Lady business - cervical smear

Lady business - cervical smear



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8,884 posts

105 months

Tuesday 20th February
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About 6-7 years ago Mrs D had an abnormal smear result, and was called in for additional testing. From what she described it was a camera up the hoo hoo to examine her cervix more closely. They advised that there were a few abnormal cells (and remarked that it was surprising and lucky that the smear picked it up given how few there were), and advised, IIRC, annual smears.

The next year she had the smear and was given the all clear, return to 5 yearly.

She recently had her smear and the results arrived today. From the letter, now they check for HPV and, if negative, don't actually test for abnormal cells. Is that a new thing?

She showed as HPV negative but previously had abnormal cells so surely this is a foolhardy way of testing in general?

We're currently in a pretty high stress situation as her dad has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer, so I don't want to nag her to ask for additional screening if there's no point, but at the same time... This screening helps catch cancer at an early stage, so if the abnormal cells have made a return then we need to do something about it.

Any thoughts and experiences? Obviously apart from "don't discuss your missus' fanny with strangers on the internet, she won't be impressed"?


1,645 posts

24 months

Tuesday 20th February
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My missus has had similar. The last few annual tests have come back with "abnormal cells" but no HPV/anything else so then had blood tests etc. and been cleared as fine.

This time (Sept?) they just decided to do a LLETZ removal, where they use a heated hoop/scoop thing to remove some of the area to send for testing. No indication given during the smear or followup at the GP. Just got a letter through the door saying you have an urgent appointment next week.

Obviously we worried about the worst as it was that urgent so although it was not comfortable from what was said, it got done. They tell you you can bleed for like 5-10 days after, which is obviously no fun either.

Results came back with no concerns. Obviously great but a lot of palava that we don't usually have for the same information but I guess better safe than sorry.


236 posts

156 months

Wednesday 21st February
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Hi, I’m and Obs and Gynae consultant so can help on this one. The NHS has moved to what’s called primary HPV screening. Basically cervical cancer doesn’t really develop without HPV being present (there are only some exceedingly rare exceptions to this). Therefore by testing for HPV first, and only looking for abnormal cells in those who test positive for HPV, we can still catch the precursors to cancer, but avoid the false positives and stress associated with being told you have abnormal cells, as most abnormal cells will not progress to cancer, particularly in the absence of HPV.

This is why the UK also now offers the HPV vaccine to kids. If you stop people getting HPV, you stop them getting cervical cancer.

So don’t stress, no additional testing needed.