The Chronic,,



Original Poster:

1,409 posts

201 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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Is weed actually bad for you? Im talking about the plant, uncut & natural. Never been a smoker myself but grew up in an environment where it is the norm to spliff up, 4 times a day, like drinking a beer, tried it a few times, other than making me laugh and light headed, chilled out then sleep, not much else happened (same effect as drinking).

Now these guys are much much older they dont seem to display any of the symptoms advertised in the papers of psychotic behaviour, despite the fact they still smoke. In Italy recently a guy was taken to court for smoking, he got let off and was allowed to continue smoking on the grounds it is part of his religion.

Im going to have this conversation with my son at some point, so its time to arm myself with the cold hard facts, so I can twist it around and lie, tell him how bad it is and what it will do to him, just like my parents did smile


247 posts

263 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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There was me thinking this thread was going to be about the government!


90,809 posts

260 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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Oversteer said:
There was me thinking this thread was going to be about the government!
I think he fell off his keybord...


348 posts

203 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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Enjoy it grows from the land.alcohol is the devil and tabacco kills millions more than ganja.All this pyscho st is the government scare mongering because they have to.I bet most people surveyed who developed psychotic problems were asked do you take drugs (well i smoked some ganja for a few years as a youngster)and the quacks deemed that the problem.They were gonna get them problems anyway not because of the weed what about the few other million who enjoyed similar amounts who are fine.


6,843 posts

211 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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Jetl3on said:
Now these guys are much much older they dont seem to display any of the symptoms advertised in the papers of psychotic behaviour, despite the fact they still smoke.
The first sign is excessive and incorrect punctuation.


796 posts

215 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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It's a drug like any other. Physically very safe apart from if smoked but you can still fk yourself up with it just like if you abused any other drug.


348 posts

203 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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130R said:
Jetl3on said:
Now these guys are much much older they dont seem to display any of the symptoms advertised in the papers of psychotic behaviour, despite the fact they still smoke.
The first sign is excessive and incorrect punctuation.
Are you head mistress.

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

230 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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ozzerr said:
Enjoy it grows from the land.
Like poison ivy, redcap toadstools and tobacco.

Facile argument.

Mrs Trackside

9,299 posts

238 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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ozzerr said:
I bet most people surveyed who developed psychotic problems were asked do you take drugs (well i smoked some ganja for a few years as a youngster)and the quacks deemed that the problem.They were gonna get them problems anyway not because of the weed what about the few other million who enjoyed similar amounts who are fine.
That's probably a fair point. Which came first: the psychosis or the drugs?

I've known several people who've smoked weed since they were teenagers and are now sane (and very chilled out) adults. I was friends at school with someone who went on to be a heroine addict (he started off on weed), and I've had two friends who committed suicide, one who never touched any drugs in his life and another who used to smoke the occasional joint and ended up killing himself with lighter gas (it is assumed his death was intentional).

My personal opinion is that if you're predisposed to depression and you mix it with (any kind) of drugs, the chances are the condition will be exaggerated.


2,256 posts

206 months

Thursday 25th September 2008
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Everything in moderation...


6,843 posts

211 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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ozzerr said:
130R said:
Jetl3on said:
Now these guys are much much older they dont seem to display any of the symptoms advertised in the papers of psychotic behaviour, despite the fact they still smoke.
The first sign is excessive and incorrect punctuation.
Are you head mistress.


770 posts

200 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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the thing with cannabis is that theres so much contaminated stuff going around . The stuffs laced with pcp gritt fibreglass etc which im sure is more dangerous to you health than the actual plan itself.

