4th day of not smoking



Original Poster:

24,438 posts

233 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Hmmm - this is quite tough!

The first few days were fine, now I'm getting an urge quite often - every ten mins or so.

It does get easier, right?

Edit - Bugger, wrong room!

Edited by Asterix on Tuesday 24th March 07:23


16,017 posts

224 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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first 2 weeks are the hardest, thats when you are going through the cold turky phase.

In a few days you are also going to start coughing (as the "anaesthetic effect" of your tabs is going to wear off and your throat is going to realise how raw it is. ) make sure you have liquid / strepsils / other similar to hand at all times, as the cough is the most irritating tickly one !!

Apparently i almost killed 3 collegues and a bloke down the pub in the first 2 weeks of my quitting ... mind that was from 30+ camels per day!


Original Poster:

24,438 posts

233 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Hmmm - 20-30 a day for the last 25yrs.

Need to do something - it's en a heavy cold that has forced the issue. Didn't smoke on Saturday or Sunday and it seemed like a good idea to carry on that way.

Time will tell - I have now officialy had my longest period of not smoking in that 25yrs!


16,017 posts

224 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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thats exactly how i gave up, had a stinking cold, then realised after a week of man flu that i had not actually smoked so why start .....

I was smoking for about 15 years when i gave up .. that was 6 years ago.

Occasionally fall off the wagon when like a nice new wall, and always feel worse for it in the morning nowadays.

Do partake of and enjoy the occasional cigar though.

as i said, especially when giving up with a cold, keep drinks / cough sweets / mints handy at all times for that scratchy throat that is about to kick in.

ohh .... and try not to kill to many people wink

Denis O

2,141 posts

248 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Keep it up.

I stopped on 9th March so I'm just over 2 weeks. I'm doing it without patches or gum etc but I do have a fairly powerful motivation in that I sufferred a heart attack on 9th. Thankfully not a big one and a quick balloon and stent at St. Thomas' and I'm well on the mend. Will end up better than before.

Certainly won't be going back to the fags.


2,449 posts

191 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Good work fella, keep it up. Get some gum to hand to chew when you get itchy for one - hopefully stop you getting too dry mouthed too smile

Kermit power

29,373 posts

218 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Nicotine gum did it for me. Just munch some when you'd normally go for a smoke, and it occupies your hands as well as giving you the nicotine hit.


16,017 posts

224 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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.... its the only way!!


1,136 posts

219 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Keep it up. I was 30 a day for 30 years, now been 7 months without a cig. Go to the chemist get free patch`s on the gov`s stop smoking scheme, you will feel so much better.


4,415 posts

206 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Keep it up you can do it.
I gave up Dec 1st still going.
Consider the fact that you are a now non smoker.
Don't chew that gum, wrong wrong wrong.


1,483 posts

210 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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I've had 4 cigarettes since January 13th, all when out drinking. Prior to that I smoked for 23 years (god, that makes me feel old).
I've tried to give up numerous times in the past, but it never worked.
I'm finding it pretty easy going this time, no patches or anything. Although I did chew regular gum for a couple of weeks when I got the urge. I still want to smoke often but I've some proper motivation this time, just become a dad and I don't want my daughter associating the smell of smoke with me.
Good luck with it.


6,117 posts

199 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Keep it up brother - I gave up 14 months ago and am currently enjoying yet another start to the day where I no longer spend an hour hocking crap out of my lungs!

I'm no born again anti smoker. Smoking is cool, that's a fact, but not smoking is the future!


19,741 posts

195 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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good luck - the 1st 2 weeks as said are the hardest... i didn't make it through so i'm off for a fag smile


7,650 posts

206 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Keep it up. I quit 3 years ago and have never looked back, will power is the best, dont have a substitute. It will get easier day by day.

Kermit power

29,373 posts

218 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Jem0911 said:
Don't chew that gum, wrong wrong wrong.

That seems a rather bizarre statement to make. Would you care to expand on your thinking?

For the record, I used to smoke 30-40 a day. I tried to give up on countless occasions, but never made it more than a few weeks. 10 years ago, I tried nicotine chewing gum, and I've not smoked a cigarette since. I chewed the gum for about 6 months or so, and haven't had any of that since either.

I would recommend it 100% to anyone trying to stop smoking.


1,775 posts

200 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Good luck, keep going!

find a reward for yourself with the money you are saving.

Put the money in a jar at the end of week. Its going to be around 40 quid or so, thats 160 at the end of the month. Enough for a track day!

EDIT:Just seen where you live. You'll prob only save a couple of quid!!

Edited by DamoLLb on Tuesday 24th March 09:24


4,415 posts

206 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Kermit power said:
Jem0911 said:
Don't chew that gum, wrong wrong wrong.

That seems a rather bizarre statement to make. Would you care to expand on your thinking?

For the record, I used to smoke 30-40 a day. I tried to give up on countless occasions, but never made it more than a few weeks. 10 years ago, I tried nicotine chewing gum, and I've not smoked a cigarette since. I chewed the gum for about 6 months or so, and haven't had any of that since either.

I would recommend it 100% to anyone trying to stop smoking.
I found it to be fairly unpleasant so threw it away, it didn't help that I failed to read the instructions on only chewing a few times.
I went on to normal gum for a couple of weeks then stopped that.


1,440 posts

265 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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The problem with the gum and any other nicotine replacements is that you don't get off the nicotine addiction. Sure you're not ingesting all the other crap in the cigarette but the gum is just as addictive. Long term the gum is not good either and lots of people can't get off the gum either.

The patches are giving you nicotine all the time unlike a ciggie which gives you a blast when you smoke and then tails off after a while. It's like giving people Methodone and then not removing the supply. They are off Heroin but still addicted to the methodone. The addiction has just been transferred to a more acceptable substance.

I've smoked on and off for more years than I care to admit. Never used gum, etc when i've stopped but have friends who have been on gum for 8 years since they stopped smoking. I'm currently stopped and feel all the better for it.

Cold Turkey is the way to go but you will possibly end up on a murder charge for a while yet. Keep it up!


25,257 posts

237 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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IM 3 months in after 20 a day for 20 years.
Instead of nicotine replacement I have been taking Champix (available on prescription) which in effect blocks the nicotine receptors in your head.
It is absolutely brilliant.
As close to the miracle cure that you can get.
Where Ive tried before and thought about smoking every 15 minutes and its lasted for 5 minutes, with this it is more like every couple of hours and it goes away in seconds.
It is almost easy.


24,498 posts

191 months

Tuesday 24th March 2009
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Keep it up, best decision you'll ever make.

I found it surprisingly easy I hate to say (as one of main reasons for quitting was lack of enjoyment), though my body kept going in to autopilot and trying to guide me in to cigarette vendors when it detected the lack of fags in my pocket - really bizarre experience.