Fack me I'm dying :(



Original Poster:

918 posts

218 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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I woke up yesterday morning with suprapubic pain, worse on movement. I checked myself for hernias, all OK. Tensing my lower abs then pressing my bladder area gave me no pain, so I ruled out a muscle cause. When palpating, my bladder is very tender. Went for a pee, this looked normal. I was night shift last night, came home this morning and dipped my pee, which showed ++ for haemolised blood. No other signs of infection, leukocytes, nitrites, dysuria, frequency etc. Nothing but the pain and haematuria.

I went to the GP today who dipped my pee again, blood still present. Sent specimen away, result next week. Based on the assumption it could be cystitis, started me on Trimethoprim 200mg bd for 10/7.

Now of course I'm thinking the worse. The tenderness is my entire bladder (well as much as I can palpate from the front obviously), so it's not the prostate. I'm now expecting to be told I've got an appointment at my nearest Oncology department looming....

Of course I've started the antibiotics tonight, but I'm not sure if this is an exercise of hope rather than treatment.

Why would a male of 47 get cystitis anyway ? I've not been dipping my wick where it doesn't belong, in fact I've not dipped my wick for a wee while.

I'm fookin worried, I don't mind telling you frown


77,316 posts

287 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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Erk. Out of interest, do you smoke?


Original Poster:

918 posts

218 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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Ulp, yes I do.


2,501 posts

204 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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I suggest you have a quick google on cystitis, its a common lady problem and has nothing to do with where you have been wink If it is cystitis, it nowt too terrible to worry about! Try to avoid acidic foods/drink, some people say cranberry juice help neutralise things so its worth a go.


Original Poster:

918 posts

218 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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Err, I've just googled ShadownINja's question. Oh dearie me....


Original Poster:

918 posts

218 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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Ah yes, the old "smoking is the highest risk factor scenario". Oh well, who needs a bladder anyway, it's just a bag for holding piss laugh

Now I just need to see about these lumps under my armpits LOL (this bit is a joke btw)


9,586 posts

248 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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mrsxllifts said:
I suggest you have a quick google on cystitis, its a common lady problem and has nothing to do with where you have been wink If it is cystitis, it nowt too terrible to worry about! Try to avoid acidic foods/drink, some people say cranberry juice help neutralise things so its worth a go.
Ouch yes I used to have cystitis when I was much younger. It's something im glad I don't suffer with any more.


77,316 posts

287 months

Tuesday 26th May 2009
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Just sprung to mind, that's all. Smoking affects the strangest things like bladders, kidneys and penises. Wait to see what the doc says.


5,190 posts

215 months

Wednesday 27th May 2009
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CatherineJ said:
mrsxllifts said:
I suggest you have a quick google on cystitis, its a common lady problem and has nothing to do with where you have been wink If it is cystitis, it nowt too terrible to worry about! Try to avoid acidic foods/drink, some people say cranberry juice help neutralise things so its worth a go.
Ouch yes I used to have cystitis when I was much younger. It's something im glad I don't suffer with any more.
cranberry juice does work and drink lots of fluid.


Original Poster:

918 posts

218 months

Thursday 28th May 2009
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I'm on the 3rd day of a/b, the pain has gone and I only have a little tenderness on the left side of my bladder when I press hard.
It might well be a case of cystitis after all. The urine sample that got sent away will tell if there was an infection, but I'm looking on the bright side. For the 1st time this week.

Carcinoma in situ, oh my God I must stop googling......tongue out


77,316 posts

287 months

Thursday 28th May 2009
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Maybe it's just Bad Aids.

PS glad you're on the mend.

Edited by ShadownINja on Thursday 28th May 13:22


2,828 posts

203 months

Thursday 28th May 2009
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It'll be interesting to hear what your results say.

My OH permanently has 2+ of blood (and obviously protein too) when her urine is dipped. Completely asymptomatic, but always present.

Dover Nige

1,308 posts

248 months

Thursday 28th May 2009
quotequote all
LMC said:
Carcinoma in situ, oh my God I must stop googling......tongue out
LMC, firstly, stop flapping (too much) wink

I was found (at only 33yrs old and NEVER having smoked) in November '06 to have such a tumour in my bladder. I'm still here nearly three years later, bladder still intact, no chemo and still driving like a loon. Since my op (TURBT) to remove it I have six monthly cystoscopies. They've spotted some growths twice since, but they've zapped it there and then (that smarts a touch!).

Even if it's not the nasty option, take it as a kick up the arse from fate and bin the ciggys off. wink


Original Poster:

918 posts

218 months

Friday 29th May 2009
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That makes sense Nige, the cigs have to go. This episode scared the bejesus out of me !


Original Poster:

918 posts

218 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Well, things have certainly hotted up since this thread started. I'm off for a cystoscopy tomorrow morning and a CT scan in the afternoon frown

The procedure doesn't worry me, some folk say there's a feeling of pressure, others say it's like getting a christmas tree poked up your pee-hole.

I'm more concerned with what they find on both tests. Very eager to know what's going on, slightly dreading the worst though, I have to admit.

Since the original post, mu 1st urine specimen came back from the labs; it showed NO blood cells of any kind, which was weird, since my dip test and the GP's dip test showed haemolysed red blood cells. Then another specimen was sent away, again the lab result showed nothing.

So that's 2 false positives, and I have no symptoms whatsoever.

We'll find out soon enough I hope....


10,134 posts

226 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Fingers crossed for you smile

Hopefully it's just something that needs bottle brushing and then you'll be fine smile


Original Poster:

918 posts

218 months

Tuesday 23rd June 2009
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Hope so, thanks bud smile


Original Poster:

918 posts

218 months

Wednesday 24th June 2009
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Just back in from the hospital. No abnormalities found on cystoscopy smokin

I'm a happy bunny again smile

And the cystoscopy was a piece of, well, piss really, only mild discomfort at most.


2,955 posts

194 months

Wednesday 1st July 2009
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I had something similar a few years ago - doc said it was due to passing a small kidney stone. Didn't feel like anything I would expect from this, but it went away and hasn't come back (touch wood) - I had many of your worries along the way.

Dover Nige

1,308 posts

248 months

Wednesday 1st July 2009
quotequote all
LMC said:
Just back in from the hospital. No abnormalities found on cystoscopy smokin

I'm a happy bunny again smile

And the cystoscopy was a piece of, well, piss really, only mild discomfort at most.
clapbeer EXCELLENT news.

Cystoscopy itself isn't too bad at all.

Just glad you're ok LMC. Keep an eye on things though and remember what I said about fate..!! wink