Why don't the papers mention this....becuase this is an argument to legalize so you won't hear a thing about it in the media

weeds just a chill out thing if they i bet crime rates would fall because evryone would just be chillen with a spliff :L

Me and freinds have smoked for many years and i'd say we'r all doin well, we 'r not your typical media schitzo drug users

Big Rumbly

973 posts

289 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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I'm having this quandry at the mo with my 14 year old son. He knows I smoked dope when I was young, but it was only weed, maybe sometimes resin, What I freak out with now, is I'm trying to put him off it for a number of reasons.
It seems to be very prevalent at his school, but we're talking 14 year olds, when I did it I was 20 maybe, and had an adult(ish) head, we had never heard of it at a very young age.
The stuff thats going around now is skunk and is much stronger, so the psychological and maturity issues are totally different to when I were a lad.
I feel like a bit of a hypocrite, but my reasons for telling him like it is, are for his own safety, he's just too young in my book, luckily he's a level headed chap, and he's good at not bowing to peer pressure, the bit that gets him is that he gets the piss taken for not being one of the gang, although I keep reminding him that, when he tells me "all of his mates are doing it", they're most probably not.
Who'd be a father? Eh!


13,457 posts

208 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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tom2019 said:
the thing with cannabis is that theres so much contaminated stuff going around . The stuffs laced with pcp gritt fibreglass etc which im sure is more dangerous to you health than the actual plan itself.
I've heard this for years but I've never actually encountered any or talked to anyone who has. This is obviously talking about skunk; crap resin used to be repressed with all kinds of crap as filler to up the bulk and weight. I assume it still is but I haven't met anyone selling 'soap bar' for years. Anything bulking up skunk would be obvious I think.


2,584 posts

256 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Mrs Trackside said:
...I was friends at school with someone who went on to be a heroine addict (he started off on weed)...
Thats how it been with me for a few years now.

It all began with a spliff, then it progressed onto Wonder Woman. Now I can't stop thinking about Lara Croft. Its ruining my life I tell you. cry


2,093 posts

246 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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TimJMS said:
Mrs Trackside said:
...I was friends at school with someone who went on to be a heroine addict (he started off on weed)...
Thats how it been with me for a few years now.

It all began with a spliff, then it progressed onto Wonder Woman. Now I can't stop thinking about Lara Croft. Its ruining my life I tell you. cry
For me it was breast milk. I thought it was cool and so I tried the white stuff. Now I'm hooked on brown - I can't get through the day without at least a pint of IPA!


3,466 posts

201 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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I think it depends how you look at it. Is it bad for you? Of course! Smoking anything is bad for you. If you eat it/vaporize etc. then you can consider other negatives (libido down, less energy, okay being bored etc), but they (IMO) pale into insignificance compared to so many other substances(alcohol and tobacco included). My view is that it needn't be harmful, but it certainly can be. I know people who have ruined their lives with pot, and people who are incredibly successful and smoke. The people who went nowhere probably would have met the same fate irrespective of their habit, and the successful people certainly would still have been without it. I absolutely think it should be legalized, and taxed heavily! I'd soon fill the public coffers than buy a dealer new trainers, and the number of people in jail for marijuana based offenses offends me. There are far more serious things for the government to be concerning itself with than dope.


9,614 posts

231 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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will give you cancer as quick (if not quicker) than fags.

small potential to warp your mind a little, especially if you are genetically pre-disposed to schizophrenia.


770 posts

200 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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TVR Moneypit said:
tom2019 said:
the thing with cannabis is that theres so much contaminated stuff going around . The stuffs laced with pcp gritt fibreglass etc which im sure is more dangerous to you health than the actual plant itself.
No it's not.

Weed imported from the continant is sprayed with silca in an effort to increase it's weight, and the growers profits. This is done because they can get more for their product in central Europe, (with a lot less risk of seizure during transport) than they can in the UK.

I suppose you also believe that coke and pills are cut with bleech or ground up glass? rolleyes Why would these people involved in a multi billion pound industry, the largest industry in the world, wish to kill off their own customers?

To answer the OPs question, if taken in moderation, it's fine. There is no proof that it will turn your kid into a smack addict, or send him mental. If he is going to lose the plot, he would do so without smoking weed.
hahah you think the people making millions of pounds are the ones selling it to you in a dark alley

wake up....coke would have passed through maybe 4 dealers to get to you and then the end man is going to cut it up to increase profit . I carn't believe you think that coke you get here on the streets is columbias finest pure ...hmmm don't think so.


191 posts

200 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Seen the effects of chronic use first hand and it isn't nice. Some people can get away with it but the slightest tendancy towards mentalism of any kind will be grossly exaggerated by dope use to excess.