Vasectomy vs. Female Sterilisation

Vasectomy vs. Female Sterilisation



Original Poster:

6,742 posts

217 months

Tuesday 18th June
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My wife and I have three children (10, 7 and 3) and we both turn 37 later this year. This is feels like quite enough offspring and we are getting old. hehe

Something needs to be done as the current situation of “temporary methods” is a bit crap. I’m a shagger and this is important. hehe My wife doesn’t want to go back on the pill or have something physical in her body like the coil (fair enough), so it’s onto more permanent solutions.

Obviously these are me having a vasectomy or her undergoing sterilisation. I’d assumed the former was the way to go but, after a quick Google, it would seem lots of women are going down the tube-tying route nowadays as well.

I must admit I’m not overly into the idea of a vasectomy… whilst rare, the idea of long-term pain is somewhat off-putting, as is a small question mark over prostate cancer risk (there’s a fair history of it in my family). I appreciate the procedure itself is less invasive than the female alternative, but that does seem to have fewer - if any - long-term downsides.

Basically what I’m asking is if you’ve had a vasectomy, how was it? If your wife / girlfriend has been down the other route, how was it for her?

I guess the best endorsements would be from surgeons who carry out the procedures on whether or not they would have them done themselves.

I think we need to book a GP appointment to discuss it properly with someone who actually knows medical things, but a car forum full of blokes is definitely second best in the meantime. biggrin


Also, any clinic / doctor recommendations to carry out either? I’m in Essex so assuming London is the place to go. I want the best, not the cheapest. Nothing in Turkey thanks. rofl

Edited by David87 on Wednesday 19th June 00:03


4,829 posts

143 months

Wednesday 19th June
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David87 said:
My wife and I have three children (10, 7 and 3) and we both turn 37 later this year. This is feels like quite enough offspring and we are getting old. hehe

Something needs to be done as the current situation of “temporary methods” is a bit crap. I’m a shagger and this is important. hehe My wife doesn’t want to go back on the pill or have something physical in her body like the coil (fair enough), so it’s onto more permanent solutions.

Obviously these are me having a vasectomy or her undergoing sterilisation. I’d assumed the former was the way to go but, after a quick Google, it would seem lots of women are going down the tube-tying route nowadays as well.

I must admit I’m not overly into the idea of a vasectomy… whilst rare, the idea of long-term pain is somewhat off-putting, as is a small question mark over prostate cancer risk (there’s a fair history of it in my family). I appreciate the procedure itself is less invasive than the female alternative, but that does seem to have fewer - if any - long-term downsides.

Basically what I’m asking is if you’ve had a vasectomy, how was it? If your wife / girlfriend has been down the other route, how was it for her?

I guess the best endorsements would be from surgeons who carry out the procedures on whether or not they would have them done themselves.

I think we need to book a GP appointment to discuss it properly with someone who actually knows medical things, but a car forum full of blokes is definitely second best in the meantime. biggrin

There probably arent that many surgeons who do both procedures as they are specific to ladies and gents

My limited understanding is that the gents operation is done with a local anaesthetic and carries little risk whilst the ladies procedure needs a general and occasionally results in life threatening haemorrhage and/or abdominal/pelvic badness

Good luck - your partner is lucky to have you


Some Gump

12,826 posts

191 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Just get the snip, it's not that bad.


3,695 posts

157 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I suspect that the reason many women get it done is because their male partner won't, women on average are much more sensible about seeing a professional with regards to their sexual health, and probably any medical query in fact. Anecdotally I know several of my friends flat out refused, and at least one of their girlfriends went for the op, a much more involved procedure.

Vestectomy is simple and quick, the after effects can be different for everyone, and you won't know until you have it, that's the downside. The doctor will have a quick look before hand and be able to tell you there and then if they think they'll have any issues doing it.

For what it's worth, I was in and out in 15 minutes. Pain was comparable to slightly catching your sack in a zip when they did the anaesthetic, and whilst I could feel the rest of the tugging, no pain at all. Drove myself there and back and was in work the following day and cleared out the garage when I got back. Dull and minor ache for a day or two, after which i felt normal and began to forget I even had it done. A bit of quality time with pornhub a week later and felt fine, albeit with a small bit of blood. Sent my results off a few weeks back and results were sterile.

