Fear of flying



Original Poster:

658 posts

199 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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Bit of an odd one, this. I never used to be scared of flying; turbulence, odd smells, smoke (on an Aeroflot domestic aircraft, as well!), nothing used to bother me. Over the past 2 years, though, I have become more and more anxious about flying, which is awkward since I enjoy long-haul holidays and also have to fly short-haul a fair bit with work. I know all the facts, I know I take a greater risk driving to the airport than I do when I get on a plane. I know that the fear is irrational.


Whatever I tell myself I seem chronically unable to relax into a flight. I flew back from a break in New York a few days back, on an Airbus 340, and for the entire 6.5 hours' flight I was acutely conscious of the horrible fate of that Air France A330 and all the people on board. Every slight ripple of turbulence caused an adrenaline rush of "blind corner near-miss" proportions. And coming in to land at Heathrow, through cloud, I was actively having to control the impulse to cry.

What on earth can I do to fix this? Is there anything I can do? Should I just accept that I can only fly with the help of large amounts of alcohol and Valium?


77,316 posts

287 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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Try Emotional Freedom Techniques or hypnotherapy. I know EFT works a treat.

Email me through my profile for more info.

Edited by ShadownINja on Wednesday 10th June 15:45


6,941 posts

199 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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Can you get meds to knock you out during a flight?


468 posts

223 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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i aint getting on no plane fool!

I have a similar problem but not quite as acute. I can never relax and always wondering what every little noise, bump and jolt is. I also know the stats but still i cant rationalalise my fear. My mate gets something prescribed from the doc but i have until now managed to resist this. I usually down half a bottle of "rescue remedy" avaialable from chemists over counter. Not sure whether it actually has any active ingredients in but seem to work for me even if it just the placebo effect.

Nolar Dog

8,786 posts

200 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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I can't be of any assistance with the problem OP but I hope you get it sorted soon. frown

Sounds awful.

Good luck with it. smile


Original Poster:

658 posts

199 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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camgear said:
Can you get meds to knock you out during a flight?
You'd have to trick me by concealing them in a glass of milk, fool. biggrin

As it happens I really want to avoid the medication route. For the entirely irrational reason that if I do find myself in an emergency, being monged on Valium is probably not what I need in order to enhance my survival chances!

I shall look into EFT, shadowninja. Sounds interesting...


8,870 posts

272 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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I have similar issues, usually resort to plenty of alcohol in the lounge followed by a sleeping tablet as soon as I board. 8 hour coma and wake on landing. I have been close to tears on landing a few times, Monday's landing in Lisbon being an example.


918 posts

218 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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I only get to fly about twice a year and for most of them I'm stting my pants. Take off is by far the worst, I can actually visualise the impending fireball yikes Once I'm up in the air and levelled off I'm fine, until I hear the flaps adjusting for the landing, then I'm cacking it again until we've stopped.

It all started a few years ago, nothing to do with 9/11 but around that time nonetheless. I made the silly mistake of buying a Clarkson book in the airport before a flight. The book was about his greatest ever machines, and had a whole chapter on Concorde, which invariably told of the last flight of said super machine; that being the Air France one that burst a tyre which went through the fuel tank. It managed to take off and stayed in the air (in flames) for 2 1/2 minutes before plummeting.

Flying, for me, has never had the appeal it used to have...

Bloody Clarkson !


96 posts

183 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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I also have a fear of flying. I haven't flown in about 2 years. I just couldn't stand sitting there and feeling powerless to do anything, at least in a car if something goes wrong your not guaranteed to die, whereas in a plane if something goes wrong your hundreds of miles up in the air. That's how I see it anyway.

However I hope you get sorted as realisticilly it's one of the safest forms of travel.


13,993 posts

254 months

Wednesday 10th June 2009
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Hooray, I am not alone! (I knew I wasn't anyway)

I get quite nervous taking off and landing, absolutely hate it when the plane appears to slow down to descend to land, half an hour of dropping down in height not being able to see where you are going to land is nerve racking.
Cannot concentrate, very sweaty palms, worried about every movement, and usually tense through the whole flight, how people sleep on planes is a way beyond me!
We did an 11 hour flight last year in a 747, didn't even get any sleep, everyone else seemed to be snoring frown

Never thought of taking anything, but it may make going on holiday easier and more relaxing

Edited by missdiane on Wednesday 10th June 21:47


10,121 posts

227 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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What is it about getting older and becoming scared of this sort of thing? When I was a child, I used to love flying - would be craning my neck to get a look out the window etc.

Now, I am a mess on flights. Like LMC above, my mind plays over the worst possible scenarios, particularly on take-off. The Madrid disaster happened when I was in Italy, and my missus had to forceably get me on the plane on the way home!

It helps a little having a BIL who is a pilot as they can often talk to you about the limits of a plane, how it is mostly driven by computers, very safe blah blah.

Not looking forward to honeymoon flight!


1,696 posts

247 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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theres a great book that is designed for this sort of thing, its is called 'How to stop being a big girly girl' by a Man


Original Poster:

658 posts

199 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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tricky69 said:
theres a great book that is designed for this sort of thing, its is called 'How to stop being a big girly girl' by a Man
You really are a deep thinker, aren't you?


918 posts

218 months

Wednesday 17th June 2009
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Hey, the fear is real !

The last time I landed in Spain, when we got to the hotel, the 1st thing I did was go on t'internet to see how much it would cost me to get the TRAIN home again paperbag

At the end of the 2 weeks I'd managed to pluck up the courage for the return flight.