Help needed...



Original Poster:

4,721 posts

203 months

Monday 6th July 2009
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Hello all, I need a hand getting back into shape.

I'm 26 (tomorrow) 6ft 2" 15 stone. I smoke about 25-40 a day and drink quite heavily. However I am very very active when I am at work. I certainly don't look out of shape as I used to do a lot of manual labour, however I know in comparison to where I was when I was 20 I am as weak as a kitten....

I've done lots of different work outs in the past, and some machines are better for me then others. (I prefer low impact cardio) But I was wondering if anyone has or knows of any links where I can find a new workout routine to suit me, that’s different to what I am used to doing....

I've been a member of a really decent gym for ages but rarely used it (criminal I know in this financial turmoil!). I'm really looking to build up my strength in the upper body, and fill out again, I’m not looking at weight gain as I am sure I will change up 5lb of body fat. So after that ramble, anyone know any links or have any decent plans they would like to share......

Oh and the purpose is to stop the drinking and smoking...... I'm need big inspiration for this one ladies and gents!


Edited by GingerWizard on Monday 6th July 19:14


1,677 posts

200 months

Monday 6th July 2009
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Happy birthday for tommorow. I did a little plan for my friend some time ago of what i basically do. The plan itself excludes any cardio that i do. In the summer i do quite a bit of cardio. This would be a 3 mile run most nights and swimming once or twice a week. Like i say the plan below is what i train to:

Chest and Triceps

4 Sets of 8 Incline chest press (45- 60 degree)
4 Sets of 8 Flat chest press
4 Sets of 8 Incline fly’s
4 Sets of 8 Decline fly’s

4 Sets of 8 Tricep rope pull downs
4 Sets of 8 Tricep over head rope
4 Sets of 8 Tricep Bar push downs
4 Sets of 8 Tricep Dumbell kickbacks


4 Sets of 8 Lat pull downs (Wide grip)
4 Sets of 8 Lat pull downs (Close underhand grip)
4 Sets of 8 Lat single arm cable pull downs
4 Sets of 8 Lat straight arm pushdown
4 Sets of 8 Lat rows Bar/ Double handle
4 Sets of 8 Single arm cable row
4 Sets of 8 Bent over rows


4 Sets of 8 Front raises
4 Sets of 8 Shoulder fly’s
4 Sets of 8 Deltoid side extensions
4 Sets of 8 Deltoid cable raises
4 Sets of 8 Shoulder presses dumbell/ barbell
4 Sets of 8 Upright rows (Traps)- Can train with back
4 Sets of 8 Shrugs (Traps)- Can train with back

Legs and Arms

4 Sets of 10 Leg extensions
4 Sets of 10 Leg curls
4 Sets of 10 Leg press

2-4 Sets of 5-8 Bicep curls dumbell (Barbell better)
3-4 Sets of 5-8 Hammer curls
3-4 Sets of 8 Concentration curls
1 Set of 21’s

The reps that i tend to do are for muscle size. It tends to be less reps more size, the more reps the more strength and tone. Roughly anyway. With drinking i stopped pretty much completely by being the designated driver. Barely have to pay a drink and your mates don't need a taxi. Hope the information helps, if not someone else more knowledgeable should be along shortly smile


17,768 posts

202 months

Tuesday 7th July 2009
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Find a sport that you enjoy and do that, far less boring that forcing yourself to the gym.

sleep envy

62,260 posts

254 months

Tuesday 7th July 2009
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happy birthday!!


7,346 posts

246 months

Tuesday 7th July 2009
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Crickey! 40 a day!!! That works out at one ciggie every 24 minutes assuming you have 8 hours sleep!!! yikes


6,321 posts

257 months

Tuesday 7th July 2009
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beanbag said:
Crickey! 40 a day!!! That works out at one ciggie every 24 minutes assuming you have 8 hours sleep!!! yikes
knock the cigs on the head. they are bad news.
i did it 16 years ago and its the best thing i ever did


2,270 posts

287 months

Tuesday 7th July 2009
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The biggest mistake people do when they train is not paying attention to diet and over training, i cannot emphasize this enough.

If you tend to stay natural, (i.e. no juice) train each bodypart once a week only and dont do loads of sets. there is no need to do loads of warm up sets on say each exercise of say chest when you've done 4 sets on the bench press, i.e. you really dont need to waste energy doing more warm up sets doing inclines say.

Keep workouts to less than an hour - any more and your p***ing in the wind.

