ?


2,270 posts

287 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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Agreed mate this is disgraceful, after all the bleating by Labour how great the NHS is, its still got some massive problems.

call the feckers up every day, be a bloody pain in the arse until they get sick of it and get you sorted. Its awful and miserable being in pain that i know. I feel for you mate and i hope you get sorted soon.

Chin up mate.

devout gooner

206 posts

215 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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Stop worrying ,you are probably exacerbating the problem by stressing. Get pissed up - consider it an Italian tune up - that`ll teach that pesky liver /gall bladder a thing or two. (you may find this hard to believe ,but I am in no way medically trained and am just a keen amateur physician)

devout gooner

206 posts

215 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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....oh , and by the way ,there are 31 pubs between Newlyn and Gulval - take your pick .


Original Poster:

9,028 posts

188 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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Right, this is the thing, I did actually try a kill or cure type treatment a little while ago, I ate a fully fatty meal, I then went for a run, yes a run. I thought the combination of food, and digestion coupled with the bile duct having to work and then get stressed with me running might make it better or worse.

It made no difference.

Other than a lactic acid build up that made my calves sore for a bit afterwards.

I do not really drink much, I only drink JD when out never lager or ale, I just hate quantity, I eat fairly well, not a big junk food eater. like veg etc.

I am pissed off with it more than stressed.

devout gooner

206 posts

215 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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Joking aside - they treat us like 5h1t down here, poorest county near England with third world health care and Manhattan house prices - it`s a scandal !

devout gooner

206 posts

215 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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.....oh ,and go to sleep before 20 to 1 on a Wednesday !!!! wink


Original Poster:

9,028 posts

188 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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I can see West Cornwall Hospital from my house and I would have to wait months to get an appointment, Its slowly being closed down by stealth you know. they want us all to go to sodding Truro.

Apart from my sore side, its nice to hear from a local PHer !

And one who seems to like odd rusty cars as much as me.


Original Poster:

9,028 posts

188 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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devout gooner said:
.....oh ,and go to sleep before 20 to 1 on a Wednesday !!!! wink
I awarded myself a few days off and did not get up until half 12 this afternoon so I am still wide awake.


1,253 posts

216 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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Might be worth considering whether the problem might have a more mundane explanation. I experienced fairly similar symptoms a few months ago - a dull localised pain low down on the right hand side of my ribcage that felt worse later in the day. Rather worrying.

After protracted study of the symptoms of numerous serious diseases on Wikipedia, it finally dawned on me that it was a result of my mobile phone bumping against me all day in my jacket pocket!


Original Poster:

9,028 posts

188 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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Eggman said:
Might be worth considering whether the problem might have a more mundane explanation. I experienced fairly similar symptoms a few months ago - a dull localised pain low down on the right hand side of my ribcage that felt worse later in the day. Rather worrying.

After protracted study of the symptoms of numerous serious diseases on Wikipedia, it finally dawned on me that it was a result of my mobile phone bumping against me all day in my jacket pocket!
A good point, but considered, I dont do anything repetitive nor do i have pocket weight or any similar thing that might be causing it. i even swopped sides on the bed in case it was the matress, then swopped matresses with the other double bed in the house in case the bed was too hard or something.

Its probably stones but the scan did not show them because they had me in and out so fast.


1,442 posts

214 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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As someone who was once on the liver transplant list, it sounds like you have an inflamed liver. That would explain why its worse when you are sitting down and better when standing up. The pain you describe is EXACTLY HOW MINE STARTED.

I would suggest you go and ask for a second opinion. I was told I had to wait 2 months to see the specialist, but felt so ill I payed £200 to see him the same afternoon privatly. He admitted me straight away and I was told I would have been dead if I had waited 2 months.

I am sure its not as severe as mine (I had numb arms and legs by this point) but for the sake of £200 just go and see the specialist.


980 posts

190 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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My wife had pains as you describe, had gallstone tests, liver tests, all kinds of tests. Turns out its a muscle/tendon tear. Kept going on and off for a few years. Recently she lost some weight. (from size 14 to size 10 about 5'7" so not chubby) now no more tear or pain.
Wish you luck with it.


376 posts

183 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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I had a constant long term pain in my side, and after a lot of consultations I was finally diagnosed as having a collapsed vein in my right side, not far under the ribs.

The treatment is a bit bizarre, they went into a vein in my arm, and fed a very long thin tube all the way round my shoulder and down into my stomach following the vein(VERY uncomfortable), I watched the whole thing as they scanned it's route as they went.

They managed to manvouver the tube into the collapsed vein, and then small metal rings were pushed down the tube and into the vein, essentially opening it up slightly and helping relieve the pressure that the blood trying to go trhough the vein was causing (and in turn the pain).

It helped quite a bit but is not total relief, and I still have pain there, gets worse if I put on any weight in the stomach area for some reason, so at least it forces me to keep the stomach as fat free as poss smile

It might be something similar in your case, I have no idea how they diagnosed that but I had various scans and did end up going private.


12,899 posts

268 months

Thursday 1st April 2010
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bull996 said:
As someone who was once on the liver transplant list, it sounds like you have an inflamed liver. That would explain why its worse when you are sitting down and better when standing up. The pain you describe is EXACTLY HOW MINE STARTED.

I would suggest you go and ask for a second opinion. I was told I had to wait 2 months to see the specialist, but felt so ill I payed £200 to see him the same afternoon privatly. He admitted me straight away and I was told I would have been dead if I had waited 2 months.

I am sure its not as severe as mine (I had numb arms and legs by this point) but for the sake of £200 just go and see the specialist.
holy st - best £200 paid ever I would wager.

King Herald

23,501 posts

221 months

Saturday 3rd April 2010
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Big_Dog said:
My wife had pains as you describe, had gallstone tests, liver tests, all kinds of tests. Turns out its a muscle/tendon tear. Kept going on and off for a few years. Recently she lost some weight. (from size 14 to size 10 about 5'7" so not chubby) now no more tear or pain.
Wish you luck with it.
I had similar myself, noticed a pain in the gall bladder area, played and poked and pulled it, it got worse. Then I sort of twisted sideways and poke it, and the sudden shot of pain nearly had me in tears!

I went to see the medic, on my ship, and she told me it sound like an inflamed gall bladder, and if it got any worse they would medivac me shore-side on a chopper!

Anyway, I took pain killers, and it never got any worse, and eventually went away. Thinking back later it was probably just a muscle tear or sprain, as I had been doing some heavy spannering and twisting and stuff the day before.