Broken Collarbone Timeline

Broken Collarbone Timeline



Original Poster:

1,580 posts

263 months

Saturday 22nd June
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I smashed my collarbone into five pieces a couple of weeks ago and part of it poked through the skin. I had an operation to clean out the wound but no plate. I’ve been using a sling religiously and resting since I came home. Yesterday I had the dressing and stitch removed from the wound and can now see the both ends of the bone don’t seem to move in unison. I know it will take 4-6 weeks to heal and 3 months for full strength but it does not seem to be joining yet. Is this normal?


234 posts

202 months

Saturday 22nd June
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I broke collar bone in two in mid-March. No surgery/plate, just kept in a sling at all times with a bit of physio 5 times a day. Was probably around a month before I started to feel comfortable having it out of the sling, but gradually used it less and less.

I was back riding after about 6 weeks in early May - just a few short rides initially, but back to normal now after 3 months.

Main bit of advice I used from the orthopaedic consultant was to start doing things, increasing range of movement etc., but as soon as it became sore then stop. Easy to over do it later in the recovery phase and take yourself back a few steps.


234 posts

202 months

Saturday 22nd June
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To further answer the question about movement of the bone(s) - For a few weeks I could feel the bone moving, but then almost overnight it stopped and was replaced by a feeling I can best describe as like a Chinese burn feeling in my shoulder as I moved the joint - that then gradually subsided over time, and now I just get an occasional twinge if I go too far with something


4,469 posts

228 months

Saturday 22nd June
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I broke mine into 3 almost 20 years ago and it’s still in 3 pieces having never healed!

It’s not the end of the world, just get occasional muscle pain under the corresponding shoulder blade so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.


39,108 posts

203 months

Saturday 22nd June
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Why wouldn’t you have it plated just out of interest?

This is a common injury for pro cyclists and they get tilted and then seemingly are back on the bike within 3 weeks?


13,117 posts

223 months

Saturday 22nd June
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You need to let it knit with absolute minimum movement for a few weeks.

Once the bone has a hold, then you can start moving the fleshy bits.

Depending on your age; could be six weeks, could be six months, you could still be feeling it in a couplw of years.

It will eventually ease down but go very carefully for the first month. If it sets wrong now you'll regret rushing.


Original Poster:

1,580 posts

263 months

Saturday 22nd June
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It sounds like I’m doing the right thing and just need to be patient. I’m 63 so assume will take a bit longer to heal. They did say they were going to plate it or fit a J clip but there wasn’t anything big enough to screw the plate to and were concerned about infection.
I’m going to Spa in September so have a deadline.


4,469 posts

228 months

Saturday 22nd June
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okgo said:
Why wouldn’t you have it plated just out of interest?

This is a common injury for pro cyclists and they get tilted and then seemingly are back on the bike within 3 weeks?
I broke the opposite wrist at the same time so couldn’t really rest it as much as it needed. By the time I got to see a surgeon about it, it would have needed a bone graft from my hip and his opinion was leave it be unless I was in regular pain.


234 posts

202 months

Saturday 22nd June
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okgo said:
Why wouldn’t you have it plated just out of interest?

This is a common injury for pro cyclists and they get tilted and then seemingly are back on the bike within 3 weeks?
I asked the same question and had an expectation that a bone snapped in two would need some mechanical stabilising to heal in the correct place. However, my consultant felt that the risk associated with the surgery was greater than keeping it stabilised in a sling - apparently collar bone is very close to your lung and there are a couple of major nerves and arteries in that same area.

Also worth considering that by the time I would have been booked in for surgery, it would have been a week after breaking the bone, by which point some early knitting of the bone would already have occurred. So surgery takes you back to square one in terms of healing, as well as having to heal from the surgery itself.

Of course, YMMV, but has been OK for me


12,710 posts

184 months

Sunday 23rd June
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Here's my broken sticking out one.
Tried to stop a mate drink driving and he ran me over.
Zero cast or plate just a sling for a few weeks.
Took ages to heal and I couldn't sleep on that side for a year as it was sore.
Totally normal now apart from it sticking out like that. This was 20 odd years ago it happened.

