Should Voluntary euthanasia be legal?

Should Voluntary euthanasia be legal?



Original Poster:

6,392 posts

213 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Right chaps, bit of a debate at work this evening on this.

Should you be allowed to decide to die or not due to a terminal illness? I personally think that it's your life and you should be able to die if you feel like it.


15,370 posts

193 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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and remember to give reasons...

Me? yes, certainly.

I can't see any reason why not, and for people on a downward terminal slope, it's the best thing they could wish for.

The arguments against are mainly moral/religious, or, the possibilities of bumping off grandma with a fake signature, but a psychiatrist should clear that up before hand.

Sheets Tabuer

19,448 posts

220 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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It depends if you decide or not, for instance if you are of sound mind and decide to do it then fine but if you are unconcious and the docs decide not to give you any more drugs then no.

I have seen many relatives treated to the latter.


Original Poster:

6,392 posts

213 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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TheEnd said:
and remember to give reasons...

Me? yes, certainly.

I can't see any reason why not, and for people on a downward terminal slope, it's the best thing they could wish for.

The arguments against are mainly moral/religious, or, the possibilities of bumping off grandma with a fake signature, but a psychiatrist should clear that up before hand.


On the radio, the chap who was agaisnt it said, that just because someone can't move, or breath for themselfs can still have a enjoyable life. They may be able to however, lots of people find they that don't enjoy life and they hate being a burdon (sp?) on their family, which they would rather not, so they choose to die, which seems fair enough to me.


2,502 posts

201 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Why should you need to have a terminal illness to want to commit suicide?

Life itself is a terminal illness.


Original Poster:

6,392 posts

213 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Sheets Tabuer said:
It depends if you decide or not, for instance if you are of sound mind and decide to do it then fine but if you are unconcious and the docs decide not to give you any more drugs then no.

I have seen many relatives treated to the latter.

What about if it was your mother in pain, however she wasn't able to make the decision to live or not, wouldn't you then decide that dieing may be the best option?


16,484 posts

249 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Yes - absolutely it should be legal.

I can see no valid argument against.

Sheets Tabuer

19,448 posts

220 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Flanders. said:
Sheets Tabuer said:
It depends if you decide or not, for instance if you are of sound mind and decide to do it then fine but if you are unconcious and the docs decide not to give you any more drugs then no.

I have seen many relatives treated to the latter.

What about if it was your mother in pain, however she wasn't able to make the decision to live or not, wouldn't you then decide that dieing may be the best option?
I would seek pain management not the murder of my mother.


32,414 posts

209 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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anonymous said:
There is one big down side to it relatives and reality where the right to die becomes the duty to die.

Imagine a little old lady with a million in the bank who feels a bit ill , is in hospital and her children are circling like sharks waiting for the cash. I can quickly see the children putting pressure on the little old lady to take the quick way out so they can get the cash.

Or another little old lady who does not want to be a burden upon her carers .

I firmly belive that there should be a right to die but how it is controlled is another matter. I can't see it happening under the current government who would hate for people to have control over when they end their own life.


493 posts

243 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Happens every day, nobody dies from cancer, they die from a Diamorph overdose, as did my dad , aunt and mother in law, just more looney hypocracy


70,400 posts

234 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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If you want to die then you should be able to die. Simple as that.

Who is arrogant enough to tell you that you must stay alive? (Bible bashers excepted).

If you are ill and want to do then so be it.

All this s**t about the relatives forcing you into killing yourself, I mean, do people seriously think that someone will go into hospital with a bit of a cold or non serious condition and then go, oh, my kids want me to die so they can sell my house, I'll die now then. FFS, if I was in that boat I'd be making sure I stayed alive long enough to remove the s**ts from my will.......... Oh, and I've witnessed this situation as well, one family member did indeed start planning the funeral whilst his mother had gone in for a fairly routine situation. The other children made damn well sure he got no-where near his mother and his share of the will was reduced. I didn't honestly know how low a human could stoop until I witnessed a man planning his mother's funeral whilst she was not only alive but in fairly good shape.


17,182 posts

211 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Amused2death said:
Why should you need to have a terminal illness to want to commit suicide? Life itself is a terminal illness.
My aren't we a ray of sunshine.
The question with things like that is where do you draw the line? What sort of safe guards would you have to run to stop people being bumped off under the shrowed of 'medical grounds' ?


8,617 posts

209 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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I think it should be allowed but certain procedures would need to be followed.

Maybe patient has to ask for it or has given written consent??

If someone has the patients power of attourney??


17,111 posts

222 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Yes, it should be legal.

Lord Pikey

3,257 posts

220 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Its thier life, they can do what they want with it.


7,107 posts

229 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Yep should be legal, we euthanise animals who are seriously and terminally ill because it's the humane thing to do and yet we allow our relatives suffer because it's not legal to let them die with dignity. Doesn't make sense to me.


6,083 posts

216 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Yes. We rant on about freedom in this country/continent but the ultimate freedom is being allowed to say "enough is enough" when you're in a huge amount of physical pain, and over here at least that freedom has been denied.

I'm not saying it should be offered to anyone feeling a bit depressed, but anyone who is terminally ill and feels that they don't want to end up dying in a lot of pain after losing all their physical faculties, it should be an option.

It can be carefully regulated, it must be carefully regulated, if you read the Wikipedia article about Dignitas it explains their process before you can be "green lighted" for assisted suicide, and even then 70% of the people that are approved never go back, a lot simply like the security of knowing that IF things became that bad, they could received help.

Don't even get me started on prosecuting family members who help their loved ones with the trip.


32,414 posts

209 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Jasandjules said:
All this s**t about the relatives forcing you into killing yourself, I mean, do people seriously think that someone will go into hospital with a bit of a cold or non serious condition and then go, oh, my kids want me to die so they can sell my house, I'll die now then.
I was going to answer this post about kids putting pressure on good old mum etc but you sort of answered it better then i could

jasandjules said:
I didn't honestly know how low a human could stoop until I witnessed a man planning his mother's funeral whilst she was not only alive but in fairly good shape.


19,405 posts

212 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Abslolutely. A huge amount of money is spemt extending life for no worthwhile quality. I have seen people with absolutely frightful lives who would much prefer to be gone and believe they should have a choice. I have also personally known a number of understanding doctors who have helped those who desired it to leave with dignity. If it were legal I would write a living will tomorrow specifying that I receive help where my quality of life was no longer bearable. There have to be safeguards of course, including the right of the individual to change his mind at any time.


2,215 posts

194 months

Saturday 21st March 2009
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Who are we to judge what defines quality of life?

Anyone been to the other side to report yet? Could be fire, brimstone and eternal damnation for the lot of us.

Give me a month on life support over that any day of the week!