Are you worried about going to the dentist?

Are you worried about going to the dentist?



Original Poster:

13,021 posts

242 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Me, I haven't been for five years! Why? Well I had some wisdom teeth removed and the dentist accidentally managed to put the pliers (or whatever they are) through the roof of my mouth while trying to extract said teeth. I don't mind saying the pain was excruciating and I was close to passing out! Put it this way, the dentist called me every night for a week to check my condition - probably worried that I'd pursue him legally (which I wouldn't do on principle).

However, I've recently chipped two teeth and I need to go back to a (different, I might add) dentist! Big girls blouse that I am, I am genuinely getting quite nervous!

Don't know why I'm posting this, probably something to do with a very large and pleasant G&T I'm currently sipping!


13,986 posts

199 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Hate the bloody place.

You do get a sticker if you're good though.


4,428 posts

200 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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20 years since I last visited my dentist, my teeth are fine......... I hope

SXi Lad

2,964 posts

194 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Hate the smell
Hate the noise
Hate the pain

Mainly I hate the bh who stabbed me in the gum 'accidently' rolleyes


246 posts

200 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Don't mind the dentist, the bill afterwards is enough to keep me away :crooked grin:


13,692 posts

220 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Never had a problem with my teeth (touch wood)

Quite like going to my dentist as she is quite fit.

I even still have a baby tooth at 24 (there is nothing below it).Its my first molar on the bottom left.


3,296 posts

191 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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I always need to go to the hygenist so some fit looking bird can look into my mouth and scrape around my teeth until they pretty much bleed, and thats just the start

Sorry did you say you were worried...?


5,675 posts

197 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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I quite enjoy the scraping and the polish and all that, find it quite relaxing. Not sure I'd feel quite the same if they were planning on pulling some teeth or anything.


3,296 posts

191 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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OllieWinchester said:
I quite enjoy the scraping and the polish and all that, find it quite relaxing. Not sure I'd feel quite the same if they were planning on pulling some teeth or anything.
The polishing is very ticklish in a nice way but they start scraping near gums and stuff which does hurt!


3,155 posts

215 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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I just dislike the injections in your mouth to numb it, always gets some all over my tongue when he pulls out and its numb for days

gti tim

1,633 posts

206 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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I need to go - one cracked tooth that has 3/4 broken off and needs to come out, and another one needs filling, but i too hate the dentist. I have found a local one that does it under sedation, so going there, just need to get an appointment booked and the limit raised on my credit card to pay for it!!!


17,932 posts

203 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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I hate the fact that once you're under, they rape the st out of your wallet.


13,993 posts

254 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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I was so terrified I never went for 19 years, went in Feb this year as I thought all my teeth would need attention as I have a terrible sweet tooth and only brush once a day.

Needed one filling, hated every minute there, but now I have done it, I will go back more often- better the devil you know

The consequences could be much worse, for some smile

Simpo Two

86,564 posts

270 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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rhinochopig said:
I hate the fact that once you're under, they rape the st out of your wallet.
You can ask for an estimate first.

People will happily pay hundreds for the latest electronic gadget that will be junk in 2 years, but object to paying the same to keep their (only) set of gnashers in order. But finding a good dentist that you can trust helps a lot.

Edited by Simpo Two on Sunday 10th May 07:16


70,401 posts

234 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Having had a filling with no painkiller (three injections failed) I can tell you that when your nerve is drilled, it hurts a bit. Soooo, that kinda put me off the dentist...

But as above, I found one who is fairly trustworthy (so far so good at least), so I don't mind going to get the polish (though I REALLY hate the noise)..


13,305 posts

197 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Steameh said:
always gets some all over my tongue when he pulls out


Now look here Steameh, when we booked the Sexy Dentist strippogram we thought

(a) it would be a lady,


(b) no one could possibly be that naive.


4,283 posts

258 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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I have a genuine fear of the dentist and over the years due to the type of teeth I have had the majority crowned, the last 4 this month with a £2k bill. Explain to your new dentist what has happened in the past and a good one will take their time and explain everything and relax you fully through the process.


9,457 posts

257 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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Doesn't worry me in the slightest...

... because I never go visit the sadists!



5,888 posts

232 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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If you had my dentist and the way she sits quite close you wouldn't. I spent an hour last week resting on her gently heaving bosom cloud9

Nolar Dog

8,786 posts

200 months

Sunday 10th May 2009
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I was always scared of the dentist.

I didn't go from 1990 until 2005 then I had "the works".

Loads of porcelain veneers, 2 implants which needed broken roots extracting and bone grafts. Also had upper wisdoms removed at same time.

Many months of treatment and many thousands of pounds but at least it cured my fear!

I now go every 3 months to the hygienest and every 6 months for a check up.