Peanut Gallery

2,492 posts

115 months

Monday 24th June
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Impressive injuries here - I was a youngster (16 ish) when I broke mine - just in 2. Interestingly they are now the same length, just the broken one is now double thickness for the inch or so in the middle.

I was up and being stupid again on my bike in 2 months - the joy of youth.


Original Poster:

1,580 posts

263 months

Monday 24th June
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It’s coming up to three weeks since I broke my collarbone and it now feels like it’s fusing together. I’m still using a sling to support it and doing the exercises the physio gave me. There’s going to be a bit of a bump where the break was but no sticky out bits. I feel like I might even be able to drive in another week or so. If anything it’s the two ribs I broke at the same time which are still a bit painful but least I can cough now without crying out in pain.


12,710 posts

184 months

Monday 24th June
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Spydaman said:
It’s coming up to three weeks since I broke my collarbone and it now feels like it’s fusing together. I’m still using a sling to support it and doing the exercises the physio gave me. There’s going to be a bit of a bump where the break was but no sticky out bits. I feel like I might even be able to drive in another week or so. If anything it’s the two ribs I broke at the same time which are still a bit painful but least I can cough now without crying out in pain.
I drove to the docs the day after it happened. manual car and it was my left side that broke. Changed gear with the right hand. Doc asked how i got there "erm i walked...." lol


Original Poster:

1,580 posts

263 months

Wednesday 10th July
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Tomorrow it’ll be 5 weeks since I broke my collarbone into 5 pieces. I’ve seen the physio who gave me some exercises and told me to wean myself off the sling The consultant assured me he could see on the x-ray it was starting to mend. The lump where the small pieces of bone are fusing is getting bigger but the main parts of bone don’t seem to move in unison. If I raise my shoulder the outer part of collarbone moves with it but the inner bit doesn’t. It seems they are not joining. It doesn’t hurt but clicks and clonks sometimes when I move it.
All very frustrating as I can’t drive, ride my motorbike, cycle or work in the garage.


453 posts

111 months

Wednesday 10th July
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I broke mine in 2 places about 2.5 weeks ago now, cycling accident. The xray was from a couple of hours after. Had an appointment with fractures and orthopaedic clinic this week and the chap I saw was very non committal about fixing it or letting it heal. Anybody any thoughts about letting it heal or go for the surgery option?

My untrained eye struggles to see how it sorts itself out without future possible niggles, but I'm not an expert in these things.

As an aside, I'm grateful for my helmet doing it's intended job, as I don't think I'd be here without it headache


Original Poster:

1,580 posts

263 months

Wednesday 10th July
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This is what it looked like after 4 weeks. No wonder it won’t heal.


10,653 posts

160 months

Thursday 11th July
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I broke mine when I was 16 playing rugby. No cast, sling and told to get on with it.

Healed, but not fantastically and I have a lump on one side. Doesn't stop me doing anything or exercising.

I dislocated the same shoulder about 10 years ago, and thats caused me more issues.


4,571 posts

169 months

Friday 12th July
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asfault said:

Here's my broken sticking out one.
Tried to stop a mate drink driving and he ran me over.
Zero cast or plate just a sling for a few weeks.
Took ages to heal and I couldn't sleep on that side for a year as it was sore.
Totally normal now apart from it sticking out like that. This was 20 odd years ago it happened.
Interesting story.

What happened to the ‘mate’?


4,595 posts

259 months

Friday 12th July
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Spydaman said:
This is what it looked like after 4 weeks. No wonder it won’t heal.

That looks nasty - have you seen the fracture clinic?

I broke mine in 3 in 2018, it was tenting quite badly and the numpty that I saw pushed hard on the bit that was sticking out which made be scream....

After 3 weeks of getting nowhere with the NHS I had it plated privately. Before the operation my left shoulder was 5cm shorter in length than my right.


Original Poster:

1,580 posts

263 months

Friday 12th July
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I was in hospital for a week after it happened and they said they couldn’t plate it as there wasn’t anything big enough to screw it to. I saw the consultant last week and am having a CT scan today ready for when I see him again but thats not til 14th August. That seems a long time after the scan so will try and get it brought forward. It feels as though the two ends aren’t joining together but it doesn’t hurt and looks ok from the outside just a little bump and a small scar.