


Original Poster:

3,113 posts

263 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Having watched Mum die of cancer a few years ago its the most terrible disease on earth and wonder if there will be cure for all its forms in the future?


2,856 posts

199 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Some threads on PH really do make you stop in your paths and think for a second or two. I think it was that opening sentance that got me.


17,999 posts

254 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Listening to a radio show the other night regarding the Gene breast baby and from what I can make out they seem to be making some headway in controlling certain cancers, sadly though I fear we are a long way off a total cure.

Mobile Chicane

21,047 posts

217 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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It is. (ETA the most terrible disease on earth) I'm a survivor myself. However, I'm still here. Increasingly, people die 'with' cancer and not 'of' cancer. Sorry to hear about your Mum though.

Edited by Mobile Chicane on Monday 12th January 02:58


2,983 posts

253 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Think there will be a cure for most kinds in the not too distant future. I may be too late for the likes of me though! I'm booked in for a slice and dice on my Liver on Wednesday. This is after having lung cancer and bowel cancer over the last 2 years. Hopefully the Op will go ok, but there's a good chance of it coming back again.
It could be worse, if I'd had this 10 years ago, I'd have been stuffed for certain.

Mobile Chicane

21,047 posts

217 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Tonto said:
Think there will be a cure for most kinds in the not too distant future. I may be too late for the likes of me though! I'm booked in for a slice and dice on my Liver on Wednesday. This is after having lung cancer and bowel cancer over the last 2 years. Hopefully the Op will go ok, but there's a good chance of it coming back again.
It could be worse, if I'd had this 10 years ago, I'd have been stuffed for certain.
Awww... Sorry to hear. Little warm hugs. PS I am a girl, in case of query :-)


17,999 posts

254 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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All the best with the op Tonto, I hope it all goes well.


5,392 posts

233 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Tonto said:
Think there will be a cure for most kinds in the not too distant future. I may be too late for the likes of me though! I'm booked in for a slice and dice on my Liver on Wednesday. This is after having lung cancer and bowel cancer over the last 2 years. Hopefully the Op will go ok, but there's a good chance of it coming back again.
It could be worse, if I'd had this 10 years ago, I'd have been stuffed for certain.
I've got friend with similar repeating cases, all is going well for him though. As you say the treatments are getting better all the time, they don't really have proper 'real' figures for survival/life expectancy rates now as the technology and early warnings methods are improving so fast .... Best of luck for you Tonto..

King Herald

23,501 posts

221 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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I've been donating monthly to Cancer Research for some six or seven years now, but the odd thing is I don't actually know anybody with cancer. I'm not really sure why I started donating, but it seemed like a good cause, and still does.


341 posts

212 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Rolex sorry to hear about that frown.

Tonto hope it all goes to plan, all the best.

really makes worries irrelevant when you realise you are blessed with life.


17,318 posts

241 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Tonto said:
Think there will be a cure for most kinds in the not too distant future. I may be too late for the likes of me though! I'm booked in for a slice and dice on my Liver on Wednesday. This is after having lung cancer and bowel cancer over the last 2 years. Hopefully the Op will go ok, but there's a good chance of it coming back again.
It could be worse, if I'd had this 10 years ago, I'd have been stuffed for certain.
Christ, very sorry to hear this, and I hope Wednesday will be a complete success.

Amazes me what people go through, and the strength they find to fight it.


2,983 posts

253 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Thanks for the kind comments and sorry to hear about your Mum Rolex. My Dad died of cancer (20 years ago) so I can remember what it was like.


2,502 posts

201 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Good luck Tonto.....remember attitude makes a huge difference.

I held my mums hand and watched her die 10 yrs ago.....still seems like yesterday, she was only 52.

Now here is a question.....we all hear that people die of cancer.....but what actually is it? and what does it do to the body?


1,788 posts

209 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Amused2death said:
.....but what actually is it? and what does it do to the body?
From what I gather the cancerous cells divide uncontrollably [hence the spread] and form tumours.

The exception to this is Lukemia, where the white blood cells don't form tumours but spread around the body stopping the blood working properly.

Malignant Cancer is where a cell from a Tumour acquires mutation allowing it to grow elsewhere in the body.

The actually 'illness' come from the tmour touching nerves or physically becoming an obstruction in the body. Eg blocking digestive path.

I am no doctor but I am sure that there are plenty of websites that could help if you wanted to learn about cancer.



8,795 posts

287 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Tonto said:
Think there will be a cure for most kinds in the not too distant future. I may be too late for the likes of me though! I'm booked in for a slice and dice on my Liver on Wednesday. This is after having lung cancer and bowel cancer over the last 2 years. Hopefully the Op will go ok, but there's a good chance of it coming back again.
It could be worse, if I'd had this 10 years ago, I'd have been stuffed for certain.
Wishing you all the very best mate, you're in my thoughts.


161 posts

189 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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King Herald said:
I've been donating monthly to Cancer Research for some six or seven years now, but the odd thing is I don't actually know anybody with cancer. I'm not really sure why I started donating, but it seemed like a good cause, and still does.
You are blessed indeed KH. It is a very good cause indeed.


18,650 posts

214 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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I was stopped in my tracks yesterday when someone on the radio mentioned Jade Goody.( the woman PHers love to hate)

Yes she annoys the fk out of me but you really wouldn't wish cancer on anyone.

She is a mother of 2 young kids and aparently only has a 40% chance of making it.

Irrespective of you views of her tallents and fame you have to have some sympathy for her and her kids.


11,876 posts

256 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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CrashTD said:
The exception to this is Lukemia, where the white blood cells don't form tumours but spread around the body stopping the blood working properly.

Blast cells in Leukemia.

Dunno much about it apart from that because my OH works in drug development for Leukemia and Kidney Cancer and I was trying to help him with a bit of creativity for a presentation involving 'blasting' blast cells....

10 Pence Short

32,880 posts

222 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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One of my best friends sat with his Mum as she died at home from cancer on Thursday morning last week. She'd been clinging on since the 30th December. It was a long and slow death that gradually took away all her mobility, pride and quality of life.

Sadly this was the second parent he's had to watch go in exactly the same way.

All he feels at the moment is relief, following months of stress and worry.

If they can find a cure, hopefully it will be soon.


4,330 posts

214 months

Monday 12th January 2009
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Someone very close to me is in hospital this Wednesday to have a lump removed from her breast. I have fingers, toes and whatever else I can cross, crossed. I cried when she told me that the cancer was confirmed cry