Do no more than 2-3 workouts a week and split the whole body up during a weeks worth of exercises - but once warmed up train like a madman, what do i mean by this? say you decide to do chest. do some stretching and then 2 sets at a light to medium weight, then on your last two sets say do 6-8 reps on set 3 and push yourself so you cannot and i mean physically cannot push yourself anymore then the same again on set 4 except put up the weight and aim for 4-6 reps, make that last rep your all. after this your chest will be really warmed up, you wont need to fart about doing another 4 sets on say the incline.

Keep to the basics exercises, unless your training to be a bodybuilder balls to all these piddly little exercises. Stick to the basics, bench press, deadlift, squats etc. always train for strength, make it brief, go in warm up train and get out and then go and Eat plenty of clean protein after a workout, preferebly have a decent shake (i can reccomend CNP)

If you want to do cardio in the gym keep it seperate to strength workouts, apart from 5 minutes on a bike warming up or cooling down keep high intensity cardio completley seperate and do it on a different day.

With regards to supplements they are exactly that just supplementation to your diet which is more important, there are no magic pills. get a decent protein drink, some multivits, and if you want some flaxseed oil tabs and L-Glutamine which i'm a big believer in.

Oh and before you do any of the above cut the fags and booze out.


8,911 posts

207 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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CHIEF said:
Lots of good stuff
Ive just started using L-Glutamine, it seems to be pumping my msucles up in a similar way to creatine, but also aiding my post workout recovery. My tri-ceps used to ache for 3-4 days after lifting, but Ive now seen this reduce to 1-2 days.

Ive also added a few kg's to my PB's since starting on it, Im not lifting massive weights as Ive only been training properly for about 9 months now, but I was starting to plateau a bit.

I started with the L-Glutamine and mixed my sets and reps up a bit and feel Im making some good gains again.


1,677 posts

200 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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CHIEF said:
If you tend to stay natural, (i.e. no juice) train each bodypart once a week only and dont do loads of sets. there is no need to do loads of warm up sets on say each exercise of say chest when you've done 4 sets on the bench press, i.e. you really dont need to waste energy doing more warm up sets doing inclines say.

Keep workouts to less than an hour - any more and your p***ing in the wind.
I've always been told this but i train say 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours per night 5 times a week and get better results than a lot down the gym. I know thats over training but it works for me quite well. I have tried training for just an hour and just 3 days a week but didn't get the results. I think it's something that you need to try different things untill you find what works.


2,270 posts

287 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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RJB_666 said:
CHIEF said:
If you tend to stay natural, (i.e. no juice) train each bodypart once a week only and dont do loads of sets. there is no need to do loads of warm up sets on say each exercise of say chest when you've done 4 sets on the bench press, i.e. you really dont need to waste energy doing more warm up sets doing inclines say.

Keep workouts to less than an hour - any more and your p***ing in the wind.
I've always been told this but i train say 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours per night 5 times a week and get better results than a lot down the gym. I know thats over training but it works for me quite well. I have tried training for just an hour and just 3 days a week but didn't get the results. I think it's something that you need to try different things untill you find what works.
If your goal is to increase fitness and get in shape then thats fine, but if your strength training and pushing to your maximum 5 days a week for two hours i simply cannot see how your not overtraining - but hey, who am i to judge if your getting the results you want if it works for your then fair enough.

For me though i would never train for that amount of time if i want to gain strength, if i did i'd over train and propably end up injured plus i'm an old t**t. Not for me i'm afraid.


1,677 posts

200 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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CHIEF said:
RJB_666 said:
CHIEF said:
If you tend to stay natural, (i.e. no juice) train each bodypart once a week only and dont do loads of sets. there is no need to do loads of warm up sets on say each exercise of say chest when you've done 4 sets on the bench press, i.e. you really dont need to waste energy doing more warm up sets doing inclines say.

Keep workouts to less than an hour - any more and your p***ing in the wind.
I've always been told this but i train say 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours per night 5 times a week and get better results than a lot down the gym. I know thats over training but it works for me quite well. I have tried training for just an hour and just 3 days a week but didn't get the results. I think it's something that you need to try different things untill you find what works.
If your goal is to increase fitness and get in shape then thats fine, but if your strength training and pushing to your maximum 5 days a week for two hours i simply cannot see how your not overtraining - but hey, who am i to judge if your getting the results you want if it works for your then fair enough.

For me though i would never train for that amount of time if i want to gain strength, if i did i'd over train and propably end up injured plus i'm an old t**t. Not for me i'm afraid.
It makes no sense but i am quite satisfied with the size and strength gains that i am getting. Although now i have out grown my gym. Max weights they have are 37.5kg dumbells so i'm stuck as i can do up to 45kg. Living in the middle of no where really doesn't help.


