


Original Poster:

237 posts

197 months

Thursday 2nd July 2009
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I feel like i really try hard to eat healthy, but i eat really badly.

Typical example

3-5 cans of coke per day(full fat)
2-3 chocolate bars per day
3 days per week a bag of chips at lunch
No breakfast
Normally have a healthy, home made meal in the evnings.

How bad is this for me?

I get very sleepy and worn out, which i believe is diet related.

When i used to race karts, i was exhausted by the end of the say, usually would have a headache and could feel i was slower.... (i regret this big time)

I now weight 80 kilos, im 6'1 tall and starting to get a belly... I always said, if i really noticed it i would change and im starting to really notice it. Slower and fatter.......

So i need to turn things round:

I hate normal luch food, rolls etc is there an alternative?

I have started on cereal for breakfast(started today.)
Had a cheese and tomato sub at lunch + apple
caramel bar + 2 cans of coke
Im not sure what dinner will be yet.

I dont want to eat healthy for a few days and then go back. I can just imagine looking back in 5 years and thinking i should have done something about that and now its too late.

I have stopped drinking red bull because i was starting to shake (2-5cans per day instead of coke)

I will stop drinking coke and cut down on chocolate... but i just crave sweet things.....

I dont know if im asking for advice or just admitting im doing my self damage so that i actually realise and change.

Any advice would be appreciated tho.



77,316 posts

287 months

Thursday 2nd July 2009
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Quick reply in bold...

trophies said:
3-5 cans of coke per day(full fat)

Fizzy drinks are known to leech calcium from bones; expect to get osteoperosis if you continue. The high sugar content generally leads to being fat. The caffeine is not good for your heart or your quality of sleep.

2-3 chocolate bars per day

Sugar -> fat

3 days per week a bag of chips at lunch

Lots of bad cholesterol plus lots of carbs so you'll put on weight plus block your arteries; heart attack-tastic.

No breakfast

So you'll feel hungry by mid-morning and stuff your face full of crap. Your brain relies on decent fuel as does your body.

Normally have a healthy, home made meal in the evnings.

Home mad meal does not always mean healthy... need to see what you're eating.

How bad is this for me?

Forget the getting fat bit; you're killing yourself slowly.

I get very sleepy and worn out, which i believe is diet related.

Yep, wrong fuel; highly processed foods taste great but aren't processed well by the body so you'll get highs and lows in energy which relates to your fizzy drinks, chocolate bars and fried food taken throughout the day.

I now weight 80 kilos, im 6'1 tall and starting to get a belly... I always said, if i really noticed it i would change and im starting to really notice it. Slower and fatter.......

I noticed this and that turned me around. I had a bit of fat that could be grabbed although nobody could tell; it was enough for me to dislike.

So i need to turn things round:

I hate normal luch food, rolls etc is there an alternative?

I have started on cereal for breakfast(started today.)

Good. can you eat more? Add some fruit or honey to the cereal? The brain needs the fuel for the morning shift up to lunch.

Had a cheese and tomato sub at lunch + apple

Eat brown bread instead of white. It's unprocessed so you won't fall asleep after lunch.

caramel bar + 2 cans of coke

Quit the coke. Drink juice but preferably water; smoothies are ok. Herbal/fruit teas are good, too. Try green tea, jasmine tea, oolon tea, white tea, redbush tea, peppermint?

Im not sure what dinner will be yet.

I dont want to eat healthy for a few days and then go back. I can just imagine looking back in 5 years and thinking i should have done something about that and now its too late.

I have stopped drinking red bull because i was starting to shake (2-5cans per day instead of coke)

I will stop drinking coke and cut down on chocolate... but i just crave sweet things.....

Here's the fuzzy psych bit... there's a reason why you need those sweet things... it's a form of comfort eating/addiction. I deal with people who have these kinds of cravings.

I dont know if im asking for advice or just admitting im doing my self damage so that i actually realise and change.

Any advice would be appreciated tho.

Take a first step like you are today. Change just 25% of your diet and it won't feel like such a bad thing. If you completely change your diet tomorrow then you won't last long at all. Try eating cereal bars instead of Mars bars... they're slightly healthier and smaller so you're eating less crap!

Oh, try couscous for your lunch and dinner. You can buy couscous salads in Tesco. Alternatively, make it yourself at lunchtime: just throw boiling water into a bowl of the stuff; add fresh salad eg carrots, leaves, tomatoes; a light vinaigrette or lemon juice, some pepper. I have this kind of lunch most days.

PS Please use apostrophes.

PPS I am not gay despite knowing a bit too much about this kind of thing. Really!

Edited by ShadownINja on Thursday 2nd July 18:52


8,310 posts

283 months

Thursday 2nd July 2009
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trophies said:
I feel like i really try hard to eat healthy, but i eat really badly.

Typical example

3-5 cans of coke per day(full fat)
2-3 chocolate bars per day
3 days per week a bag of chips at lunch
No breakfast
Normally have a healthy, home made meal in the evnings.

How bad is this for me?

I get very sleepy and worn out, which i believe is diet related.

When i used to race karts, i was exhausted by the end of the say, usually would have a headache and could feel i was slower.... (i regret this big time)

I now weight 80 kilos, im 6'1 tall and starting to get a belly... I always said, if i really noticed it i would change and im starting to really notice it. Slower and fatter.......

So i need to turn things round:

I hate normal luch food, rolls etc is there an alternative?

I have started on cereal for breakfast(started today.)
Had a cheese and tomato sub at lunch + apple
caramel bar + 2 cans of coke
Im not sure what dinner will be yet.

I dont want to eat healthy for a few days and then go back. I can just imagine looking back in 5 years and thinking i should have done something about that and now its too late.

I have stopped drinking red bull because i was starting to shake (2-5cans per day instead of coke)

I will stop drinking coke and cut down on chocolate... but i just crave sweet things.....

I dont know if im asking for advice or just admitting im doing my self damage so that i actually realise and change.

Any advice would be appreciated tho.

Jesus, you need to get a grip. That is just appalling. Let the strong side of you get angry with the weak side and cut out all this crap. It's just a question of habit that is all. They never had Coke or chocolate bars a few hundred years ago and people still managed to survive.

Just don't buy it.

DO some exerise and enjoy watching the changes in your body for the better. You'll feel better too. You can do it, anyone can do it.


1,599 posts

256 months

Friday 3rd July 2009
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you need to start drinking some water!!!I always have some 500ml sparkling water bottles in my desk, i find still water too boring. Just sip away all day and 1 in the evening smile

Edited by cheeky_chops on Friday 3rd July 23:19