Training/diet advice required please

Training/diet advice required please



Original Poster:

2,359 posts

198 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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I've been going to the gym a couple of times a week for the last 6 months, mainly just free weights and doing 3 sets of 8 reps on the heaviest weight I can manage. I'm quite happy with the way my arms and shoulders are coming on but I've still got a bit of a gut and moobs(although these are slowly turning into pecs).

I have tried alternating between cardio, stomach and legs one day and upper body the next but I find cardio work at the gym so boring I often miss those days out. Because of this I purchased a bicycle at the weekend and have started cycling wherever possible. I try to ride quickly so I'm burning the calories. Would it make a huge difference if I did some crunches after the bike ride too? How often should I do these, every other day?

My diet normally consists of a banana and glass of juice for breakfast, then cycle to gym(or just out for a ride on alternate days). A maximuscle promax diet bar afterwards (protein for muscle growth), then lunch of sandwhich or soup or beans on toast. I'll probably have a yogurt and/or piece of fruit. Then dinner which would normally be something like chicken and rice, then a yogurt or another fruit.

Is this quite a lot to be eating if I'm trying to loose fat?

I'm trying to lay off the deserts and alcohol, although I probably have a couple of pints a week, and I do like a babybell most days too!

Does this sound like I'm on the right track for acheiving a noticable difference in 6 weeks? Anything I should be doing more of or differently?

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to try and give as much detail as possible.

So, over to the PH fitness experts... Opinions please smile


5,906 posts

197 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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You want a 6 pack before going away on holiday in 6 weeks time? tongue out

I've read a bit on High Intensity Interval Training! Could be worth a look. Google it and you will get loads of useful info.

It should be a bit more fun to do than steady cardio, so should keep you interested for a bit longer!


Original Poster:

2,359 posts

198 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Not really a six pack, just less of the flab! Cheers for the idea, I'll have a google...


5,906 posts

197 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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I found that one particularly helpful!

Low carbs and plenty of Protein is generally the way to go!

Apparantly, sit-ups and crunches are a bit dated now. The Plank is meant to be more effective! Could be worth giving that a go!


7,892 posts

213 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Just incase you didnt know, you CANNOT SPOT REDUCE FAT - Its just not possible. Crunches arent going to do much good untill the fats gone, but may make you feel better.

Unfortunatly you just need to keep losing the fat untill your body decides to lose it from the bits you dont want.

Keep on with the weights, but on your cardio days, do High intensity interval training (google it).

Basicly you can burn more calories by not letting your heart rate settle, and keep changing speed:

On the tread mill try this:
2 min fast walk to warm up
1 min jog
30sec sprint
2min jog
30sec sprint
2min jog
30sec sprint
etc for about 15-20minutes.

Its very effective for burning fat, and stops you getting as bored as you have to keep changing speed. If you find it hard to begin with, throw in the odd 1min walk, but just keep changing speed.

Edited by RobCrezz on Monday 16th March 15:25


5,906 posts

197 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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RobCrezz said:
On the tread mill try this:
2 min fast walk to warm up
1 min jog
30sec sprint
2min jog
30sec sprint
2min jog
30sec sprint
etc for about 15-20minutes.

Its very effective for burning fat, and stops you getting as bored as you have to keep changing speed. If you find it hard to begin with, throw in the odd 1min walk, but just keep changing speed.
You'd probably want to do a bit of a longer warm-up than 2 mins, especially if you're going to be going for it with the sprints.

I was told for the warm up to start on 3.5mph then increase the speed gradually. Taking around 10 minutes in total.


4,193 posts

199 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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RobCrezz said:
Just incase you didnt know, you CANNOT SPOT REDUCE FAT - Its just not possible. Crunches arent going to do much good untill the fats gone, but may make you feel better.

Unfortunatly you just need to keep losing the fat untill your body decides to lose it from the bits you dont want.

Keep on with the weights, but on your cardio days, do High intensity interval training (google it).

Basicly you can burn more calories by not letting your heart rate settle, and keep changing speed:

On the tread mill try this:
2 min fast walk to warm up
1 min jog
30sec sprint
2min jog
30sec sprint
2min jog
30sec sprint
etc for about 15-20minutes.

Its very effective for burning fat, and stops you getting as bored as you have to keep changing speed. If you find it hard to begin with, throw in the odd 1min walk, but just keep changing speed.

Edited by RobCrezz on Monday 16th March 15:25
Can HIIT be done using the exercise bike or cross-trainer? As I have tried this using a treadmill but by the time i've put the speed up from jog to sprint 10secs have gone.
It would be simpler on the bike as I can just pedal faster straight away?


7,892 posts

213 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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obob said:
RobCrezz said:
Just incase you didnt know, you CANNOT SPOT REDUCE FAT - Its just not possible. Crunches arent going to do much good untill the fats gone, but may make you feel better.

Unfortunatly you just need to keep losing the fat untill your body decides to lose it from the bits you dont want.

Keep on with the weights, but on your cardio days, do High intensity interval training (google it).

Basicly you can burn more calories by not letting your heart rate settle, and keep changing speed:

On the tread mill try this:
2 min fast walk to warm up
1 min jog
30sec sprint
2min jog
30sec sprint
2min jog
30sec sprint
etc for about 15-20minutes.

Its very effective for burning fat, and stops you getting as bored as you have to keep changing speed. If you find it hard to begin with, throw in the odd 1min walk, but just keep changing speed.

