Knee Problem / Knee Supports?

Knee Problem / Knee Supports?



Original Poster:

17,491 posts

204 months

Monday 13th July 2009
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In a couple of weeks i'm meant to be taking part in a 3 peak challenge - three highest peaks in Yorkshire - its a 25 mile hike.

Been in training for about 6 weeks now and had a reasonable level of walking fitness before that anyway.

Went out yesterday and did about 18 miles, off road terrain with some ups and downs in it.

About 8 miles in my right knee started to hurt, under the knee cap and around to the right, didn't have much choice bvut to carry on, the pain got gradually worse until i was limping quite badly.

Bending the leg caused the most pain - especially when going down hill - uphill and on the flat i could walk at a more less normal pace.

Woek up this morning and both legs ache as they normally would but the right knee is still twinging abit - especially when going down stair or whatever, no swelling or anything though.

three questions:

1: Any idea what this may be - is it just a one off or could it be more serious?

2: Would a knee support be of help for the next couple of weeks and when i do the walk? If so can you reccomend one?

3: Who can i see about it? I assume there isn't much my GP can do - is it a case of going to A&E?




16,017 posts

224 months

Monday 13th July 2009
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I am not a doctor in any way, but i do have seriously shagged knees from a motorbike accident years ago.

Sounds like either tendons or cartilage.

Would suggest get to a good sports physio ASAP if you seriously plan on hiking 3 peaks.

The best cure for knee injuries is no impact and rest.


8,310 posts

283 months

Monday 13th July 2009
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Sounds like an inflamed tendon to me, exactly the same symptoms I had last year. I added a leg machine to my gym and 6 weeks later no more pain.

Try working your hams and quads, put a weight on whereby you max at 3x 20 reps but start off gently.


3,491 posts

253 months

Monday 13th July 2009
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I get a similar thing if I run more than about 7 miles at any decent-ish pace. I've had this problem since I took up running about a year and a half ago. For me at least, it seems that 7 or 8 miles is my limit when running due to the amount of discomfort bordering on pain in the knee.

If you're hiking do you use poles? These can take substantial weight off your knees, especially during your descent.