Prostate check


Wing Commander

Original Poster:

2,198 posts

237 months

Wednesday 14th February
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Hi all

Just wanted to get a second opinion on prostate checks etc


I'm 40 this summer
1 uncle has died from prostate cancer, aged 66, and another uncle had successful treatment for same

It's good that society is talking a lot more about being proactive with getting checks etc, so I contacted GP and arranged to get a check - few weeks wait, but that was fine.

Appointment was today, and GP couldn't have tried harder to get me to not have any checks today. Was trying to fob me off with just a "understand the PSA test" booklet. Whilst I understand the PSA test on its own is unreliable, my expectation given my family background was to have the PSA test and the digital check.

It basically took me getting a little bit annoyed at the resistance to doing anything for him to relent, and with some actual huffing and sighing from him as he walked off to get the blood kit, I had both done.

Personally, I am happy that I've had both done. The digital check was fine and obvs I need to wait for the bloods to come back, but it's the peace of mind that I want, knowing that it's been checked, even if there are no 100% gaurantees.


8,849 posts

186 months

Wednesday 14th February
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Sounds very sensible in what you’re doing, I do find the reluctance of your Dr alarming though, I don’t live in the Uk so can’t comment but is this usual practice for the GP to be less than helpful especially with a disease that is or can be embarrassing for some men, kudos to you and hopefully the bloods come back ok

Big Al.

69,079 posts

263 months

Wednesday 14th February
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Well done you for standing your ground! clapclap

I don't understand the reticence that some GP's have with such a routine check! worst case scenarios that it's a waste of a surgical glove, best case is that catch a problem and are able to resolve the issue in a timely manner.

Having had PC and the 37 radiotherapy sessions and numerous oestrogen shots for a couple of years, I was still fairly shocked to see a good number of men UNDER 50 undergoing radiotherapy when I was having mine.

Again well done, and hope all your tests are negative.

Wing Commander

Original Poster:

2,198 posts

237 months

Wednesday 14th February
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Thanks both

Yes, I am glad I stood my ground. Felt uncomfortable to do so, given that a GP is clearly going to be more knowledgeable than I am, but I definitely prefer the idea of a negative result being given, rather than a positive result going missed.


10,593 posts

40 months

Wednesday 14th February
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As I have mentioned several times in the Prostate Cancer thread, your body and your life. Insist on
those checks and insist on second opinion if you have any doubts at all.


34,178 posts

124 months

Wednesday 14th February
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To be honest, I'm fairly surprised he did it.

You might have seen it already but there is some rationale here:

I've found even with private treatment they follow the same guidelines / protocols as NHS and won't do stuff if whatever decision tree they use doesn't call for it.

There is a private blood test you can get which is considered much more reliable than the PSA test. It's discussed in the prostate thread around July 23. Test is:


508 posts

53 months

Wednesday 14th February
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I’m not sure how reliable the psa test is as I’ve had results from 8 -23 , finger test was a stare & you’ve a large lump & you’ve had it along time , when a doctor says that you think how long , subject to most recent biopsy I’m 3 1/2 yrs on active observation , still here .
I personally ( consultants seem to agree ) think the only 100% way of checking prostrate is a biopsy .
My 2 nd mri showed a change in lump , liaison, after a biopsy they found no difference , I recently had a psa test of 13 .4 ( my consultant said due to infections ) , another team / consultant said I want a biopsy to prove / disprove that as it could be cancer has become more aggressive
Same as my kidney cancer , cat scans / mri scans but confirmation was by a biopsy
Personally after having a blood test for peeing a lot / itching & from that finding out I’m diabetic , prostrate cancer , kidney cancer , heart murmur /iregular heart beat , high bp, circulation problems I’d enjoy your life ( just my thoughts sometimes ) .


1,097 posts

91 months

Wednesday 14th February
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It's a tricky one - very common male cancer so testing for it sounds such a no brainer. Pity we can't (yet) determine who has normal results yet rip-roaring cancer and who has abnormal results but is unlikely to ever face a problem from it. Bluntly, the problem with testing and the reason why medics are ambivalent about it in general is that you can't be sure a negative result excludes cancer, and you don't know how seriously to take a positive result.

Even if diagnosed with prostate cancer there's not necessarily any rush to do much about it. A relative of mine was recently diagnosed and asked whether he wanted treatment (quite likely to leave him impotent and incontinent) or no treatment (possible, but unlikely it would grow and kill him if left alone, much more likely he'd die before then of old age).

He chose to leave things as they they are and try to forget about it. YMMV.


1,492 posts

268 months

Wednesday 14th February
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Interesting how different surgeries differ. I'm now 60 and do not go to the doctors regularly as I have no need, but I did go when I was around 50 and again around 55 and both times they said 'Oooh, we don't see you very often but since you are here would you mind if we......' as they reached for the rubber gloves.

Riley Blue

21,430 posts

231 months

Thursday 15th February
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There's a very long thread about all aspects of prostate cancer up there ^^^^^^ at the top of this section.

It might be worth having a look in it or maybe having this thread merged with it.