Get it done, you'll likely be fine. Worst I've heard of (again, anecdotally from those I know) is a fairly bad ache for a week and an occasional mild ache every few months.

Beats having a pregnancy scare.


793 posts

82 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I had the snip a couple of years ago, the worst part was the hair growing back after having to shave the area. Just get it done, follow the docs advice for recovery and and it's all good.
I don't think female sterilisation was even considered

Edited by stinkyspanner on Wednesday 19th June 05:58


1,031 posts

185 months

Wednesday 19th June
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If your wife has given birth to three it's time you took some pain. Just get the snip. It's quick and easy. I had it done years ago and it's not bad at all.


2,135 posts

262 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Yep. Been there done that. After 3 kids, hitting 40 we decided enough was enough. Minor pain for a couple of days. Never looked back.


485 posts

61 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Real men get the snip.

There’s no way I’d let my wife have an unnecessary abdominal operation.
Having said this, I’m still waiting to find out if mine has worked after nearly a year. And it was quite uncomfortable so if it hasn’t worked I’m not having it done again and will accept more inconvenient contraception methods.


1,515 posts

92 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Get it done. No man has ever died from it but plenty of women die in childbirth and having abdominal surgery. In fact just having a general anaesthetic carries a 1 in 100,000 risk of death.
Try explaining why their mum is dead to your kids because your a “shagger”!
Why is it even a question that this is the woman’s responsibility? You could always use a condom.
Stop being selfish.
I’ve had it done as have most of my friends and family once we are done with having children.

Edited by lrdisco on Wednesday 19th June 06:20


3,200 posts

247 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Get the snip much less risk involved.


4,746 posts

70 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Had the snip about 6 years ago after the 2nd was born and no issues or regrets, felt like I’d been kicked in the nuts for a couple of days, that numb ache you get.

Personally I wouldn’t expect my wife to go through sterilisation when the snip is a very minor procedure.

Mine was a local anaesthetic at a GP surgery.


4,659 posts

30 months

Wednesday 19th June
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drmike37 said:
Real men get the snip.

There’s no way I’d let my wife have an unnecessary abdominal operation.
Having said this, I’m still waiting to find out if mine has worked after nearly a year. And it was quite uncomfortable so if it hasn’t worked I’m not having it done again and will accept more inconvenient contraception methods.
Why on earth are you still waiting after a year?

Agreed it’s the man’s job after the stress my wife has put her body through creating two humans.

I was one of the ones it was painful for. A bit of a dull ache for a month or so after the procedure. Stopped me working out and generally had to take it easy but I wasn’t bed ridden or anything!

A doctor mate told me to keep firing the gun after the procedure to empty both barrels apparently. Couple of months later and I’m a Jaffa.

No way would I be getting my wife abdominal surgery without reason and when the snip is so common it seems stupid to do so.

No need to shave down below these days either.

That fking injection for the anaesthetic though rofl I can laugh about it now but that’s the worst part. I had to apologise to the nurse for my language hehe

Strangest part was after frazzling one tube, the doc goes “hundred percent sure now Prost? No going back after this one!”

“I think I relied something along the lines of “in for a penny” but with much more swearing and through gritted teeth.

Go for it OP, you’ll love it! In all seriousness since getting it done and in no small part in also getting my wife off the pill and onto some HRT patches (her mother and grandmother were menopausal before 40) our sex life hasn’t been this good since I don’t know when?

My wife is of an age (late 30s) of women where doctors just shoved them on the pill as teenagers and they had to deal with the hormones ever since.

The pill, if it doesn’t agree with you is a fking awful drug to dope up women on, it was worth getting the snip just to get her off that and the awful periods she used to get.


5,267 posts

233 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Some Gump said:
Just get the snip, it's not that bad.
I'm a wimp and fainted during acupuncture.

It's not bad, in fact it didn't bother me at all!!