2,270 posts

287 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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RJB_666 said:
CHIEF said:
RJB_666 said:
CHIEF said:
If you tend to stay natural, (i.e. no juice) train each bodypart once a week only and dont do loads of sets. there is no need to do loads of warm up sets on say each exercise of say chest when you've done 4 sets on the bench press, i.e. you really dont need to waste energy doing more warm up sets doing inclines say.

Keep workouts to less than an hour - any more and your p***ing in the wind.
I've always been told this but i train say 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours per night 5 times a week and get better results than a lot down the gym. I know thats over training but it works for me quite well. I have tried training for just an hour and just 3 days a week but didn't get the results. I think it's something that you need to try different things untill you find what works.
If your goal is to increase fitness and get in shape then thats fine, but if your strength training and pushing to your maximum 5 days a week for two hours i simply cannot see how your not overtraining - but hey, who am i to judge if your getting the results you want if it works for your then fair enough.

For me though i would never train for that amount of time if i want to gain strength, if i did i'd over train and propably end up injured plus i'm an old t**t. Not for me i'm afraid.
It makes no sense but i am quite satisfied with the size and strength gains that i am getting. Although now i have out grown my gym. Max weights they have are 37.5kg dumbells so i'm stuck as i can do up to 45kg. Living in the middle of no where really doesn't help.
I left my last gym because the dumbells only went up to 60kg wink

Impressive lifts you have there my friend.


1,677 posts

200 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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CHIEF said:
RJB_666 said:
CHIEF said:
RJB_666 said:
CHIEF said:
If you tend to stay natural, (i.e. no juice) train each bodypart once a week only and dont do loads of sets. there is no need to do loads of warm up sets on say each exercise of say chest when you've done 4 sets on the bench press, i.e. you really dont need to waste energy doing more warm up sets doing inclines say.

Keep workouts to less than an hour - any more and your p***ing in the wind.
I've always been told this but i train say 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours per night 5 times a week and get better results than a lot down the gym. I know thats over training but it works for me quite well. I have tried training for just an hour and just 3 days a week but didn't get the results. I think it's something that you need to try different things untill you find what works.
If your goal is to increase fitness and get in shape then thats fine, but if your strength training and pushing to your maximum 5 days a week for two hours i simply cannot see how your not overtraining - but hey, who am i to judge if your getting the results you want if it works for your then fair enough.

For me though i would never train for that amount of time if i want to gain strength, if i did i'd over train and propably end up injured plus i'm an old t**t. Not for me i'm afraid.
It makes no sense but i am quite satisfied with the size and strength gains that i am getting. Although now i have out grown my gym. Max weights they have are 37.5kg dumbells so i'm stuck as i can do up to 45kg. Living in the middle of no where really doesn't help.
I left my last gym because the dumbells only went up to 60kg wink

Impressive lifts you have there my friend.
Is that wink meaning your joking or you seriously lifting that much eek


2,270 posts

287 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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At my peak a few years ago i was lifting that no probs, nowadays 50-55kg depending on how strong i am feeling, not sure if i could do 60KG if i went in the gym today but if i could it would only be for a few reps.

At one time all that mattered to me was the damn bench presses which was stoopid, i try to balance my other body parts out a bit more now, instead of telling everyone in the pub what i can bench.

Edited by CHIEF on Wednesday 8th July 21:03


1,677 posts

200 months

Wednesday 8th July 2009
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CHIEF said:
At my peak a few years ago i was lifting that no probs, nowadays 50-55kg depending on how strong i am feeling, not sure if i could do that if i went in the gym today but if i could it would only be for a few reps.

At one time all that mattered to me was the damn bench presses which was stoopid, i try to balance my other body parts out a bit more now, instead of telling everyone in the pub what i can bench.
I think i was a bit like that to begin with. I had on and off help so didn't train correctly and balanced to begin with. So i have had to put a lot of effort in to now get rid of the rounded shoulders. My shoulders are probably my strong point compared to others in the gym. Got obsessed with training deltoids, started doing these before my shoulder presses. Went up 5kg a dumbell in 2 weeks. Hopefully a decent gym will either open near me soon, or if i move soon it best be near a decent gym.


Original Poster:

4,721 posts

203 months

Thursday 9th July 2009
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CHIEF said:
The biggest mistake people do when they train is not paying attention to diet and over training, i cannot emphasize this enough.

If you tend to stay natural, (i.e. no juice) train each bodypart once a week only and dont do loads of sets. there is no need to do loads of warm up sets on say each exercise of say chest when you've done 4 sets on the bench press, i.e. you really dont need to waste energy doing more warm up sets doing inclines say.