Edited by RobCrezz on Monday 16th March 15:25
Can HIIT be done using the exercise bike or cross-trainer? As I have tried this using a treadmill but by the time i've put the speed up from jog to sprint 10secs have gone.
It would be simpler on the bike as I can just pedal faster straight away?
Yeah course, it can be done on any cardio machine. You can just increase the resistance on the bike or cross trainer if you cant go any faster, as long as it has the same effect on your heartrate.

I normally try to sprint for 1min at a time (when I say sprint, I mean as fast as the treadmill will go, which is around 16km/h), then going back to a run of 12km/h.
Also, dont start counting that you started sprinting untill you have reached the right speed.


3,075 posts

194 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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As a slight thread hijack (sorry OP, but might be in your interest) I've just been surprised by a physical fitness assessment at the end of the month (April 1st) At the moment I'm cycling for an hour or two each day but not much else. I've got a mountain bike and plenty of hills and roads locally, using this can I do anything to make a noticeable improvement to my fitness in such a short timescale?


7,892 posts

213 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Darkslider said:
As a slight thread hijack (sorry OP, but might be in your interest) I've just been surprised by a physical fitness assessment at the end of the month (April 1st) At the moment I'm cycling for an hour or two each day but not much else. I've got a mountain bike and plenty of hills and roads locally, using this can I do anything to make a noticeable improvement to my fitness in such a short timescale?
Get some time in on a rowing machine!


117 posts

189 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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I try to make it to the gym 4 or 5 days a week. I use the elliptical instead of the treadmill. Treadmill hurts my back. On the machines they have work out settings that will automatically change resistance for you. They'll warm you up and then start. One elliptical has a hell of a work out.. resistance 2 4 2 6 3 7 4 8 etc. It's called hills. Fun stuff. It'll even cool you down. I really like using the elliptical. You're using your arms and legs burning more calories with less impact.

As far as cardio being boring I suggest listening to music or maybe even a book on tape? Something to keep your mind off the clock.

Your diet sounds good. Are you drinking a lot of water? Maybe even some veg with that chicken and rice? Portion control is the key.



2,215 posts

194 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Your body wont start burning fat until about 20-40 (depending on the person) minutes into an exercise.

As you cycle to the gym, this should be starting this off, but when you get there switch it around between weights and cardio a lot more. ie start with a high intensity weight workout (I'm talking not enough time to catch breath!) then hit cardio

Also watch the diet, a six-pack is made in the kitchen.

The jiffle king

7,006 posts

263 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Some reasonable advice on here, but let me share my limited knowledge:

To burn fat, you need to work at 65-75% of your Max heart rate (MHR) which can be roughly calculated by 220 - your age.

The people advising Sprints on the treadmill not wrong, but once you go above 75% MHR, you are into the training zone which is not where weight loss occurs at the same rate.

Long slow runs/Long slow cycles are the key to the weight loss piece you are desiring. To make these more interesting, I would go with a group (There are bound to be loads locally of mixed ability) so you can chat on the way.

As for Crunches etc, you need to balance your training, so some muscle workout, some crunches.
Cardio in a gym is boring, but you can mix the cardio up by doing 10 mins running, 10 mins cycling and 10 mins rowing.

Those advising sprints are wrong for weight loss, but right for aerobic/training capability. If you are doing more exercise, you will lose weight, but it's the old calories in vs Calories out piece.



976 posts

236 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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It might come across cheesy and American, but this site and it's advice and training guide is actually very good
I'm on week 5 now, and not really been dieting but all of my clothes are too big for me and my posture has improved noticibly. For a very small outlay at your local decathlon, the results seem to be good. My log:


Original Poster:

2,359 posts

198 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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What the blooming heck is a elliptical?! Or is it just a fancy name for x-trainer?

I'm trying to drink plenty of water, and I will have veggies or salad with the evening meal.

So do I go for HIIT or slower, longer bike rides? Remembering, fastest possible fat loss is what I'm after at the moment...

The Ben

1,623 posts

222 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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I went to the gym and told the trainer guy that I wanted to tone up and loose some 'uni fat' he has got me on the bike for 15 mins on level 10 (aggreed different machines have different resistance to their level) and then x trainer at level 6 for 2 mins then level 12 for 13 mins. then I do weights... I intially lost half a stone in a month then it slowed right down, but im seeing a six pack now!

You probably need to increse your core strength to develop stomach muscles too, so google excercises for that. a great one is the plank...


8,310 posts

283 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Cardio, cardio, cardio, cardio. Go running for an hour 4 times a week.

No cheese, chips, cakes, oil, and other st.


117 posts

189 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Distant said:
What the blooming heck is a elliptical?! Or is it just a fancy name for x-trainer?

I'm trying to drink plenty of water, and I will have veggies or salad with the evening meal.

So do I go for HIIT or slower, longer bike rides? Remembering, fastest possible fat loss is what I'm after at the moment...

I'm not sure what to suggest for the fastest way... usually the faster it goes, the faster if comes back.. I lost 20lbs last year.. still have another 20 to go. I'm not having an easy time with it. Sitting behind a counter for 12 hours a day 6 days a week doesn't help.


3,985 posts

201 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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Cut out bread altogether and cut right down on carbs, aim for about 20g a day and you'll see results in a week. Drink plenty of water and get a taste for chicken.

The Ben

1,623 posts

222 months

Monday 16th March 2009
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I was under the assumption that the longer to train the more will go. So if you slam the speed your going to knacker yourself out quicker and give up... If you go for the long hard burn, it should be far more beneficial!