Hangover cures(mods, don't touch dis)

Hangover cures(mods, don't touch dis)



Original Poster:

3,113 posts

263 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Due respect to moderators but if this get's moved to subsection 3 paragraph 4 I may not get an answer for a couple of weeks. Drinking a mixture of 3 raw eggs, pepper and tabasco sauce may work for some people(placebo effect) but I would like a definative answer on how to alleviate sickness,headache and talking bks at this time of the morning


1,715 posts

196 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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According to some research not long ago (2 weeks?), it was a good old bacon sarnie that was the best hangover cure going.


17,517 posts

215 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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  1. Talking bks - No cure
  2. Headache - Asprin and lots of water (should of done that last night)
  3. Feeling sick - neck some salt water, chuck your guts up and away we go.

Mr Trophy

6,808 posts

208 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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IrnBru. A nice cold can smile


14,682 posts

216 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Lots of water and cups of tea, some paracetomol and a good fry up. Won't cure but will help alleviate. Oh and keep busy. Slobbing in front of the telly makes you feel worse. Nice day in this part of the world, try going out for a walk if it's good your way.

Snake the Sniper

2,544 posts

206 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Lucozade, if you can stand the taste, and a bacon sarnie area all you need. If no Lucozade, I found flat lemonade to do a suitable job. Oh, and next time, remember to drink a pint of water before you go to bed. It makes the morning after sooo much easier.

Prof Beard

6,669 posts

232 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Prevention next time!

Try not to drink stupid quantities, but when you have drunk more than is wise (and we all do that) drink LOTS of water before going to bed - when you then have to get up in the night to pee, drink even more. If you have to get up later in the night and already have a headache, take painkillers then - it will help when you have to get up!

Edited by Prof Beard on Sunday 12th April 11:36


17,488 posts

204 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Lucozade, Fry up, Salt and Vinegar Crisps.

Job done.


13,993 posts

254 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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S & V Crisps for me too

Fort Jefferson

8,237 posts

227 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Prof Beard said:
Prevention next time!

Try not to drink stupid quantities, but when you have drunk more than is wise (and we all do that) drink LOTS of water before going to bed - when you then have to get up in the night to pee, drink even more. If you have to get up later in the night and already have a headache, take painkillers then - it will help when you have to get up!
What he said.^^^^^^^^^

Two raw eggs and a teaspoon of vinegar. It's not placebo, it works.


22,096 posts

231 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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The remains of last night's curry or chinese if available, huge greasy bacon and egg sarnie if not.

Huge mug of weapons-grade black coffee, two paracetamol plus two ibuprofen, and a good long walk on the beach with the dogs.

Works for me.

Duke of Rothesay

671 posts

185 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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1) Rehydrate. Alcohol is a very strong diuretic. A litre of water an hour will fix things eventually.
2) Get rid of the pain. Paracetamol, codein etc. 3 Neurofen plus is a good dosage.
3) Blood sugar. Bananas, butties etc that release gradually.
4) Exercise to get your metabolic rate up and burn off the congeners quicker. Go for a long walk.
5) A big strong multivitamin to replace all those destroyed by the alcohol.

12 inch legend

8,891 posts

192 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Get back out on the lash you pussy!!!


15,421 posts

211 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Four of those little packets of Soy sauce you get in Pot Noodles (bottled sauce is no good) in some milk chased down with a bowl of coco-pops, works every time.

You can throw the Pot Noodles in the bin once you've got the sauce out.

Baby Huey

4,881 posts

204 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Resolve and Diet Coke.


3,136 posts

204 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Irn Bru (loads of) 4 nurofen and a fry up, then fresh air and more Irn bru.

Either that or crack open another tin of beer. smile


20,464 posts

191 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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Baby Huey said:
Resolve and Diet Coke.
A few years ago I found that two sachets of resolve mixed with two cans of red bull in a pint glass is a brilliant cure. Just be ready to get straight back on the lash once the red bull wears off though...


12,134 posts

251 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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I never get the headache when I have a hangover. I just feel extremely exhausted and a little anxious.

Super Bad

556 posts

217 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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There is only one cure.....


661 posts

202 months

Sunday 12th April 2009
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