pregnancy growth question.

pregnancy growth question.



Original Poster:

18,102 posts

203 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Was hoping someone on pistonheads, preferably with a medical background could help me.

My partner went to see the midwife today, she’s 8 months pregnant.

They measured her and she is only 30inch instead of the 35 they expected. They have booked her in for a scan next week. Is this normal? Should I worry about anything?

I realise that this may seem stupid asking a question like this on a car website but I was at work at the time of her visit. And I have tried searching on the internet but cannot find anything that is relevant to the above question.

Thanks MTB


582 posts

190 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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I've no medical background but both my wife and a neighbour were measuring smaller than expected in late pregnancy. Was down to the way the baby was positioned in the womb. Both gave birth to perfectly healthy kids


53,816 posts

260 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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moanthebairns said:
Is this normal?
Clearly not, otherwise they wouldn't bother with the scan. But they haven't rushed her in for a scan today, so they clearly don't consider it an emergency.

moanthebairns said:
Should I worry about anything?
You are already (understandably) worried but what can you do to change the situation? Nothing, apart from being reassuring to your partner. So don't go digging about on the internet as you will only make yourself worry more and that will come across to your missus who is probably quite scared enough right now.

Anyway, enough of the sensible stuff....

Edit for spoolingredface

Edited by mechsympathy on Thursday 5th March 16:27


5,301 posts

209 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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I have no medical background... although i have applied a plaster and dissected a frog.

My advice would be not to panick unless the Midwife/Doctor has reason to be worried.


591 posts

256 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Had very similar experience a few weeks ago when my wife was measuring 24 weeks when she was 28 weeks pregnant. Went for a scan the following week where they can more accurately measure the baby via ultrasound, and it was measured as absolutely spot on for 28 weeks.

They told us it's a fairly standard referral - they'd rather err on the side of caution and the 'usual' tape measure method of measuring growth at maternity appointments can be a bit hit and miss.


48,721 posts

253 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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As per Scottfox and Mattygooner - no need to panic yet, everything is precautionary.

The professionals will let you know if something is wrong when they know 100% that it is. Lots of scans with no bad news is a good thing (believe me, been there done that!)

funk odyssey

1,983 posts

234 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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forget the external measurement - it's measurer dependent

it's the bone scan measures that mean something


8,849 posts

217 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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I have no medical knowledge either but I can assure you that everyone finds something to panic about / be terrified of / become hysterical over in the course of pregnancy. Clearly I have only been an onlooker, but the list of potential issues is endless, and the whole process just seems so improbable, that one is often convinced it is going to end in horror and tragedy. Most often it does not, and the best advice is 'Calm Down, Dear'.


Original Poster:

18,102 posts

203 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Thanks for the responses. Its somewhat put my mind at rest.


6,314 posts

260 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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not a midwife but i have had two kids

I wouldnt worry at all.
In this late stage of pregnancy it is when the baby gains the most weight. So having a measurement slightly shorter than expected is nothing to worry about as in two weeks time the bump may have caught up!

Plus it is only an indication, women carry hugely different amounts of fluid during each pregnany. I was absolutly MASSIVE with my two (bump only) and yet my kids were the same weight as a friends who and a teeny tiny bump.

A scan will just be to reassure the midwife and you that the baby is still continuing to grow as expected.

As you long as your misses is getting kicked in the ribs i really wouldnt worry


Original Poster:

18,102 posts

203 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Lemmonie said:
not a midwife but i have had two kids

I wouldnt worry at all.
In this late stage of pregnancy it is when the baby gains the most weight. So having a measurement slightly shorter than expected is nothing to worry about as in two weeks time the bump may have caught up!

Plus it is only an indication, women carry hugely different amounts of fluid during each pregnany. I was absolutly MASSIVE with my two (bump only) and yet my kids were the same weight as a friends who and a teeny tiny bump.

A scan will just be to reassure the midwife and you that the baby is still continuing to grow as expected.

As you long as your misses is getting kicked in the ribs i really wouldnt worry
is that from the wane or me? smile


22,133 posts

230 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Mattygooner said:
I have applied a plaster and dissected a frog.
That makes you something close to a consultant surgeon on here....

All babies are different and I would try not to be too anxious.


4,914 posts

201 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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In any case doesn't it make a difference depending on whether or not a pregnant woman was a blimp before the pregnancy started?

....not that I'm suggesting there has been any undue blimpishness at any stage in this instance. smile

Best wishes all,
Dave - not an expert on pregnancies, or anything else, for that matter. frown


13,640 posts

260 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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Wifey who is a midwife says that if the measuremnet is more than 3cms different either way than they expect they have to refer for a scan.

She suggests ensuring your partner rests on her left side lots and is eating properly.

Coco H

4,237 posts

242 months

Thursday 5th March 2009
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I measured 6-8cm behind in both pregnancies (actually at 33 weeks you couldn't tell I was pregnant). It was nonsense really as the tape measure does not give an accurate idea of the size of the baby according to both my consultants. What does give a better (but not always accurate) measure is the scan. I had weekly scans from 24 weeks in pregnancy 1 and twice weekly in pregnancy two - so I do know a bit about scans. It is routine for them to do scans if you measure as little as 2cm behind or ahead (local policy).

(I was 6cm behind as I very very low amniotic fluid both times - at the lowest it was 3 - 15+ is normal. However I was still measuring small with all the fluid there. The other thing is fluid levels go up and down dramatically.)

If your OH has made it to 8 months - at 37 weeks the baby is term anyway - so you are in safe ground if they decide baby might need to make an earlier apperance - highly unlikely though.

All in all I wouldn't worry and hopefully the extra scan will be a nice bit of reassurance before baby arrives.

Edited by Coco H on Thursday 5th March 22:00


150 posts

224 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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Been in exactly the same posotion 7 weeks ago. The wife was measuring small using the old tape measure method and her bump was really not that pronounced. Measurements on the scan showed he was a bit small for ful lterm but when he popped out I couldn't believe my eyes. Obviously he had been hiding in there somewhere but outwardly it was difficult to see. My advice would be to relax and enjoy the experience as I'm sure everything will be fine.


9,335 posts

212 months

Sunday 8th March 2009
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No, it's not normal at all and that is why they have asked for a scan. Don't ever be passed off, it's your wife and baby that they are dealing with. If you are at all worried or unhappy with anything insist on further inspection. In fact in many cases when the baby is smaller than expected, or has stopped growing they'll induce at 37 weeks to get it out - could be something like the placenta has stopped working properly etc.

I'd be after some fetal heart monitoring and a Doppler scan to make sure that enough blood flow is reaching the baby, particularly the brain.

Edited by thehawk on Sunday 8th March 11:42