Keep workouts to less than an hour - any more and your p***ing in the wind.

Do no more than 2-3 workouts a week and split the whole body up during a weeks worth of exercises - but once warmed up train like a madman, what do i mean by this? say you decide to do chest. do some stretching and then 2 sets at a light to medium weight, then on your last two sets say do 6-8 reps on set 3 and push yourself so you cannot and i mean physically cannot push yourself anymore then the same again on set 4 except put up the weight and aim for 4-6 reps, make that last rep your all. after this your chest will be really warmed up, you wont need to fart about doing another 4 sets on say the incline.

Keep to the basics exercises, unless your training to be a bodybuilder balls to all these piddly little exercises. Stick to the basics, bench press, deadlift, squats etc. always train for strength, make it brief, go in warm up train and get out and then go and Eat plenty of clean protein after a workout, preferebly have a decent shake (i can reccomend CNP)

If you want to do cardio in the gym keep it seperate to strength workouts, apart from 5 minutes on a bike warming up or cooling down keep high intensity cardio completley seperate and do it on a different day.

With regards to supplements they are exactly that just supplementation to your diet which is more important, there are no magic pills. get a decent protein drink, some multivits, and if you want some flaxseed oil tabs and L-Glutamine which i'm a big believer in.

Oh and before you do any of the above cut the fags and booze out.
See this sound like sense to me. The fags and the booze are being dropped, me and the wife are also going to restrict and monotor our diet, real health purge basically, i was thinking 3-4 hours in the gym actually working would be a good level to maintain. The intensity of the work out is fitness dependant i suppose. i have never been a fan of shakes, prefer somthing like rice and chicken. But if they really are effective i might be tempted. Would you say they made a big difference? (i enjoy cooking and am a dab hand, wink so thats not a problem)


1,677 posts

200 months

Thursday 9th July 2009
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GingerWizard said:
CHIEF said:
The biggest mistake people do when they train is not paying attention to diet and over training, i cannot emphasize this enough.

If you tend to stay natural, (i.e. no juice) train each bodypart once a week only and dont do loads of sets. there is no need to do loads of warm up sets on say each exercise of say chest when you've done 4 sets on the bench press, i.e. you really dont need to waste energy doing more warm up sets doing inclines say.

Keep workouts to less than an hour - any more and your p***ing in the wind.

Do no more than 2-3 workouts a week and split the whole body up during a weeks worth of exercises - but once warmed up train like a madman, what do i mean by this? say you decide to do chest. do some stretching and then 2 sets at a light to medium weight, then on your last two sets say do 6-8 reps on set 3 and push yourself so you cannot and i mean physically cannot push yourself anymore then the same again on set 4 except put up the weight and aim for 4-6 reps, make that last rep your all. after this your chest will be really warmed up, you wont need to fart about doing another 4 sets on say the incline.

Keep to the basics exercises, unless your training to be a bodybuilder balls to all these piddly little exercises. Stick to the basics, bench press, deadlift, squats etc. always train for strength, make it brief, go in warm up train and get out and then go and Eat plenty of clean protein after a workout, preferebly have a decent shake (i can reccomend CNP)

If you want to do cardio in the gym keep it seperate to strength workouts, apart from 5 minutes on a bike warming up or cooling down keep high intensity cardio completley seperate and do it on a different day.

With regards to supplements they are exactly that just supplementation to your diet which is more important, there are no magic pills. get a decent protein drink, some multivits, and if you want some flaxseed oil tabs and L-Glutamine which i'm a big believer in.

Oh and before you do any of the above cut the fags and booze out.
See this sound like sense to me. The fags and the booze are being dropped, me and the wife are also going to restrict and monotor our diet, real health purge basically, i was thinking 3-4 hours in the gym actually working would be a good level to maintain. The intensity of the work out is fitness dependant i suppose. i have never been a fan of shakes, prefer somthing like rice and chicken. But if they really are effective i might be tempted. Would you say they made a big difference? (i enjoy cooking and am a dab hand, wink so thats not a problem)
I haven't taken protein myself for over a year. I changed my diet big time about a year ago and it's made a massive difference compared. With protein i find you get a little bloated and it really doesn't taste good, well there are some i suppose that are reasonable. If your a good cook that will help you more. I've got a Stallone book thats got his diet in, well past the basic mark though so i've ruled it out.


Original Poster:

4,721 posts

203 months

Thursday 16th July 2009
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Training starts 26th July 2009.

I will keep you posted.....