2,488 posts

176 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Get the snip.
We met 27 years ago and both had 2 kids each from previous. The last thing we wanted was any more of the little blighters.
Mulled it over for a couple of years to make sure we were solid.
Had a chat with our quack and he suggested a local clinic where i could have it done in a week or so for £150.
Mrs Marky being a nurse, asked to watch and sat at the "meat & veg" end and watched the op. spermflames


2,791 posts

184 months

Wednesday 19th June
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David87 said:
My wife and I have three children (10, 7 and 3) and we both turn 37 later this year. This is feels like quite enough offspring and we are getting old. hehe

Something needs to be done as the current situation of “temporary methods” is a bit crap. I’m a shagger and this is important. hehe My wife doesn’t want to go back on the pill or have something physical in her body like the coil (fair enough), so it’s onto more permanent solutions.

Obviously these are me having a vasectomy or her undergoing sterilisation. I’d assumed the former was the way to go but, after a quick Google, it would seem lots of women are going down the tube-tying route nowadays as well.

I must admit I’m not overly into the idea of a vasectomy… whilst rare, the idea of long-term pain is somewhat off-putting, as is a small question mark over prostate cancer risk (there’s a fair history of it in my family). I appreciate the procedure itself is less invasive than the female alternative, but that does seem to have fewer - if any - long-term downsides.

Basically what I’m asking is if you’ve had a vasectomy, how was it? If your wife / girlfriend has been down the other route, how was it for her?

I guess the best endorsements would be from surgeons who carry out the procedures on whether or not they would have them done themselves.

I think we need to book a GP appointment to discuss it properly with someone who actually knows medical things, but a car forum full of blokes is definitely second best in the meantime. biggrin


Also, any clinic / doctor recommendations to carry out either? I’m in Essex so assuming London is the place to go. I want the best, not the cheapest. Nothing in Turkey thanks. rofl

Edited by David87 on Wednesday 19th June 00:03
Just have a Vesctotomy, it isn't a big deal at all,I had one at 35 and it really is no big deal. She has given you 3 kids and has been through enough.

Now, having a circumcision as an adult is much, mcuh worse.


719 posts

194 months

Wednesday 19th June
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I had it done four years ago and it wasn't anything to worry about. I had a few weeks of tenderness and sometimes even now still get a very mild ache in the area even now but nothing to write home about. Mine was done at a local GP surgery free of charge on the NHS and I was in and out in less than 20 minutes, a couple of days off work then back to normal. I failed the first round of testing for being sterile after a few weeks so had to carry on using protection for a couple more months but all fine after that.

The worst thing was arriving for the procedure to find that the doctor had a very attractive female student nurse assisting him. There was no point trying to be modest in that situation but lying on the table with my tackle out waiting for the doctor to arrive while trying to make small talk about the weather has to be one of the more embarrassing moments of my life!

Would I do it again? Yes. Far less pain and worry than another child would be!


184 posts

8 months

Wednesday 19th June
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My wife got her tubes tied. We had a lot of trouble having our 2nd child. Tried again for a 3rd but wasn't for happening, by then the wife was totally scunnered with the grief and heartache, could almost see the switch trip when she decided she'd had enough and wanted steralised. She must have been in her early 30's at the time, and took a bit of persuading the docs to do it.


51,071 posts

203 months

Wednesday 19th June
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My first wife told me one us should be sterilised and it wasn't going to her. By deduction, I realised she meant me. Her line was, "If we ever parted, would you want more children with someone else?"

She didn't mean 'if' she meant 'when.'


The operation was a piece of cake. Marie Stopes did it for me. Not her personally. Excellent. 35 years ago. My scrotum was black for a couple of weeks but other than that no problems.


3,032 posts

134 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Another snipee here. Its really not anything to worry about. Follow the advice given to take it easy for a couple of days and invest in some budgie smugglers if you don't already have any and for the love of god, sit down gently for the few days afterwards laugh

Edit: Advice we received was that female sterilisation is much more invasive and risky than a vasectomy, which obviously had a bearing on our decision.

Edited by MrBig on Wednesday 19th June 09:47


6,118 posts

168 months

Wednesday 19th June
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Snip was fine for me. Nurse held my hand (!) and surgeon and I talked about motorsport.

Mild pain for a couple of days, no more than that.